
Chapter twenty four: A Risky Disguise


We were walking in one of the busiest marketplaces I've ever been to, filled with lively merchants displaying their goods, and bustling customers haggling for the best deals. Children darted through the crowd, adding a sense of youthful energy to the vibrant scene. You'd think that being in such a lively place would be cause for celebration, but no, the reason we were there was for my 'disguise,' if we were to call it that.

Prior to arriving in this marketplace, we had been hiding in a dense forest, seeking refuge from the dangers that pursued us. The sun was still rising from the sky, casting dappled sunlight through the thick canopy of leaves above. The forest once felt like a sanctuary, but after the recent attack, it was no longer safe. My pursuers had caught wind of our whereabouts, turning the forest into a treacherous trap, with every inch combed in their relentless search for us.

"The woods aren't safe for us anymore," he said to me this morning as he packed our belongings, the soft morning light illuminating his scimitars. After he was done, he crouched down a few inches in front of me, his eyes conveying the gravity of the situation.

"And if we use the roads, then it's only a matter of time before they find you," he said, his voice a matter of fact.

"But you are here, couldn't you just kill them, or did you suddenly grow a conscience?" I asked sarcastically.

"Let me tell you something, princess," he replied, his tone stoic. "I'm good at what I do, but I'm not immortal, and trust me, princess, if it comes down to getting killed or handing you over," he paused and made piercing eye contact, "what do you think I'll pick?"

I was about to mention that my father was paying him for his services, but I realized that if he were to die, the payment would be rendered useless. What's the point of money if you can't live to enjoy it?

"Judging by the look on your face, it seems you understand the severity of the issue," he continued, standing up from his crouched position. Well, usually when he stands, I think by instinct I also find myself standing with him. "I have no problem walking around; people will think that I'm after the bounty. But you, on the other hand..." he walked around, his eyes examining me from head to toe before stopping right in front of me. His proximity to me was dangerously close.

"You stick out like a sore thumb," he said.

"No, I don't. I'm not the one slaughtering people left and right every chance I get. I'm also not the one that killed those two dark whatever men. You cannot pin the blame on me," I retorted.

"Oh really? Your looks are a distraction. Remember the inn? A woman with a face like yours would have already been known by now," he said.

After hearing that, I guess I couldn't help smiling because I didn't think he was capable of compliments.

"So, you think I'm pretty?" I asked with a playful smile, all the while keeping my hands clasped firmly behind my back. I stood on my toes, making my face inches away from his half-covered face. I still don't understand why he wears a mask when he's with me; I have already seen his face.

"The great Grim Reaper's assistant thinks a royal is pretty," I said, still keeping my posture. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"I never said you were pretty; your looks are above average. Also, there is one particular noble whose looks are also average. Haven't seen her in a long time, so you aren't anything special," he said.

I don't know why, but hearing him say that managed to ruin my mood. I stopped standing on my toes and stood normally.

"Now back to you, you need a disguise, and there are only two that can help us," he said.

"Well, okay, what's the disguises?"

"Well, for you, princess, choose between being a slave or a slut," he said, his voice as stoic as ever.

I knew the first one. Slaves are people who signed away their freedom, mostly due to debts. They can never leave their owners and are usually treated like trash. If I pick that, he'd probably be over the moon, but I also don't know what slut means so I couldn't pick that without knowing what it was.

"What's a slut?" I asked.

He looked at me with an amused look, and even from beneath his mask, I could see the smile on his face.

"Well, a slut is a whore or lady of the night if you prefer, " he said, his amused expression still lingering on his face.

"I don't know those terms," I said in frustration, "Is that like a servant who helps you at night?"

After those words left my mouth, Rayan did the strangest thing I had ever seen. He burst out laughing, and not those light chuckles I've heard from him, but a really hearty laughter. He was even having trouble standing up.

"Princess...please... say... that one more time," he said, unable to get the words out of his mouth.

I was tempted to repeat myself, but I didn't like how it made me feel like a fool.

"No, I am not getting laughed at again. Tell me what those words mean," I said as firmly as I could.

"Well, a lady of the night is a woman who sells her body for money, and before you ask what does that mean, she offers sex for money, which does mean they do serve you at night," he said, finally calming the laughter in him.

My face went bright red after he finished saying those words. I've heard about those women from the maids in our castle; they are always called filthy by every standard, and he wants me to act like them.

"No, I'm not doing either of those!" I yelled out.

"Fine, the last one was the one that I didn't like, but how about this as a disguise then? You posing as my wife?" he asked, but he was hesitant with this one. His hesitance made it the best choice.

Which led us back to this marketplace. He said that there's someone here who could forge documents and seals. When father became king, he made a rule of documenting everything from childbirth to marriage to death certificates to prevent forgery, but if they can easily be made, then I'll have to tell him about it when I get home.

We reached the place, situated in a less affluent neighborhood. The streets were narrow and filled with people going about their daily routines. Some were washing clothes and they poured the water which streamed down the path, and despite the mess, the path was filled with garbage and most of the buildings had seen better days. As we approached the building that had the services we were after, I couldn't help but feel uneasy making me grab the back of Rayan's jacket as some rough-looking individuals glanced at us, but Rayan's imposing presence made them turn away.

The building we entered had seen better days. The weather-worn paint on the walls gave it a rustic charm, and the door showed signs of wear and tear most of the windows were broken. Inside, the place was dimly lit, but the glow of a lantern hanging from the ceiling offered some illumination. Despite the worn appearance, there were signs of life within the place, indicating that it was not entirely abandoned.

In front of us was only one door in this entire building.

Rayan walked over to the door and knocked it with a strange knock. After he was done, I heard a click, and the door opened. In front of us was a midget almost the same height as Chloe. He was wearing an eye patch on his right eye, he had a bald spot on the middle of his head, and he had a strange goatee.

"Ghost, what can I help you with?" he asked as he ushered us to enter. Despite his size, he had a surprisingly deep voice. We entered, and he looked around the room before closing the door. The room looked like our files room where we would keep our documents back home in the castle, except it was messier. The room had only a desk and a chair sitting at the back of the desk, and two chairs sitting at the front.

"Rosco, I want marriage documents. Make it seem like this girl here is my wife," he said, pulling out a gold coin from his pocket and tossing it at him.

The midget took a bite at the coin before placing it in his pocket. He went over to his desk and pulled out a few documents from one of the cabinets. Then he went around the room, looking for something, which he later found.

The process took a while before the midget came to me and asked me.

"So what's the name going to be?"

"Elena Hei..." I almost messed up and told him my name.

"Just write Elena Baron," Rayan said from behind me. The midget did as he was told, and he stamped the seal on the paper before handing the paper to Rayan. Just like that, we became husband and wife.