
The side character of the story(Moving on to another acc)

"The Cold winter of you" is a Bl novel that I read...well its not technically a Bl novel since the romance is between the the protagonist and the female lead.. Its the side character that I'm talking about. Yomura Heazung who always follow the protagonist and always sent letters to him. And always annoying him Despite for his personality he was beautiful for a man actually, but the protagonist, Takashi, rejected him for many times now. But once he met the female lead. Yomura tried to poison her and got executed for that.. "But what the hell?! Why am I possessing him??" Now I have to keep distance to the main characters "heh now isn't this quite interesting? This is just like every type of novel that I actually read" But how did It become like this, when I'm just trying to survive?! He hold my hand stopping me "Bastard what are you doing? let go of me.." I said "Why did you suddenly change?" He whispered "What?" "Tell me who is this person that you'd throw me away with?"

EJTLsshi4 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Episode 1 - Starting the story

I was now at my so called luxurious bed room..well ever since I got here I got used to this after 7 hours of processing whats happening six days ago, actually about living here and being the grand duke's son....'okay to be honest no.. I definitely still not got used to this, like giving orders and attending to some events and writing letters sent by other grand dukes and other nobles"

But now this!? I was holding the letter that james gave it to me, even though he can just burned it but of course he can't do that since it was sent by the Prince of Maire Empire.

As I was about to continue to read it, keira snatched the letter and read it out loud.

"Dear Yomuru Heazung Son of the Grand Duke Heazung" she took a glance at me and I just sighed while she continues. " you have been invited to go to the banquet, A banquet for celebrating the Year of our glorious win in the war"

"Oh?" The year of our glorious win in the war, isn't that when they defeated the Demon god? Well hate to break it to you but that was just a puppet so this banquet is pretty useless.

"So are you gonna go-?"


She looked at me with the expression of 'the hell did you say you little-' .

"Come on! What if someone steal your little prince?" She said with a teasing smirk on her face

I looked at her with a dead panned expression "I. don't. care." By that three words that I said her jawed dropped.

She walked up to me "You're not yomura are you?"

My eyes widen in surprise. Wait did she found out that I'm not him..? I sweat dropped and said "What are you talking about keira?"

She sighed " this is the second time that you surprised me thats why"


"You little-!" She was about to grab me but luckily I stood up from the sofa and backed away from her.

" You would never say that!" She shouted

"Well too bad, Its not like I have a chance anymore and besides what do you think I'm supposed to do when he doesn't even love me?" I said while not knowing why I said that



The both of us didn't broke the silence between us until keira walked up to me and flick my head.

"Ack, what was that for?" I said while my hand is in my forehead.

"Seems like you grow another brain inside of your head." She said with a smirk on her face.

"But of course were still going tomorrow"

"And why is that?"

She looked at me confused "Isn't because you're going with your siblings?"

I looked at her confused, and the realization hit me. In the novel it did mention that yomura has siblings.

"But there not here though?" I said

Keira's eyes widen and sighed "I completely forgot their not here"

She pretends to think and "oh! Maybe there gonna come in the banquet tomorrow"

Okay shes talking nonsense now and also wheres yomuras (my) siblings?? I didn't get to know more about yomura in the novel since he is only a side character and not the main character.

I glance at keira who has a big grin on her face planning something I looked at her weirdly, I grabbed a pillow and lightly smack her head [well not lightly,its just a normal smack when you punch someone.]

"Ack! Ow, what the heck?!" She shouted while stepping back.

"Stop doing that you look like a witch" I said while putting the pillow back on the sofa.

She then looked at me with a dazzling look on her face.

"Of course, I am a smart and a beautiful witch" she said proudly.

I looked at her in disbelief with a disgusted expression.

"Now" she turned to me "lets go to the capital" she continues

"To the capital why?"

"Because were gonna get the clothes that I ordered from the tailor"

I looked at her confused "Aren't they supposed to deliver that here? And you're noblewoman." She looked at me like that is the dumbest question that she ever heard.

"Well you're not wrong and also I just want to visit the capital and you're coming along since you never go outside these past six days" she said while pointing at me

Well shes not wrong though and besides I also want to see what the outside world of this novel.

"So you coming or not?" Keira said who's now at the door.

"Are we not going to change our clothes?" I said while she look at me confused.


"Well you know, rumors about me?" I said while I put my hand on the back of my neck.

Well since I got transmitted as Yomura Heazung there might be rumors about him of how people see him.

As I was in deep thought, I didn't know that Keira was already in front of me, She then pat my back and smirk "Don't worry Princess slash(/) Prince, I won't let that happen"

I look at her with a dead panned expression "and besides" she continues "I am your beloved friend after all" she said proudly

I just sighed and smiled at her. At least I know shes trustworthy.



It was already 3:00 pm in the afternoon and I was wearing a white hooded cloak while Keira has a light green hooded cloak.

"Why do you have to choose the white one..." keira said mix with disappointed on her voice

"Well what am I gonna supposed to do? They don't have a black cloak though" I said

"Well uh its nothing like that but you said you don't want to be the center of the attention right?"

"Yeah?" I looked at her confused of what kind of question is she saying to me?

"You look...Kinda like an angel right now and this actually the first time I'm saying this" she said awkwardly.

