

[Seconds ago]

When Diss saw all the mortal injuries on Eros body he began sweating as he thought

(SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! What am I going to do now? Looking at Boss now, shes like a volcano that's about to erupt. I must get out of here).

Diss then turned to Seath as he prepared himself to run. He then said to him:

Diss: "Mister Seath, I believe that its the perfect time to run away, if we stay here anymore Boss will kill young master and come after us".

Seath(AN at the same time): "😧😧😧😧😧. this is why I didn't want to bring you to this. Let me tell you something idiot Diss, Eros cab easily finishes this woman down but because she sneaked on him and put his guard down she was able to injure him".

Diss: " What are you saying Mister Seath?. That kind of injuries can kill any man under the spirit King level and you say that it's a sneak attack. Let me tell you that...".


Another vertical slash went to Eros back and it made him spit more blood. This made Diss confirm something in his mind.

(It's impossible for him to defeat her. We're Done).

Seath who looked at him and knew somehow what he is thinking smiled and said:

"You will see. At the end of this fight, Eros will be for sure the winner".

Seath then remembered something and then said:

" By the way Diss, Where is the cat Eros brought with him?".

Diss: 0_0_0_0_0 (Don't you even care about the battle. If young master loses, we will die).

Suddenly they heard a voice behind them

?????: Miss Kara won't lose because she's way stronger than him.

Both Seath and Diss turned to see whos the one talking and when Diss saw the face he said:

"It's you!!!".


Eros smiled at her and then he remembered something.


A big golden Axe appeared on his left hand. This big Axe is his beloved battle Axe Rhitta. Eros started swinging the Axe so he can adjust himself to its weight.

Kara who saw this didn't say anything and just stared at the Axe as she thought

(I feel immense mana from this Axe. This is weird, it seems like it's at least an A- weapon but...).

Kara: "Don't think that by having a high-level weapon you will be able to defeat me. No matter what you're just a Grandmaster warrior level that's all".

Eros: " Don't misunderstand me. I don't want to use much more power because I think a Grandmaster level will be enough for you".

When Kara heard that, nothing showed on her face and it seems like it had no effect on her but from the inside is something else.

Kara: (I will make sure to torture you until you will ask me to kill you).

Kara then disappeared again in front of his eyes.

Swash Swash Swash.

Suddenly Kara appeared beside Eros and her sword is directed towards his neck. The sword was about to hit Eros again but was blocked by Rhitta.

Kara didn't say anything and disappeared again as she continued to disappear and appear again so she can cut Eros but with Eros Axe she wasn't able to even leave a scratch on him.

Swash Swash Swash Swash

Sounds of The sword and Axe clashing with each other reverberated through the whole room and the whole building.

Eros who's continuing to block all Kara attacks completely with a calm demeanor and didn't show any emotions. Heck, not even a drop of sweat appeared on his face.

Contrary to him, Kara who was completely enraged because of Eros. She's now using all of her power so she can attack him and land a hit but she couldn't break his impeccable defense.

Kara: "Argh, Ice Maiden sword Third move".

Who looked very angry this time became very fast and she started rotating towards Eros and said:

"Try to block this".

This move made her hit faster and his with greater precision. It felt like a hundred sword were hitting him at the same time.

Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh...

This move was able to break through the Axe defense and made Eros face this attack directly with his body.

Eros showed a non-caring expression and activated his sunshine but with more mana and he said:

" Hmmm, It seems like you're a little stronger than I thought. Congratulations, you surprised me but this isn't enough".

Boom Boom.

A great amount of heat suddenly came from Eros body and this blasted Kara towards the wall. This also made kara spit some blood and feel pain taking over all her body.


When Seath saw what happened to Kara and how she lost miserably, he turned and looked at Eros as he said:

"It's inevitable that Kara lose. Eros mighty power is something that makes him hard to take down plus the regeneration and healing ability he has, it's like he's a titan that will keep advancing no matter what you do".

Diss was shocked as he saw the Boss he revered since he entered the Raiko gang being defeated like that simply.

