
The Sinful awakening of Dante

In a world much like our own, Dante leads a quiet life, blending into the background with his shy demeanor and nerdy interests. Despite his unassuming nature, he enjoys the support of a loving family and excels academically. However, his world is shattered when the most beautiful and popular girl in school manipulates him, leading to a brutal attack that nearly takes his life. As Dante lies on the brink of death, a mysterious and radiant woman intervenes, offering him a chance at redemption. With a dazzling smile, she alters his fate, plunging him into a world of mystery and adventure beyond his wildest imagination... "System aligning with host... System aligned. Welcome host to the 7 sins system" This story is my first attempt at writing but the concept came from a rpg table top that me and some friends created I hope you enjoy. The MC is based of my character from the table top mixed with my actual personality.

Stephen_Smith_0911 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 4-I should have listened to my gut

Excitement bubbled within Dante as he arrived home, his mind buzzing with anticipation for his upcoming rendezvous with Heather. Rushing upstairs, he quickly changed into his best outfit, his heart pounding with nervous energy as he imagined the possibilities of the evening ahead.

With a final glance in the mirror to ensure everything was in place, Dante set out for Heather's house, his steps light with anticipation. As he walked, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease gnawing at the pit of his stomach, a voice whispering in the back of his mind that something wasn't right. But he pushed the feeling aside, eager to see where the night would take him.

Arriving at Heather's house, Dante's excitement reached a fever pitch as he approached the front door. However, his elation quickly turned to confusion as he spotted a group of guys loitering on the sidewalk out front. Among them was Heather's ex-boyfriend, flanked by his two friends, their menacing presence sending a chill down Dante's spine.

'What's he doing here'

"Hey maggot I see you actually came " Malcolm Heather's ex taunted.

'whats he talking about'

As I'm having my inner monologue Heather steps out the front door wearing the same outfit she had on at school.

"Wow you actually thought I was serious look at you all dressed up" she sneered as she walked up to Malcom and wrapped herself around him.

"W-whats going on?" Dante stammers.

"What's going on nerd is this is a practical joke, did you honestly think I'd go out with someone like you when I have Malcolm here" Heather smirked as she taunted me.

"Yeah time to kick your ass nerd"

Before Dante could react, the group descended upon him, their fists flying as they unleashed a brutal assault. Caught off guard and outnumbered, Dante fought back as best he could, his mind reeling with shock and confusion. How could this be happening? He wondered, the pain and fear clouding his thoughts as he struggled to defend himself against the relentless onslaught.

As the blows rained down upon him, Dante's mind flashed back to the warning signs he had ignored, the nagging sense of unease that had plagued him since his encounter with Heather. He should have listened to his gut, he realized with bitter regret, but now it was too late.

With a final, bone-jarring blow, darkness engulfed Dante's vision as he crumpled to the ground, his body battered and broken. And as consciousness slipped away, he couldn't help but wonder how he had been so blind, so foolish, to trust in the promises of a girl like Heather.

Little did he know, this brutal awakening was only the beginning...

welp another chapter thanks guys for reading I hope you enjoyed it.

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