
The Siren Song: A tale of a New Rebirth

A tale of the Rebirth of a human becoming a Siren. A first-person point-of-view story that involves: Mystery, Romance, Betrayal, and more. Read to discover what becomes of the protagonist when she uncovers a lost presence inside her.

A_Squared · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter one: The Rebirth

I know with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream-Vincent Van Gogh.

I always dreamed of a faraway land, of a place that could take me away from my daily life. It seems like I do the same thing anyway with my time, not like my life is any special from anyone else's. I go to the Coffee Shop every day by the shore and order the same thing, nothing special. A Turkish coffee with Whip Cream and Vanilla, just the right kind of sweet that I like.

I follow up with this every day with a daily dose of Stress as usual and repeat this pattern every day. I've been doing this pattern since middle school and repeated it all the way up to my current job. Surprisingly still managing to keep my body healthy through all the coffees I had.

I sigh, I'm so tired, I've been tired for the past couple of days now and I wish, I wish I didn't have to be tired. But, what choice do I have? It's not like anyone cares any-!

A guy walked up to me and he took my coffee and threw it in the trash. "This is not good for you." He said with his pale eyes, I.I didn't have a response. I just sat my head down and nodded. I knew he was right but I didn't want to admit it, why would I anyway? I don't know this guy. He got in front of me and stared into my eyes with curiosity, "Come with me."

I couldn't help but listen to him, because it sounded like he was singing the words, it was an endless void that I was sucked in. "Ohh, tired one, come with me, end your sorrows and finally sleep." He sang those words to me and everything felt pointless compared to his voice. I followed him, not like I had a choice in the matter anyway and he led me to the top of a cliff where the Ocean lay beneath.

"You said you're tired, yes? Well, now it's time for you to finally sleep." He said in calming words with a smile. I cocked my head to the side in tears of what he said, clear liquid pouring out of my eyes, "W. What are you talking about? How do you-!" He put a firm hand on my shoulder and his pale eyes started to glow, "Lemasa contend Lililly." He said, giving me a gentle push off the cliff, my tears falling into the abyss of the cold icy wind as I fell off the black cliff.

Faster and Faster I fell until, my face hit the ocean my body sinking deeper and deeper into the blue waters. The water filling my lungs as my tears fade into the ocean... There I saw his face once again near mine and I closed my eyes waiting for the end. But,when I awoke, my eyes were pale and my feet were one into a gray tail, I was a Siren.