
The sin of the Countess of Malibrán.

Back in the early 80's, at a time when there was no cell phone or Internet, the fastest and most effective communication system was the telephone, telegraph, and the ordinary mail, the slowest but functional, and when population statistics indicated that there was 7 women for every man in the world, this story is developed full of myths and old popular legends, all of the area surrounding the historic port of Veracruz in Mexico, the story pretends to be of paranormal terror, but it has its touch of comedy, where 3 high school student girls who lived in a boarding house for young ladies, accidentally release the evil spirit of the countess of Malibrán, one of the oldest popular legends of Veracruz, who, full of fury, struggles to take them to hell from where they had her awakened, to be able to go back to sleep and stop suffering for the forgiveness that nobody knows what it consists of, but the powerful Countess has a weak point, a staunch enemy, to He who cannot win and cannot even fight with him, the count of Malibrán, who returns for her every time they invoke to assassinate her, as he murdered her in life, and between the desperate cries of forgiveness of the evil Countess who flees to escape from her executioner, and the screams crying out for revenge from the count of Malibrán, this story unfolds that threatens to end in an apocalypse, but not a zombie apocalypse, nor nuclear, nor by the fall of a celestial body, much less biblical, not alien invasión, and Nor is it due to a pandemic or bacteriological war, but an apocalypse caused by the sin of the countess of Malibrán, who at the end of the whole story, shows us that everything is fine as it is, in perfect balance, because if only it were to be missing Even one of the most common sins, would be the end of mankind and society as we know it, It’s a true love kiss story; Just like in a fairy tale!

YurikVazquez · Fantasy
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63 Chs

The fucking kid!

Of the original inhabitants of this story, only Adelina and her son, Mr. Hermelindo, remained; Pamela with her parents; Romaia with her parents and brother; Érika with her siblings because her parents had fallen in the first attacks; Ana Lee that had lost her entire family; Manuel del Villar and his parents, the Verch brothers, that his parents and his little brother Mickey were still safe in Fort Barrancas; Belinda, who had already lost her entire family; Benjamin and Giovanny, that is, the Oyster and the Snail, that they had been recovered by Soledad before all the enclaves of the extinct insurgent army of the Román mansion fell, some friends of René who lived in the neighborhood, and six more of the tenants who had also been rescued by Soledad, but these and 10 others were kept with sleep spells and locked in the largest of rooms; Leticia Correa and her cameraman, who by the way, was always the same, ah and the Queco who had also survived to the apocalypse, barking stoically in every defense of the mansion and motivating with his bravery and courage to each combatant.

- Welcome to the end of the world, so said your friend Tezcatlipoca? Did thousands of years of experience fighting evil witches and demons ravaging mankind serve you? That's why I liked a couple of useless witches! —Romaia tells Soledad, furious.

-Calm down, love, do not be angry, they are not to blame. —Nathan says, hugging her.

-Yes love, I know and excuse me Soledad, I know that we are to blame, the famous three drunketter's of the pension for young ladies of the respectable Mrs. Adelina Román widow of Villalobos, who for years hid her romance with the butler to cover appearances.

- Shut up Rome! That Mrs. Adelina is not to blame either, and whether she was with Mr. Hermelindo or not, is her business. —Pamela says, reproaching her.

Soledad raised a hand to say something, but Romaia yelled at her not to let her speak.

- And don't even think about falling asleep, Soledad! At least let me die awake, because when the legionaries manage to cross the defensive perimeter there will be no choice but to die, because, even if we beat them, after a while we will kill ourselves among those who remain, this war will not end until there is no longer a numerical difference between males and females of humanity and if that happens, We will have to end the excess of girls newborns and the truth; I prefer a thousand times that the fucking world ends!

- This little girl is already very bad! – says Mr. Hermelindo. - Isn't it another symptom of the syndrome?

Romaia sobbed as Adelina tenderly embraced her.

-Let me rest, I'm going to sleep, but without spells, at least tonight I should let myself sleep with my boyfriend, Mr. Adelina, we are already at the end of the world and I am going to die a virgin.

