
The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship (One Piece)

One Piece The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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329 Chs

Chapter 17

It is really the Reika in front of you, and the Reika who is full of arrogance during the day, the difference is too big.

Especially the engagement with Sauron, during the day, he was clearly looking forward to agreeing to it.

But in the evening, when Sauron mentioned the matter again, Reka acted like a "dove" representative.

It is really surprising to say that it is not good to fight and kill.

Reika was so powerful, they didn't feel that Reka was flinching.

And when he said this, Reka was full of sincerity.

"Ms. Nami, you touched something wrong, that's my thigh." At this moment, Reka also smiled and made up a knife.

Nami, who had originally reached out and walked away, heard this, and the whole person quickly withdrew her small hand like an electric shock.

"Reka, you're not sick, doctor, doctor, find a doctor!" Lu Fei was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, running back and forth with a panicked face.

Although Luffy was rarely sick, he also knew that when he was sick, it was very uncomfortable.

"Captain, I'm fine, I really think so, and if there is a lady present, it is not advisable to see blood, in case it scares people." Reka said.

"It's about me." Nami greeted Reka with a gentle and considerate look, a quality that was under the world-class appearance.

It is very lethal to any woman.

Nami's heart fluttered wildly, but thinking about her life, this emotion quickly dissipated.

For her, it was difficult to live alone, and she did not dare to have too many extravagant hopes.

The evil dragon, like a mountain pressing down on her heart, made it difficult for her to even breathe.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Sauron looked at Reika with a look of surprise.

Although they had only known each other for a long time, the domineering and arrogant arrogance of stepping on Colonel Monca's feet could never be disguised.

Even Sauron felt that Reka at that time was very much in line with his appetite.

It shouldn't be such a polite person.

"It's okay, just a little touch, Sauron, you should also be more quiet, since you went to sea, your sword skills have not improved much." Reika took a calm sip of wine and then turned sideways.

Relying on Nami's body, she leaned over and looked lazy.

Nami frowned, and wanted to push Reka away, but when she saw the small cloth bag containing the demon fruit, she immediately smiled and endured.

The distance was even closer: "Reika Jun, I toast you." "

"Beauty toasts, don't dare not follow." Reika raised a glass and touched Nami, then took a sip gently.

"This bastard, well said, doesn't toast." Nami's eyes glazed over, and she was a little dissatisfied.

"How do you know?" Sauron, on the other hand, was stunned when he heard Reika say this.

"The sword is not only a weapon, but also a psychic, and the sword intention is even more so, the more impatient your heart is, the more anxious you are to defeat the strong enemy, you will miss the good time to realize the sword."

"You know swords too?" Sauron heard this and vaguely felt that something had been revealed, just as his teacher had told him.

The sword can cut off all things, but sometimes even the leaves are cut continuously.

"All sharp weapons have something in common, and I ask you a question, what do you think is the strongest power of man?"

"Of course it's the body, and the more powerful the body, the more powerful it is." Sauron didn't think much of it because he was strong now.

They are all obtained from hard work and exercise from childhood.

As long as the speed and strength of the body are strong enough, the sword that is swung out is naturally strong enough.

"Wrong." Reika shook her head, and sure enough, even if it was the domineering Sauron later

At this stage, in addition to the realization of devotion to swordsmanship.

The strength of swordplay is still on the basis.

And Reika, who had been in God's perspective, naturally saw farther than him.

After all, domineering is closely related to people's spiritual will.

Reilly mentioned it when he first taught Luffy to be domineering.

Armed color domineering, is to imagine yourself wearing an invisible armor, requires an unswerving will of faith, in order to be able to guide this truly powerful force.

Reka prefers to call it a force derived from the mental will and then stimulated to the potential of the flesh.

The domineering spirit is more conspicuous, and Kirby is at the top of the war, stimulated, and the mental fluctuations are too large, so he awakens.

Therefore, the really powerful force in the human body is the fusion of spiritual will and body.

"Wrong?" Sauron was puzzled.

"The will is the strongest force, the will, what represents what you believe, what you struggle for unswervingly, and what your sword, why swing, when your sword, can attach to your will, then there will be a qualitative ascension, a sword and a thought, or a thousand swords and a thought, the mind is the will, you should be in a state where the mind is about to communicate but not communicate." 」

"Have you always felt lately that the sword, too, seems to have a life?" Can you feel the evil breath of the sword, the righteous breath of the sword? "

"How do you know?!" Sauron looked at Reika in horror, he had been stuck in this bottleneck for a long time!

He asked himself if physical exercise had made him strong enough, but it was difficult to improve.

He didn't know why, but, occasionally looking at some of the swords, he seemed to feel some kind of faint connection.

Luffy listened to the words of the two men, cutely tilting his head, completely incomprehensible.

Because he couldn't use a sword, he didn't think about his own ability.

As for Nami, she was even more confused, what were these two talking about?

I don't understand, or find an opportunity to steal things, is the most real.

"Look good, because when you do this, you are initially grasping the intention to move with the sword." Reka at night is a good old man who knows everything.

As she spoke, Reka took the axe Rita, came to the window, raised her hand, and her mind was wrapped in magic, clinging to Rita, and slashing an axe towards the sea not far away.

The air hummed, a leaping slash, that is, the sword qi rushed out, whistling, like a cannonball falling on the sea, exploding the waves!

The power is not great, but this kind of slash, Sauron is still the first time to see!!

(Morning power outage, late update, sorry!) )