
The Silver-haired Young Woman

Pain, pain, pain!

So much pain!

Please, anyone!

Please, help me!

Why won't anyone help me?!


A silver-haired girl was lying face-down while sobbing on the stone-hard ground in the alleyway between two buildings. She was in her teen years, probably around sixteen years old. Her clothes had been torn apart — shredded more likely — revealing her nude body, which was covered with freshly made whipping marks. Blood had long clotted along those wounds. If one was to properly observe her state, they will also notice that there were semen stains all over her body — needless to say about the condition of the area between her legs

No one seemed to notice the girl's pitiful state in that dark alleyway, even if they did, they don't seem to care either way. As if what had happened to the girl occurred daily — in fact, in a wretched abandoned city like this, it does. The strong prey upon the weak, that was the harsh reality of the Lost City. Every man for themselves. No one will ever have time to care for another when they hardly able to protect themselves.

"Help me…" croaked the silver-haired girl with the last of her breath as she felt her life slipping out of her body. Maybe it was better this way — to die peacefully, rather than have to live another one of these terrifying days. Her abusive father had just sold her to a brothel called Heavenly Paradise a few days ago, which was exactly the building on her right. Her being fired from her job for being careless once again must have been the last straw for her godd*mn father.

Being suddenly subjected to a shameful life without her will caused her to fight back with all her might. Every customer that was sent to her room, were chased out with scratched marks on their necks and faces. Finally, tonight the Heavenly Paradise owner got really p*ssed off with her behavior. She was sent to be whipped, beaten and raped before thrown out of the brothel.

Just then, just as the light of her eyes began to fade away, she heard the clicking sounds of heels hitting stone approaching her. With blurry vision, she tried to discern the appearance of the person finally having the heart to at least approach her — it was a woman in red clothing, wearing a wide brim red-colored bow hat. Even if it was already too late, she still felt thankful for the warm presence of another human being in the last seconds of her life.

The woman in red stopped right in front of the silver-haired girl. Squatting down low, she reached out her gloved hand which was also red in color and brushed the girl's silver hair gently. "Oh, look at you, my poor dear girl," said the woman in red. She had a high-pitch elegant voice.

"Cluck, cluck. They sure don't show mercy even to a young girl such as yourself," the woman continued saying, condemning the men who had did such a terrible thing to the girl.

A drop of tear slid down the girl's face, upon hearing the woman in red's kind words. Out of the entirety of her life, this short moment of bliss right at the end of her life became her favorite instantly.

"Now, now, dear girl. Don't drop dead, just yet. How about it, would you like to become my apprentice?" asked the woman in red.

The silver-haired girl didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this sudden strange question. Couldn't this woman see how bad her current condition was? She more than anyone could tell that, she would probably only last for a minute, no less than that. Is this woman trying to make her feel better?

"Dear girl, if you find that it is hard for you to even utter the word 'yes', I'm willing to accept a slight nod of the head. I promise that you will never regret this life I'm giving to you."

As she became weaker with every second ticked by, the young girl began to close her eyes. A slight smile was spread across her face at the woman's invitation — even if the woman in red had done it out of sympathy.

Playing along, the silver-haired girl gave a tiny nod, just as the dark silence of death welcomed her with open arms.




Sweet melodious humming could be heard coming from the large greenhouse built right next to the Grand White Mansion. The only building located at the peak of the Green Valley.

The humming belonged to a beautiful silver-haired young woman dressed in a white gown. The young woman was currently enjoying herself watering all the wonderful smell blooming flowers — each planted by her own two hands.

At this moment, the glass double door to that greenhouse was suddenly thrown open to reveal two adorable black cats. "Meow, meow," the two cats meowed cutely as if announcing that they were finally home.

"Kitty, Kat, welcome home my sweet darlings." Without further ado, the silver-haired young woman put down the watering can and quickly rushed towards at her 'children'. She stroked both of the black cats with a gentleness that will put a baby to sleep right away.

"Meow, meow!" the black cats meowed again.

The silver-haired young woman, stopped her loving strokes when she heard the cats' cries. "Oh, the two of you have a big surprise for Mommy?"

The two black cats synchronously nodded their small heads cutely. They then ran back out of the greenhouse to get the big surprise for their Mommy.

After a while, a rustling sound can be heard, coming from outside moving to the direction of the greenhouse. When the black cats once again appeared within sight, they were pulling along an unconscious blond young man by the collar of his shirt with their teeth — who knew how strong those cats or their teeth were to be able to pull an adult man.

"Oh dear, this is definitely a 'big surprise' for Mommy," said the silver-haired young woman.

"Ansel! Gretal!" the young woman shouted out towards the direction of the mansion.

Only five seconds had passed, when two little girls came dashing in as fast as lightning — one red-haired, one blue-haired. "Yes, My Lady."

"We have a guest," announced the young woman as she gestured towards the unconscious young man on the floor. "Please, bring him to the guest room and let him rest. Make sure treat him with extra care. He is a very important customer of ours after all." Her eyes glinted devilishly at the locket that the young man wore around his neck — carved on the silver locket was a picture of a shining morning sun peeking out from the head of a hill.