- That never miss! This house is still a pension For young ladies and if virgins arrived here, virgins will leave, even with their legs in front but well closed, in addition, in your room are your parents, talk to them to see what they tell you. –says Adelina sententiously.

Romaia went up to her room and Nathan accompanied her to the stairs, because it was forbidden for men to go up to the second floor of the mansion, just as Gregory accompanied Érika, since she slept with Belinda and Ana Lee in another room, the boys left the house, some to return to their guard post on the defensive perimeter and others to rest in the house of Mr. Hermelindo, which had become their barracks, the old cuckoo clock sounded, indicating that it was 11 o'clock at night on that Wednesday, September 15, in which the day of the Mexican Revolution was no longer celebrated, It could be said that in the future, the survivors, if there were any, were going to celebrate any such date as They were going to celebrate any of those dates as the day of the end of the world.

The beautiful lady walked in fear, as if fearing that someone would see her, even though she was the owner of that luxurious mansion, and opened the door in silence, the slaves slept, but she did not look for a slave's bed, but a small bed that belonged to no slave, more rustic, and among the darkness of that candle that almost went out, she found he, and trembling with fear, She brought out that being she despised so much.

-Take it, love, the baby is yours and he is not to blame, forgive him and he will see him beautiful for what he is, like that son you has wanted so much.

A slave-like woman tells the beautiful and elegant lady.

- But I can't love it that way! Take him, take care of him, but take him away from me, that child cannot be mine, I do not want him; And tell him to forgive me!

The lady said leaving the slave with that bundle in her arms; Romaia approached to uncover the gray blankets that wrapped that being who was still dozing, the child was horrible, caused terror just to see him, and she felt a chill when that little monster opened his eyes, but far from growling at her or trying to attack her, that monster just smiled at her, after all, he was innocent.

The candles had already gone out and while everyone was going to try to rest to survive the next day; Soledad did not know when she fell asleep in the living room armchair, Until at the stroke of 5 in the morning, a scream was heard throughout the house.


Romaia says waking up startled.

- What's wrong Romita, which child are you talking about?

Her mother asks her; Irma Sobrevilla to her daughter, who had woken her up with her scream.

- The child, mom, we have to find that fucking child!


Romaia says knocking loudly on the door of the mulatto's room, from where Pamela came out, that she was the one who slept with her.

- What's wrong Romaia? Soledad is not here! She didn't fall asleep here.

- The boy Pamelaaa, we have to find the fucking child!

Romaia insists and Érika that she had also heard her screams, got up saying to her.

- You don't even scrub it anymore; Pomaia; It's 5 o'clock in the morning! What fucking kid are you talking about?


Romaia screams managing to wake her up, since she slept deeply from exhaustion in an armchair in the living room.

- What's wrong Romaita, did you have a nightmare?

Soledad asks her when she sees her, desperate, and about to cry.

- The child Soledad, we need to find the fucking child!

- This little girl is definitely already exhibiting other symptoms of the syndrome! –says Hermelindo. -Let's see, take a drink of coffee so you wake up, and tell us about your nightmare.

- There is Soledad! –says Romaia taking Mr. Hermelindo's coffee jar. - The key to everything is in the fucking child!

- But what child do you talk about Romaia, and why do you call him that? —Soledad asks.

- What fucking kid am I talking about? Well, the son of the Countess! The little monster she despised but never wanted to murder, that's why she took care of a slave, because she repudiated him, but at the same time she loved him because he was her son, that son she wanted so much; That is why in her sorrows she asks for forgiveness! But it is not the Count's forgiveness that she cries out for; It is the child's forgiveness!

- With a fucking million fucking demons! –says Soledad. - You've got all the fucking reason about the fucking world!

If we find the child and give it to the Countess, perhaps we will conjure the curse, and perhaps the sin we need will be returned to us, and save the world, or at least what remains of it. –says Érika. - You're a prick and fucking genius Pomaia! And that you are sober, let's see, a tequila to celebrate.

- Let's see little girl! What fucking vocabulary is that? And you're right, this deserves a fucking tequila to celebrate, but take care of your fucking mouthpiece.

Adelina says taking a fucking bottle of tequila from the storage room and several fucking tequila glasses.