
The people sailing towards the sea

That was a rainy day , while some migrants who were sailing on a ship on the motive of doing business in outer countries. They were hanging big bags with a torch and a big basket of food containing some bread with jam . They were sailing for 100 days , while this day was the 1st starting day.

There were 8 people in the ship while the ship had all luxury bedrooms & sanitary rooms.

But the ship was silent and no one was having speech with each other. They were all men and they were fond of leaving their wife's & children in the island 🏝️ . Days were passing while they stepped into the 14th day which was somewhat different than the other.

The controller of the ship was Jack , out of those eight. The other main characters of this play is Ned & Joe who still wanted to leave home without ending up this journey.

During the 14th night , hours passed while they stepped to the dawn of the day . It was 6.00 while they were having dinner in the ship.

Suddenly they were hearing a sound of a man who is in the water in the middle of the sea , while they saw him with a rush moment , they accepted him into the ship . Now its nine with the person who joined them new and his name was cassy .

They Asked , "cassey how did you come here "

Cassy was looking around and he was shocked with a red face with some blood in it..

He started crying , he started saying " No , No , No Please turn the ship immediately "

The sailor's were looking "why"

They didn't have any idea about this. The weeping man started opening his mouth after a sip of wine 🍷 , he said

" That's dangerous , Hes single eyed "

"He was like a man , but such big than 20 time's of a man "

"He was tied up with metal contain block chains"

"His look was different "

The sailor's asked what , and they were calm for a second.

Jack asked who is he?

While cassy replied , " No Idea"

They all were filled up in fear , and had no idea to do the next move. While Ned was brilliant , he came up with his own idea , saying "let's face this"

He again said , let's go towards the man , and let us interview him. Everyone agreed while cassy still had fear 😨 in his face . The sailor turned the ship and while they were going , the captain asked many questions from cassy like

"Why did you come here?"

"Who are you …"

" How did you fell off?"

"Whom did you find"

While many questions came up , still cassy was silent 😶 in fear of that man.

They were reaching the 15th day and day's were passing ,

16 , 17 , 18 and Upto 26 it was reaching towards the down south . The man in fear shouted "Stop"

Everyone identified that they reached the destination towards the one eyed man.

So they were walking inside a small path , while the both sides of the path was on 🔥 flame with some animals hooting & shouting sound's.

They didn't stop , whole continued toward the eyed Person.. while going inside their were some Evil spirit's saying "Do not enter " to the hell .

They still didn't mind , kept walking ... Their they saw a big let and they were still walking , and ti reach his leg it was 1 day . Everyone had a fear now , that if the leg was this size , what would his full attire would be. So they still kept walking until the writer stepped towards the next chapter.