
The Sister is a Male Succubus

Incubus and Succubus. Whenever something happens to anyone's relationship, those two are to blame. The evil spirits, the demons, and the hungry creatures for sexual actions. No one ever cared about their origins. All they cared about was their disappearance. If they disappear forever, then everything will be alright. Everyone will live happily ever after. But what would you do if you were hunted down by one of those demons? "Hands off, demon!!" Slender hands moved through the priest's broad shoulders and chest, "just this time, father, please?" The demon pleaded. Warning!!! Sexual actions - angst - mention of death - mention of blood - pregnant male This novel is +18 since there will be smutty chapters that will keep increasing later!! Updates!! Udates twice a week!! Extra chapters will be released soon

kittykat_02 · LGBT+
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26 Chs

A Nightmare Part 1 (Read Warning)


If any of the things listed below makes you uncomfortable, please pass the first part of the chapter where those warnings for, you can pass until the part where he wakes up!! This chapter contains:

Mention of blood - Violence - Negative talking







He kept rolling in his bed, but he still felt a horrible discomfort, the weather was cool, but he was sweating bullets as if he was in the middle of August.

Luckily, he had his own room ever since he was one of the chosen to become Michael's wing, so there was no worry about his noise, but this time it was more than usual.

In his dreams, he was walking in Archangel Uriel's temple, he went to the hall and straight to the huge praying room. There was no one there but a small ball of light, he walked toward it slowly until he reached it.

The light started to glow more before it moved toward the west hall, "wait!" He ran after it not knowing where it will go. The light flashed before it started to fade away slowly the closer he got to it. When it disappeared, the doors on his right side opened abruptly, he looked inside and saw the same black hair glowing as if stars were stuck to it.

He walked toward her slowly holding back his hand from touching her to not scare her again, "Sister Oriana?" He called for her. When he caught her jolt and look up, he had hoped to see her at least happy to see him, but it was something worse than he had imagined.

When she turned to face him, he wasn't met by her innocent face but by his father's. He was glaring at him and gritting his teeth with anger seething from his eyes. He stood up and loomed above his son and rose his hand, "look at you!! You didn't only kill your mother, but you were gonna be the cause of a sister's death! A one who could become the next wing!!"

"N- No! I- I wasn't the reason! It was an unexpected accident!"

"Bullshit again! You said the same to me in the face when you came back alive and she didn't!! You monster! You're not God's gift but a curse, you hear me?! You are a curse! Whoever you're around will only suffer and live in pain!!" Asher fell to his knees while his father's words echoed in his head, he started to feel stung on his body. When he looked at the mirror on the wall, he saw himself bleeding with blue spots on different parts of his body.

"A curse..." He mumbled before something glowed in front of him, the moment he looked up tears started to stream down his cheeks, "S- Sister Or- Oria- Oriana?" She looked down at him with tears flowing down her glowing face, she shook her head and turned to walk away leaving him alone to get hit by his father.

"Sister Oriana!! Please! I'm not like this, I swear!!"

'Why am I explaining myself? She's not the first to turn her back to me!' he tried to rationalize the whole thing but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't let her of all people leave him like that.

"Then prove it. Prove me you, who will become an Archangel's wing, don't fear old memories like him" she said without turning back and left after that.

"Wait!!" He yelled and rose from his place. When he looked around, he was in his bedroom, "shit" he cursed under his breath.

Asher pushed away the quilt and went to wash up before he wore his clothes and walked out to the main hall, "good morning" kept repeating in everyone's mouth whenever they passed by Asher, the priest was respected between all and that gave him fame, not as the best priest in work only, but as the most handsome man in the place too, some women would even come just to see him, but ever since he got promoted, he showed up less and got more work to do outside the temple.

"Good morning, your holiness. It's good to see you again, hope you were enlightened?" an old man in white clothes and a long white beard welcomed the young priest, "ah, your holiness! Thank you, and yes, I got the chance to learn a lot from Uriel's wing and the sisters!!"

"It doesn't seem to be the only thing that happened and enlightened you" that point out made Asher halt his steps and look at the old man in horror, "I'm not a wing for no reason, young man. I hope you will tell me about her when you're ready~" Michael's wing left and Asher stared at his fading back in shock. Was he that obvious? But there was nothing between him and Sister Oriana, it was just a slight interest because she had a unique look compared to the other sisters.

"Oh! And one last thing!"

"Gaah! Your holiness!!? Please don't do that! I want to live until I become a wing!"

"It's amazing to see how confident you are, haha. As for what I wanted to tell you, hmmm... Ah! I remembered! Though Archangel Uriel is strong her strength can never surpass Archangel Michael's, and that's why he and his wings protect her and her wings at all costs! The same thing for Gabriel and Raphael, Archangel Gab and her wings protect Raphael and his wings! You can say those are rules but in fact, each one of the two warriors chose who they wanted to protect."

Asher stared at the wing for moments until he realized what he meant, so he smiled brightly and bowed deeply for the wing before he ran toward the training field with one thing in his mind, 'I will be your guardian and protector! So please wait for me, Sister Oriana!' He held the first weapon in front of him before a group of visual enemies appeared and started attacking him.

"I'm sorry Archangel, but I guess I will allow the forbidden"

"I can't believe you did that"

"I don't have much time" the wing smiled at the shadow of the Archangel, Michael. The Archangel stared at his wing and gave it a thought before he chuckled, "Archangels are forbidden from intervening with humans' matters unless God allowed them. You know fully well about that rule, and yet here you are" the wing glanced at him before he turned back to stare at Asher.

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"You sly humans, you never fail to surprise me"

"Don't get me wrong, it's just... This is the first time I see him lively like that and with a purpose to keep living at that" Archangel Michael turned to look at the glow in Asher's eyes and understood what his wing meant, "it's in times like this I wish we're allowed to read humans' life scrolls" he mumbled.

I almost forgot to update djdvjshs sorryyy!!!

kittykat_02creators' thoughts