
The Side Character Turned Villainess

Leia was a successful car salesperson who didn't care who she had to trample to climb up in the ranks. She was on top of the world. That is, until she was thrown into the body of 5 year old Seri from one of her romance novels. Now she has to deal with the annoying Prince and his sadistic friend. The worst part? She is just a side character who is bullied by everyone! The. least. favorite. character. How could anyone like this girl?! Now, she is stuck as Seri, but watch out world: This side character is actually a foul mouthed villainess. _______ Chapter release: Daily Words per chapter: 1500-2500 Disclaimer: Some chapters may contain mature content, such as violence. There will be a disclaimer at the start of each chapter with it. Full disclosure: This novel is 90% humor and 10% serious.

Nekoru · Fantasy
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307 Chs

Seri Makes a New Friend

After I returned home from training I realized I wasn't tired in the slightest. I could get used to this type of training. I should have asked my father to yell at them sooner.

Since I am still awake and not exhausted I should take advantage of it. I waited until Lona left me at night and quickly took out my rope. I tied it to my bed frame and flew down the rope. I landed on the ground easier than before.

I must be getting taller.

I put my hands on my hips and took a minute to enjoy that thought. Then I skipped off into the red district feeling ecstatic.

One of my favorite novels just came out with a sequel so I need to stop by the bookstore. I walked in that direction and paused in front of Mama O's. Maybe she had something good to eat inside. I can make a quick stop.

As soon as I walked in, I noticed a chaotic scene in front of me. Many of her ladies were all gathered in a circle shouting and running around like chickens without heads. Mama O sat in the middle of the room holding a baby and shouting orders.

I paused for a second and turned around.

"Fifi (Seri)! My dear! Come here!"

I silently cursed knowing I was caught. I turned to look at Mama O and forced a smile.

"Mama O! How are you doing? You look awfully busy today. I will just leave you to it then."

She smiled at me, "Nonsense! Come in, come in!"

I took a step back toward the door but felt iron grips on my shoulder. I looked over to see the two lady workers holding onto me and smiling. They dragged me over preventing my escape.

I heard a crying baby and looked down. My face twitched, "Mama O. Why are you holding a baby?"

She sighed trying to pacify the poor baby, "One of my ladies gave birth and ditched the baby to be with her lover. This here is a fine establishment!! We don't know how to care for a baby."

Yes, a very fine establishment indeed. An inn for lovers to get away, or even the lone stranger looking for a brief moment of love.

I asked, "Why'd she leave you with the baby?"

She huffed, "Her lover didn't want no kid so she ditched the kid. I can't blame her, but we don't know what to do with her!"

I looked at the baby who was still screaming and crying. Aw, she's kind of cute. Slightly loud though.

Mama O tried to get the baby to stop crying, but she got even louder. I looked at the child, "What's wrong with her?"

She shrugged, "I don't know! She won't stop crying!"

I sighed and held out my arms, "Here. Let me take her."

Mama O graciously handed her over. I took her into my arms.

Wow, she's a lot lighter than I thought she would be.

I held her up and sniffed. I frowned, "She needs a diaper change."

A lady to my left spoke, "We ain got no diapers."

"Then bring me a towel, a pin, and a wet cloth."

The lady nodded and quickly ran to get it. I cleared off a table and put the screaming baby down. The lady handed me it and I unpinned her current one. In a quick motion I wiped her clean, folded the towel, and pinned it on her. I tossed the dirty diaper out the window.

Another lady spoke, "You good at that!"

"It's not that hard. I mean, regular diapers are better and would prevent leaks."

The baby stopped crying once I picked her back up, but then after a few minutes she started back up again. I coddled her for a moment.

Mama O sighed, "Now what is it?!"

"When was the last time she ate?"

Mama O shrugged, "No idea."

I sighed. Have you ever taken care of a baby before? It's not hard.

I spoke trying to hide my annoyance, "She's probably hungry then."

Mama O looked surprised, "Really? Should I make some soup then?"

I stared at her blankly, "No." I sighed, "You can't give this young of a baby that kind of food. They need breast milk or formula."

A lady snapped her fingers, "That corner store had it!"

I nodded, "Go get some."

The lady nodded quickly and rushed out. I tried to cradle her and bounce her, but she kept crying. I shrugged and stuck my finger into her mouth. She stopped crying and started sucking on my finger.

A lady looked at her with wide eyes, "Look! She stopped crying Mama O!"

Another got in the babies face, "She done stopped crying! She kinda cute!"

Another looked at her and soon all of the ladies were in the baby's face.

"Da ter shi moud!"

The lady looked up at me and I forced a smile. I don't know what the f*ck she just said.

How come half of these ladies are understandable and the rest sound like they are from the deep country?!

As the ladies all gathered around I put on a forced smile. They all spoke to me and the baby and I couldn't make out a single word. I just kept smiling and nodding.

The lady returned with the formula and I sighed in relief. Luckily, she also decided to pick up a bottle. With one hand I grabbed a bottle, filled it with water, and mixed in the formula.

I stuck it in the babies mouth and she guzzled it down happily. Everyone awed and cooed at her.

Mama O smiled warmly, "You are really good with her. You're like a natural."

I looked down at the baby who stared up at me with sparkly eyes. I couldn't help but melt under that stare. A distant memory flashed through my head as I looked down at the small baby. I felt a warm, but bittersweet smile cross my face.

