

*At school*

"Man I'm so tired I want this school year to end already." Hiroshi trudges into class as he feels his soul leave his body.

"I thought I was the only one." Haruki scoffs as he sits in his seat, "Wanna go to the cafe after school I need to let off some steam."

"Can't man I'm busy." Hiroshi says as he sighs.

"Man that sucks…" Haruki sighs as well.

*After class*

"Did you wanna come? With me? To the cafe? Huhuhu???" Haruki asks cheekily.

"Sure, I would love to." Rei says as she gets excited. 'Now this is my chance to tell him..' she thinks as she blushes.

"Alright cool! Let's go right now." Haruki walks out the door and waits for Rei as she gets her things.

They walk to the cafe that they went to last time, (were they got stranded).

Haruki opens the door for Rei, "where do you want to sit?" He asks as he's smiling wide.

'Does he look at everyone like that?' Rei thinks as she becomes sad, "We can sit by the window." She smiles slightly.

"Okay perfect I love that spot." Haruki then walks to the area where she wants to sit.

"Thank you Haruki you always do things that I've never experienced." Rei blushes.

Haruki blushes as he takes it the wrong way.

Rei waves her hands in embarrassment, "I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!" She starts to tremble as she's panicking.

They order their food and wait in silence as Haruki is embarrassed and so is she.

Haruki looks at Rei, "I'm sorry I thought the wrong way. I didn't mean to."

Rei looks down and smiles, "No it's really me who should apologize as I was the one who said it."

Haruki gently grabs her hand and smiles, "Pfft you're silly, thank you for being my friend."

'Bam to the chest huh? He has no remorse!' Rei says as she feels a stab in her head from the word friend.

They finish their food and start to walk home.

*At home*

*Knock knock* "Hey Haruki, can I talk to you?" Rei asks as she's nervous.

"Sure come in. " Haruki says as he's laying down.

"Were you going to do something?" Rei asks as she sits on his bed.

"I was going to nap, but I don't mind talking to you first." Haruki smiles and pats the bed as she can lay down next to him.

Rei lays down next to Haruki, "Haruki, I've been feeling something for a while and I wanted to tell you…" Rei stops herself as she's overthinking if she should tell him or not.

"It's okay Rei you can tell me anything." Haruki says concerned.

"I think I like you.." she says and turns to look at Haruki.

Haruki and Rei stare into each others eyes as they start to feel nervous.

"Is that so." Haruki says, "thank you, I like you as a friend too Rei."

"No, I like you more than a friend Haruki. I want to protect you. I want to help you." Rei says as she's serious.

"I see… well thank you I feel flattered. But you can't like me." Haruki says as he frowns.

Haruki's stomach drops as his throat feels clenched, "you can't like me because I can never be loved. You must be mistaken Rei."

Rei grazes Haruki's face, "how can I not like someone who is as perfect as you Haruki. I really do like you and if you don't believe me then I will show you."

Haruki gets surprised as he hasn't heard a confession like this. 'She's lying she can't like me. I'm not worthy of love. I don't deserve anything.'

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked this chapter!

Kay_kaysubcreators' thoughts