
The Side Character Turned Villainess

Leia was a successful car salesperson who didn't care who she had to trample to climb up in the ranks. She was on top of the world. That is, until she was thrown into the body of 5 year old Seri from one of her romance novels. Now she has to deal with the annoying Prince and his sadistic friend. The worst part? She is just a side character who is bullied by everyone! The. least. favorite. character. How could anyone like this girl?! Now, she is stuck as Seri, but watch out world: This side character is actually a foul mouthed villainess. _______ Chapter release: Daily Words per chapter: 1500-2500 Disclaimer: Some chapters may contain mature content, such as violence. There will be a disclaimer at the start of each chapter with it. Full disclosure: This novel is 90% humor and 10% serious.

Nekoru · Fantasy
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307 Chs

A Wonderful Suggestion

After William's declaration of keeping two of the kittens, I stared at him in complete astonishment.

It wasn't just me. Everyone stared at him completely flabbergasted. This was the boy who was terrified of anything that crawled or walked on four legs. He was beyond terrified of furry creatures.

Even though they were kittens, he kept his distance from them and was trembling obviously the entire time. He wanted to run and scream but his pride forced him to stay.

Now that same boy wanted to keep them. It was an entirely ridiculous idea. I didn't know whether to laugh or applaud.

He swallowed hard and spoke, "They can come home with me. T-then you can still see them and you can also bring the k-kittens over for a playdate. You won't have to worry about breaking up a family."

I ran over to him and grabbed his hands. He leaned away from my face that was much too close. My eyes shimmered.