????: No, Miss Kara can't be defeated like that. She is one of the strongest persons in the whole Wadya island and she can't be taken down easily.

Seath and Diss turned at the woman that is behind them. She's none other than Saya. She came here with Kara after one of the men that run away to tell her about the invasion.

Seath looked at her for a moment then turned to see the battle again and he said:

" Well, you will see. She will have no chance to touch him and each time she's about to hit him, he will just use more power to dominate her until she gives up".


Kara got up and this time, she calmed herself and started concentrating on the battle and on her enemy.

Kara: (It seems like he hid his power because I can feel now that he's at the spirit king level just like me and I can assume that he's still hiding something else otherwise he wouldn't be this smug in front so I need to be calm and not be angered by his words).

Kara: "I must say that you got me distracted and made me lose my Calm but this won't happen again because I will make sure to defeat you".

Eros: "You misunderstand something. I didn't make you lose your calm intentionally, It's you who is been affected by my words. Next time, Don't hear your enemy words when you battle".

Kara: "I will make sure to treasure your advice as for you, there won't be a next time to give this advice".

Eros: " We will see".

Kara: "Ice sword Maiden Fourth move Ice dragon".

Swoosh Swoosh

Suddenly, Kara launched a sword wave but this time it has the Ice element. The power of the attack was 10 times the previous attack and what Eros notice in this attack is one thing.

Eros: (Fast).

Eros wasn't able to see how the attack launched.

Rawwr Rawwwr

He felt the power of the attack is like a dragon coming in front to swallow him. Eros just smiled and looked at the Ice Dragon coming and smiled.

Eros: " If it was somebody else then this attack would've been a finisher for them. Unfortunately, you met me. I will show you no matter how strong is your attack, its just Ice. Ice can be taken down by Fire".

Eros started running towards the ice dragon with a high speed. He then tightened well on the Axe handle and he started activating his Axe power.

Eros: "Look well at my Power FIRE SLASH!!".

Swoosh Boom Boom

Eros slashed towards the dragon and big Fore crescent wave went towards the ice dragon. The dragon then was split into two half and he disappeared completely.

Kara who sees this is shocked because this is one of her most powerful attacks yet Eros cut it into two and even melted it completely and it became water.

Saya: " Miss Kara watch out!!!!!".

The attack didn't stop and it continued towards Kara who is able to evade the attack because of her injuries.

Kara looked at the fire coming towards her and sighed as she thought

(So I am going to die just like this, If only I told Riss about how I feel when we met today. Guess it's going to end here. father wait for me I am coming).

But before the attack could hit her Seath who is sitting away disappeared from and teleported beside her. He then coated his hands with lightning and said:


Eros then faced the Fire slash and held it with all his power.

Seath: "Gnash Gansh". (clenching his teeth).

Finally, Seath was able to stop the attack and the fire started dissipating. Eros then started walking towards both of them as he said:

" Why did you interfere in this fight? I was just scaring her and then I will save her".

Seath: "We don't have time. We need to save the others, just tell her what you want and she's gonna help us".

Seath looked at her and smiled.

Seath: " Right?".

Kara: "I won't help you".

Diss, Saya: 0_0_0_0_0.

Eros: 😔😔😔😔😔😧😧😧😧. You see she won't help us. What are you going to do now?".

Kara is dumbfounded because of what happened to her. She didn't expect that in the last minute, she would be saved by one of Eros comrades and he even asked for her help like nothing happened.

Eros looked at her and then made his Axe return to the spacial necklace. He then went to the throne again and sat on it. He then looked at Diss and said:

" Diss, I want you to close this building and make sure that nobody enters".sb

Diss: "Yes, young master".

He then looked at both Kara and Saya and finally said to Kara:

"Help me and I will make you the only power that rules over this tiny island. What I need from you is just your information network".

When Kara heard she shook her head and said:

"It's impossible".

Eros: "Didn't I break the Ice around you. I believe I should be able to help you control a remote place like this".

Diss, Saya: 0_0 0_0 0_0.