
The Sinful awakening of Dante

In a world much like our own, Dante leads a quiet life, blending into the background with his shy demeanor and nerdy interests. Despite his unassuming nature, he enjoys the support of a loving family and excels academically. However, his world is shattered when the most beautiful and popular girl in school manipulates him, leading to a brutal attack that nearly takes his life. As Dante lies on the brink of death, a mysterious and radiant woman intervenes, offering him a chance at redemption. With a dazzling smile, she alters his fate, plunging him into a world of mystery and adventure beyond his wildest imagination... "System aligning with host... System aligned. Welcome host to the 7 sins system" This story is my first attempt at writing but the concept came from a rpg table top that me and some friends created I hope you enjoy. The MC is based of my character from the table top mixed with my actual personality.

Stephen_Smith_0911 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 8- My system does what?!!!

As I lay in bed, still reeling from the vivid dream of Celestia, a familiar sensation washed over me. It was the voice of the system, speaking directly into my mind.

"System aligning with host... System aligned. Welcome host to the 7 Sins System."

The words echoed through my consciousness, sending a shiver down my spine. This wasn't a dream or a hallucination. It was the system, alive and active within me.

"7 Sins System?" I repeated, more to myself than to the voice. "What does that even mean?"

The system's response was swift and matter-of-fact. "The 7 Sins System grants its host access to a variety of abilities and powers, each tied to one of the seven deadly sins."

I frowned, absorbing this information. "Abilities and powers? Like what?"

"Like enhanced strength, speed, and charisma," the system explained. "But each sin also comes with its own set of challenges and temptations, which the host must navigate carefully."

Excitement and apprehension mingled within me. This was a monumental revelation, one that would change everything about my life.

But there was no time to dwell on it now. The system's voice took on a more serious tone.

"Host, there is much for you to learn about your new abilities and the responsibilities that come with them. But fear not, for I am here to guide you every step of the way."

I nodded, a sense of determination settling over me. Whatever lay ahead, I was ready to face it head-on. With the 7 Sins System at my disposal there was nothing I couldn't overcome.

And so, with a newfound sense of purpose, I set out to discover the full extent of my newfound powers and unravel the mysteries of the 7 Sins System. I was eager to start the journey that would change my life forever.

As I delved deeper into the workings of the system, I discovered its true purpose. Not only did it grant me access to incredible abilities, but it also helped track the spiritual manifestation of each sin. In order to harness the full extent of their power, I would need to confront and conquer each sin, overcoming their challenges and temptations along the way.

And as I conquered each sin, the system itself would undergo a transformation, unlocking new features and abilities that would aid me in my quest. It was a symbiotic relationship, one that would ultimately lead me to unlock the true potential of the 7 Sins System and become the champion I was destined to be.

Already, I could feel the effects of the system's influence taking hold. Enhanced strength surged through my veins, and I could feel my body getting lighter, as I looked in the mirror across from my bed I could see appearance had changed just a little nothing to noticable but I was definitely a little more handsome and my jaw alittle more sharper. As I was looking through the skills all but 3 were locked. The skills unlocked were Sinful Detector( the tracking skill), Martial Combat( albeit at level 1 out of 10 so basic hand to hand) and Bronze Tongue, the first stage of my persuasion ability. But I knew this was only the beginning. There were still two more stages to unlock of my persuasion ability- Silver Tongue and Devil Tongue - each promising even greater persuasive power.

' with this I can get revenge and never let anything like that happen again' I thought to myself.

"You are partially correct host, there is still more work that needs to be done there are other forces at play here remember"

"Damn that's going to get annoying no peace and quiet in my own head." I thought about what my system had said and remembered the snippets of of Malcolms conversation,

"System thanks for reminding me. Well no time like the present I see the sinful detector has a passive function and active function are there any spiritual manifestations nearby" I ask.

"Not in the immediate vicinity but I suggest we take a walk host It is a very beautiful day"

As I'm walking I'm browsing my system looking through some of the features and wondering how cool this system is there's no screen like you read about in those light novels or fan fics, it's more like a mental computer screen but I can still see whats around me.

"Sinful spirit detected would the host like to actively track." I'm interrupted from my browsing and notice where near the solarium.

"Yes actively track"

"Actively tracking... Spiritual manifestation of Sloth detected in solarium"

Another chapter I hope you guys are enjoying I'm going to try and update frequently I have slot of this stuff memorized from our playing days so it may slow down a bit but will see. Also if your enjoying please leave comments and reviews and vote with power stones you don't have to if you don't want to obviously but it would let me know your enjoying yourself. Thanks a bunch.

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