
Not Welcomed


"Excuse me" Meredith mouthed and left the gathering since she couldn't take the nasty comments Cross's aunt kept throwing at her while the rest chuckled or stared at her awkwardly. Cross thought of following her but Beauty immediately stopped him by asking 

"So how did you two meet? I would love to know. I never thought you the type that would go for very young and naive girls. I thought you liked your women more sophisticated" Beauty whispered seductively in Cross's ears. For a moment he forgot why he disliked or that he needed to go after Meredith. He stared at her for a while, remembering all the times they spent together. Meredith looked back to see if Mark was coming to find out why she left suddenly but he was instead engrossed in a conversation with Beauty. It hurt badly and she wondered why she was even bothered ! He didn't even love her. All of this was to get back at his father. He didn't care about her! 

Mr. Machi sensed his distraction and directed Valerie to go after Meredith. She nodded and left immediately. 

"Hello M!" Valerie said, startling Meredith who was trying to stop her pounding head in the kitchen.

"From the auctioned virgin to a billionaire's wife. How does it feel to be the lucky one?"

"Please, you need to leave me alone, Valerie. If you have anyone to blame it is the owners of the Home who kept you locked in there. Don't take out your anger and jealousy on me. I am a slave just like you!" She stated angrily.

"Of course! You are! A wealthy slave at that! So you are now mistress of all of this? How did you do it? Tell me! Did he have one night with you and suddenly couldn't stop coming for more!"

"It's none of your business."

"Or he hasn't even had a taste of you? Oh, he must be different! But you should know he's a man. It's either you give that thing to him or gets it from somewhere else" she said, and Merdith knew she was referring to Beauty. 

"I don't need your advice. You should be thinking about the monster you have chosen to be around"

"I have no choice! Unlike you, it's no gentleman who wants me. So, you should be glad you have a man like Cross and stop keeping yourself from him!"

"Why are you here? You are no friend of mine. So, what do you want with me?"

"If only you knew the plans that are in motion for you! If only you knew you are right in the wor…"

Before she could finish,Marc grabbed her hair from behind and kissed her passionately. Meredith was disgusted and scared because Marc was staring right at her as he kissed Valerie. Valerie looked hurt even though she tried to pretend she was enjoying the kissing and Meredith couldn't help feeling rather sorry for her and scared that she was in the same space with Mark. Scanning the kitchen, she thought of how to escape before Marc tried to harm her but Cross arrived just at that moment. 

"Meredith, are you okay?" He asked and she rushed to meet him. They both walked away while Marc and Valerie continued to watch them. 

"What were you about to say when I just came in? Tell me!" Marc tells, grabbing Valerie's arms forcefully 

"Nothing… I said nothing." 

"You had better not! Neither her nor Mark should know what we are planning for that silly girl. Just stay close to her. Act like her friend and know how routines and then we can strike at the right time."

"But how can I do that when she's no friend of mine!"

"Find a way! Pretend, cry… hurt yourself but you must make her believe she's your friend one way or another or risk being punished!"

Valerie heaves and tries to control her tears, thinking of ways to make Meredith let her into her life. 


"Why did you storm out? Come on, I told you this is how my family is. They are fond of intimidating people who let them. You shouldn't have left like a coward! You must learn to toughen up against their taunting words"

"Cross, why is Marc back here? And who was the lady there? In fact, I don't care. I just don't want to be in the same place with Marc ever again."

Cross exhales "I just need to be on my own. Everything and everyone keep getting oy nerves!"

"You mean your father keeps getting on your nerves. Why?"

"It is none of your business Beauty!"


"Ooooh I am sorry. I'm just… I… look I will take care of Marc and protect you too."

"If this is all too much for you. You should let me free!"

"Shut your mouth! Shut it!"

"I bet if it was Beauty you wouldn't speak that way to her! But because I am a commodity you bought, I am not supposed to have any feelings!"

"You want to know if you are my commodity! Do you want to know how commodities are treated?" He drags her to the room while Meredith pleads for him to stop but he refused to listen. He locks the door, pushes her on the bed and she scrambles away. He rushes after again and pins her to the bed. 

"You are behaving just like a monster after you promised to protect me! Please let me go!" Meredith weeps. Cross finally lets her go after seeing himself in the mirror. He was a monster just like his father and his cousin. 

"I am a monster! It runs in my blood. I am evil" he mutters, sinking into the corner of the bed

"I don't think you are!" Meredith goes to him and holds his face. "You are not! But I think seeing your father is affecting you badly. Why?"

"I don't want to talk about it! I don't why I listened to him and let them into my house. When he disowned me, I promised never to let him into my life"

"He disowned you?"

"Look I am sorry. Meredith. I am really sorry. I shouldn't have treated you poorly just now." He holds her face, and places wet kisses on them. She lets him and he gradually moves to take off her top. Meredith remembers what Valerie told her in the kitchen and she lets him have a long look at her naked body. It was time to let the shy and innocent girl go, she told herself, drawing closer to Cross as she breathed heavily. They are about to make love when a knock interrupts them. 

"It is Beauty! Open up Cross!"