Did you ever see a ghost? They maybe sitting right next to you... Although Brooke didn't like their new house, she surely did like the empty street because at last she felt she may be at peace but did she really??
Just last week, we moved to a new place and now we are moving away to another place, after a week with Grandma, Mom has Finally found a new place for us, I was not as excited as before, now whenever I think about moving places I always think 'what if that place was haunted as well, will it be the same?' it was a little bit sad to leave Silas and to go to a new place, he said he'll be all right and that we would meet one day again but I could see that he was hurt because of me leaving so early. Our house is almost empty with nothing else left, I got in the car and took one last look at the house, was the house really haunted? Or was it just me because mom had been staying there for a week all alone and nothing happened to her, but I was away for a week and Robbie happen to appear on the picture, all these thoughts gave me a headache.
I remembered the words that were in the leaflet and it all began to sound true, you never know when you'll see a ghost, they may be sitting right next to you as you read this or they may have been with you the whole time and you just didn't know they were ghost, your lover might be a ghost and will disappear suddenly one day as if they didn't exist, they might appear anywhere like how Robbie appeared on the photo next to Brad.
The dreams I had, the things I heard, and the people I saw they were all real and will still follow me and you around.
Mrs. Rose the old woman next door was absent when we moved our house, Silas told me that her arthritis had gotten worst and she couldn't walk anymore but I know she was hiding something because the last time I saw her was when we passed by her house, I looked up from the our car window and I saw Mrs. Rose peeking at us from her window for a while before she slowly closed the curtains.