
Chapter II (Universal Heroes)

"Universal Heroes"

It's the year 3183.. Earth was no longer habitable it was destroyed by alien species, but 5 boys survived and they are currently living in their ship floating through the endleyss vacuum of space, They were once heroes they were once called "DEFENDERS OF THE GALAXY" but that was 5 years ago...

We're supposed to have 7 members but.. they were killed on our battle in TITAN, they were killed by a GOD, We're supposed to be heroes... But after that mission we were just floating here in space we were expecting to see our families back but we were too late, Earth was destroyed... And Humanity may go extinct, because there's only five of us left in this ship, all males, and we run out of oxygen by the next 24 hours... That was 20 hours ago...So let me tell you about us...

We were 17 back then.. 5 years ago gwe still have each other we have 7 members we were complete, till... We got sent to a mission to defend the Galaxy from alien species, We had a big argument making the group separate, when we got to TITAN the aliens noticed us and started shooting... Alfedrick was shot in the head killing him and Zeille grab the magical cube to kill the Alien and ended up killing them both,

It was so sad to lose friends and comrades and that's why me and the boys made a promise to die together and at the same time, We only got 4 hours left so if anyone saw this message just so you know we save'd you, and please keep peace we don't want any other young boys to end up like us, And if the person who ended up seeing this message, Just so you know, "We killed a GOD"