
Locked Up With a New Enemy


Meredith continued to bang on the door thinking that Niki would pounce on her at any moment. But after desperately hitting the door, she stopped trying and from the corner of her eyes she could see Niki was not interested in harassing her, she simply played with her hair like she was lost in some otherworldly place.

Tired of banging on the door, Meredith walked slowly back to her bed, her eyes still pinned on Niki who didn't even spare her a glance. As Meredith sat on her bed, she got a closer look at the troubled girl and she knew she would look quite harmless without the dark lipstick and makeup that gave her face a menacing appearance. Meredith watched for a while as she wondered what must have happened to her and why she was not included in other exercises other girls did.

Meredith immediately tore her gaze from Niki when she turned towards her direction. With a pounding heart, she laid on her bed, praying that Niki wouldn't attack her since it was just the two of them in the room. It was already dark and the darkness only added to her apprehension. Her eyes scanned around the room as she prepared herself for any attack from Niki. However, the night moved gradually and there was no movement at all from Niki. She just stayed on her bed, looking like a strange being.

When Meredith tried to drift back to sleep, there was a loud buzzing sound and she jumped from her bed, startled. But it was not Niki coming to attack her, it was some of the girls returning to their bed with grumpy faces. Meredith wanted to ask them why they were back but they looked really mad as they sank into the beds. She knew it was probably because they had not been chosen by any of the men. Shouldn't they be happy? She wanted to ask them but instead chose to go back to her sleep.

In her dream, she could hear the threatening voice of that guy who had wanted to go with her. Fear ran through her body as she remembered his strong grip on her hand and the terrifying look in his eyes. She finally went to sleep after thinking about her mother and sister and how they must be searching for her now.


It was barely morning when she woke up to the sound of Valerie's voice. She sounded really upset and Meredith was afraid to ask her what the issue was. The room was always well-lit, allowing Meredith to see that Valerie appeared to be limping and holding a part of her face. Her skimpy gown which had been looking brand new when she left looked like it was torn while her beautiful makeup was smeared all over her pretty face. And Meredith could tell she had been in a fight and she felt deeply sorry for her. 

Unable to contain her concern, Meredith asked, "What happened to you?"

Valerie erupted, blaming Meredith, "It's all your fault! You made him do this to me! You brought this upon me."

"Me?" Meredith muttered, looking confused. 

"He never wanted me and this is what he did to me because I am not you! This! Look at me! You did this to me!"

Victoria intervened, reminding Valerie, "Hey, Val, we can't draw too much attention. You know what happens when the management thinks we're ungrateful." She gently guided Valerie to her bed.

Meredith, genuinely concerned, suggested, "You should report what happened to your face. It is not right"

Valerie snapped, "Shut up! My face isn't disfigured. This is nothing." She forced a fake smile. She lifted her hands from her pretty face and Meredith could see it was filled with injuries.

The idiotic man is such a beast! Meredith wanted to erupt in anger on behalf of her but Valerie was already headed to her bed, a smile on her face as she looked at the ceiling like someone was watching her.

But inside she was burning with anger and hatred for Meredith. No man had treated her in such an appalling like Mr. Marc had done to her. He had literally taken out his anger over Meredith's rejection on her and Meredith must pay for this.

"This is all that bitch's fault! Ever since she arrived, everyone can't stop talking about her and her supposed purity. It's like the rest of us don't matter anymore. Can you believe it, Victoria? Look what a man did to me! Me, the one men used to worship and desire desperately. He did this to me because he couldn't have her. It was a horrifying experience," Valerie bitterly lamented.

Victoria whispered in response, cautious of eavesdroppers, "But why didn't you stick with your regulars? The older men who treated you well... Why involve that arrogant young man who wanted M? Why do this to yourself?"

Valerie hesitated before responding, "I…You know why, Victoria. The regulars won't help me. Don't you understand that every girl here is hoping to find a man who might either keep her or set her free? Don't you have that dream?"


"Well, it's best you do not say it out loud or you know what they would do to you. No one leaves here alive!"

"Stop it! Victoria…. Some have left here because they caught the attention of a wealthy man who could purchase their freedom" Valerie insisted.

"I am not going to be part of this conversation. I am done."

"Fine! But I'm starting to despise Meredith so much. It's as if she came here just to steal my spotlight. I'll make her time here miserable. In fact, I'll ensure she falls out of favor with the management and ends up as one of the cast-offs, maybe even dead," Valerie chuckled.

Victoria reminded her, "But first, what about your face? You won't attract any man with that disfigurement"

Valerie wept bitterly not just because her face ached but because she was no longer beautiful. And in the Siren Home beauty was everything. And it was all Meredith's fault. Her bitterness increased then as she stared at the slender girl lying peacefully on her bed.

As Meredith drifted off to sleep, she was unaware that she had just gained a new enemy in this strange and dark place.