I spoke in a soft voice, "I've had practice."

She nodded, "I forgot that your master takes in a lot of kids. To think you take care of them too."

I chuckled dryly, "Yup! That's exactly it. Tons of kids. They all look up to me as their big sister."

Mama O nodded and looked back at the baby. Her eyes lit up and she clapped her hands together, "That's it! I know what we can do with her!"

Everyone looked up at Mama O. One asked, "What is it Mama O?"

She spoke with a large smile, "We can just give the babe to Fifi's Master!"

My smile dropped instantly. I shook my head quickly, "No no! He's not looking for a child right now!!"

Another lady clapped her hands together, "Mama O! You're so brilliant!"

Another added, "Now we don't have to worry about it!"

Mama O nodded with a smug smile, "Genius, right?"

I shouted quickly, "No no! Not genius at all! My master treats kids horribly! This child will have an awful life!"

They continued still ignoring me, "She would do great with Fifi as a big sister!"

"Yah! They are already bonding! It's perfect!"


I wanted to cry, "NOOO! NOT PERFECT AT ALL!"

Mama O shoved me out the door and forced the rest of the formula into my hands. She smiled at me, "Thanks so much for the help Fifi! We appreciate it! Make sure to thank your master for us!"


"Come back and I will give you all the snacks you want as thanks!"

Before I could protest some more, she shut the door in my face. I stood there in silence and blinked in surprise. I looked down at the baby who smiled at me with sparkles in her eyes.

Aw... Cute...



I wanted to cry but didn't dare upset the baby. I wandered off until I found an abandoned graveyard. I sat on the ground and leaned against a tree.

Ahh! What am I going to do with a baby?! I need to come up with a plan.

I sat in agony trying to think of a plan while also playing with the child to prevent more crying.

If only I knew someone who wanted a child!!!

Or do I...

Suddenly I recalled the shrink who was sent over following Duke Bayne's visit. I jumped up, "THAT'S IT!"

The baby looked up at me, "Bababa?"

I nodded, "Exactly! He would be a great father! Plus if my assessment was right, they really wanted a kid!"


"Good point. I have no idea where he lives though..."


"You're right! The pawn shop owner might know! He's always bragging about knowing everything. Let's go ask him"

I stuffed the baby formula in my bag and headed off with the baby in my arms. I walked into the pawn shop and went to the owner.


He jumped and turned to me, "Oh! I haven't seen you in a while. How'd that mistress like that gift?"

I smiled, "Oh she loves it! Always wearing it. Thank you again!"

He chuckled, "I knew it. Now what can I help with?"

He looked down and noticed the baby in my arms. He spoke in a flat tone, "I don't buy babies."

I sighed, "No, not that. I need help finding a house. You said you know a lot about this town so I figured I'd ask you."

He chuckled and puffed himself up, "That's right. Anything or anyone that needs finding, I can find it. I'm the best around."

Okay. Tone it down.

I still smiled, "Great! I need to find Dr. Singh. Do you know him?"

"Hah! Of course I do! Who doesn't?"

"Good! So where's he live?"

He thought for a moment, "I know he leaves on the north side of town. Over there on Mulberry Street. But where exactly I'm not sure."

My face twitched, "Really? You can find anything?"

His smile dropped, "Don't blame me. He keeps a low profile."

I nodded, "Whatever. It's fine. That's more than enough information."

I left the store and started heading off to the north side of town. I checked the road signs and found Mulberry Street. I head down it and looked at the houses. Luckily, everyone put their names on the boxes.

I came to a house tucked away with several flowers and bushes in the front yard surrounded by white picket fence. It may be more hidden than the rest of the houses, but it was sure gaudy and feminine looking.

Usually I would keep walking, however in very curly letters read: The Singh's.

Hmm. Must be the wife's work. His hands didn't look like someone who ever gardened in his life.

I looked at the door and saw a light on inside the house. Good they're still up. I walked over to the door and put the baby down on their step. I took out the formula and placed it by her. I pulled out paper and pen and wrote a quick note.

I knocked on the door and ran away quickly. I hid in the shadows and watched the door. The baby continued to babble to herself. After a while I got irritated.

Are they just not gunna answer the door?!

I groaned and stomped back towards the door. I slammed my fists against it loudly.

Behind the door I heard, "I'm coming already! Relax!"

Oh sh*t!

I quickly ran away and hid in the shadows once more. I held my breath as he opened the door. He looked around in confusion. Then the baby started babbling again.

He looked down, but it was too dark out to see his expression. He picked up the baby and looked at the note.

A small petite woman appeared behind him, "What is it dear?"

"The note says that her parents didn't want her so to take good care of her. Or else. Is.. Is that a threat?"

I smiled proudly and nodded.

"Aww! She's so cute!"

"Now, now Hun. Don't get too excited. It may be a mistake."

"Nonsense!" She picked up the baby, "I'm going to name her-"

"No! Don't name her!"

She smiled, "Natasha. Hehe. Hi cutie. Want me to be your mama?"


She turned to her husband, "See! She agrees too."

He sighed, "Well... She is cute."


The baby smiled at him and reached out toward him, "Bababa!"

He melted instantly and grabbed her outstretched hands gently. His voice was tender, "I'm never letting you go."

I smiled seeing them and knew everything was solved. I walked away with a skip in my step. I looked at the sky.

Ahh. It's getting lighter. I need to get home.

As I went on my way back home, I stopped.