

This world has been divided in two, and unknown forces exist in this world. They are called the Sinners. Sinners and humans have been enemies since ancient times. It was written in an old book that the sinners were actually humans before and that they had been cursed. But that book can't be found anymore. Nobody knew what had happened to the book or where it had gone.   Meet Maeve Vanille Fray, a new trainee demon hunter, until she meets Gian Louis Lucas Grey, a sinner with a cold personality, and Maeve will change her mind about them and unravel many secrets about the world.

MissDaySee · Fantasy
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Chapter 2

"Welcome trainees," said the fifty-year-old man as he took a step forward. "I am Commander Drake Collymore, your commanding officer in this academy," he introduced himself. He motioned for his two companions and said, "These two here will be the ones to train everyone here for six months." The first girl stepped forward and introduced herself. "Captain Shanaih Lin, and if you think it'll be easy because I'm a woman, then I assure you, it will be quite the opposite, and be prepared for torturous training." She said it with a terrifying smile.

"Woah. "She is scary." I muttered that to myself as I watched her step back in line as the guy with blonde hair stepped forward. "Yo! "I'm James Simon Reed, and I'm here to train you all, and don't worry, I'm harmless," he said, smiling warmly and confidently. I was shocked into disbelief because his character was far different than what I had originally perceived. I thought he had the same serious, cold aura as Captain Lin.

Everyone in the room was whispering, and I could hear the three girls here giggling and whispering in front of me. They're like the Powerpuff Girls: each girl has a different color of hair, and it's easy to tell who's who.

"Kyaah! He's ridiculously hot, tall, and lean, with his thick eyebrows and mesmerizing blue eyes, which make him more handsome." said the yellow-haired girl with pigtails. The other two girls, one with long, curly red hair and one with short black hair, nodded in agreement. That comment sparked a discussion among the girls, with the three of them agreeing.

"It hurt my eyes to see these people's ugly faces until this handsome one appeared, and my eyes are no longer throbbing. " said the girl with the long, curly red hair and grayish-to-dark eyes. The other two girls laughed and nodded in agreement, noting that it was a relief to see such an attractive man amidst the throngs of unappealing people.

"I couldn't agree more," The girl with short hair chimed in.

"Gosh!" We're lucky girls."

"I hope there are many of them who are as handsome as him that I can get married with," said the yellow-haired girl with pigtails. "But do we have chances?"

"Hmp! ""As I look at our surroundings, we have a lot of chances since the girls here are out of touch with beauty standards and ugly, and that gives us the opportunity to stand out and be noticed despite the lack of good-looking girls," the girl with curly red hair said confidently. The yellow-haired girl nodded in agreement, and thought to herself how lucky they were to have such an opportunity.

That's what I heard with these girls, and since we are nearer to them, their whisper is a little louder, so even though they are whispering, I can still hear them. and it left me shocked and in disbelief, while I can certainly agree that the person they described is good-looking. He can really attract a lot of girls. The only thing that I don't agree with them on is that they belittle us, their fellow women, and I think it is important to remember that beauty comes in many different forms and also that they come here for training, not to look for love, right? I sighed. 'Ugh! And now I'm being nosy.'

"Ehem." Commander Collymore cleared his throat and continued. "You heard correctly, these two will train each of you here for six months!

"That is why Don't be complacent, as the challenges you'll face here will be quite rigorous, and it doesn't mean that once you've passed through here you are automatically a full-fledged hunter. You're making a mistake here. I'm here to tell you that the road ahead is not going to be easy, and being a sinner hunter is not easy. So that is why every month we will be having evaluations. Evaluation is necessary since we are looking for capable people who can fight a life-and-death situation. Each of you here will fight each other, and it's a 1v1, and each of your enemies will be picked randomly, so it's either your friend or foe. There is a ranking system. If you manage to stay in the Top 30 for six months, you will be given a chance to go on special missions and graduate as a full-fledged sinner hunter. Every time a training session is conducted, your points will be awarded based on how well you perform. The highest score given in each training session is 5, and the lowest point total is 1."

Trainees" he yelled.

"One last thing, I want you to remember that you are here for a purpose, and that purpose is to learn, excel, and eventually become great officers in the service of our nation." He said it in a confident way.

"That's all there is to it, and good luck," he said, and he left with two of his young companions.

Everyone here is shocked after hearing that. Even the Powerpuff Girls are being silent. We didn't know this was their system of training for being sinner hunters, and we thought we'd made it, but we still have a lot of things to do. That is why everyone is stunned right now.

She suddenly grabbed my left arm, and I could feel the tension in her grip. She whispered to me, "We weren't expecting any of this! What do you think we should do?" I was so surprised and confused that I could hardly think, and I could feel her anxiety as well. I could feel my heart racing at the fear of the fact that the two of us will have to fight and compete for the top spot in this training session, and there's a chance that we'll be facing each other and fighting for six months, possibly failing. The pressure was already starting to build, and I don't know how I am going to handle it. I had to take a deep breath and think of all the possibilities. I knew I had to make a decision fast, so I decided to tell her that we should work together and plan a strategy that would benefit us both so that we could both reach the top together. We both agreed that it was a great plan. **"We can do this." **We both knew it would be a difficult journey, but we were willing to take the risk. Both of us smiled and nodded in agreement.