I smacked her in the head from instincts "okay..thats enough from you"

"The hell is wrong with you smacking me in the head?!" She shouted

"Young master and lady Keira the carriage is ready" A familiar voice came from behind to see it was Rossalyn

"Thank you Rossalyn" I said making her eyes widen a bit and smiled "It is my pleasure young master" she politely bowed



We were almost there from our destination me and keira just sit here in the carriage until we get there.

I looked outside and saw a statue of the king of the Empire Maire

Before I knew it we were already here

"Hey Princess are you gonna come out or what?" Keira said who is now outside.

I got out "Stop calling me that and wheres the tailor shop that you were talking about?"

"Oh that store just open up its owner is a commoner but I like how they made their clothes and design

"Ah I see, I didn't expect you be that type of person" I said while looking at her. But really I thought Keira was more like the type of being rude to a person who she doesn't like and also the type of who doesn't help...kinda.

Since Keira and the original yomura are just side characters they rarely appear in the novel.

She looked at me with disbelief "You-?!" I walked away before she continues.

"Bastard! Wait up!" She shouted while catching up to me.

While walking around in the capital I saw some little kids playing on the street. It kinda reminds of me and my sister.

Keira and I stopped walking she pointed at the boutique shop and said "This is the Boutique shop that I'm telling you about"

I open the door and went inside leaving keira speechless "bastard" she mumbles

I open the door leaving a bell sound when you open the door to know if someone entered. I went in while keira was behind me.

I saw a man with brown hair and green eyes who was on the counter who seems to be in his thirties and a woman who has the same features at the man that was on the counter is fixing the clothes at the side.

They turned to look at us "welcome" they bowed the woman spoke up and said "You must be lady keira?" Her eyes widen a bit and she continues "My lady we already told you that we will delivered at your estate"

"Its fine and I'm sorry as well for not telling you that I'm picking it up by myself" Keira said while smiling. I looked at her with dead panned expression mixed with disgusted. I guess she can look like this while being rude to me.

She bowed "I should get your clothes now my lady please excuse me"

Keira walked up to the counter and gave the the man 20 gold coins. The man widen his eyes in shock "My lady This is too much and the two clothes that you buy only cost 10 silver coins!"

Keira raised her eye brows confused "You told me you have a sick mother right? so here take it"

"Bu-but you don't have to " The man said still not taking the gold coins

My eyes widen a bit, I didn't know Keira was like this well maybe the original yomura knows this.

I walked up to them and place a pouch with gold coins in. Keira's eyes widen in surprise

The mans expression is full of shocked now..

"I-I can't accept it like this sir and my lady" the man said almost crying now.

"Ah..I'm sorry I thought that will help your sick mother..." I said while thinking about of how he will except this.

"Lady keira the clothes that you ordered is here" the woman got back and is now holding two piece of clothes one is a suit and the other one is a dress, Then I have an idea.

Since I remember that the original yomura has siblings and is coming home tomorrow why not get them a gift?

"Well how about this, How about I buy clothes will you accept this then?" I said

"Of course Sir, what clothes do you want to buy?" He said a little calm now

"Can I buy two dresses and two suits from a..." The man and woman looked at me confused by not finishing my sentence..Dang it how old Yomuras sibling was again? All I know is that a girl with brown hair with blue eyes and was elegant and mature despite her age and a boy with black hair with blue eyes who's now training swordsman ship...

Then I remember the novel said something while the point of view is Takashi talking about Yomura

- "Ah now I remember he has two siblings am I right? A girl and a boy the age of 8 year olds"

"Do you have clothes for 8 year olds?" I asked

"Oh yes sir we have, so you want two dresses and two suits for 8 year olds?" The woman said

"Yes and you can designed them " I said with a smile on my face

"I see I'll take good care of it and designed them beautifully" The woman said while bowing.

"Oh but can I please know your names?" I said while looking at them both.

The woman that was besides me clear her throat, It was keira "Ahem is my turn to answer that question of yours" She said while putting her both hands on her hips while smirking.

I just looked at her with dead panned expression while the other just laughs

"This is Isabella" she said while pointing at the woman, Isabella looked at me and bowed and smiled

"And this is Gillian" Keira pointed where Gillian was he then bowed and smiled

I smiled at them "well then my name is Yomura Heazung nice to meet you" Gillian and Isabella looked at me slightly shocked

"Um is there something the matter?" I said

"Ah is not that but when we first got here we heard strange rumors about the son of Grand Duke Heazung" her eyes widen she covered quickly covered her mouth and bowed "I-I'm sorry If that offended you y-young master heazung" she said while trembling Gillian also bowed and was now in front of Isabella like he's protecting her.

I looked at them slightly shock "please raise your heads" I said

Gillian and Isabella looked at each other before they looked at me.

They slowly raised their heads Still looking down

I sweat dropped of how the happy atmosphere turn into a gloomy and scared one.

"May I ask what was the rumors all about? And please don't be afraid I wont hurt you." I said

They looked at me looking a bit nervous and relief.

"Um" they both looked at each other thinking if their making the right choice.

I sighed "Please I won't do anything harmful to you both" I smiled weakly

Isabella and Gillian looked at me, Gillian open his mouth and said "When we moved here in the capital we heard rumors about you and the crown prince of Maire...." Gillian stopped for a moment.

"that you...are obsess and always follow his highness every where" he looked at me

I was dumbfounded all of those rumors where...true! Well for the original Yomura

I can hear Keira holding her laugh from the side. The two figures in front of me look at me with confused expression.

"But I don't think those rumors where true at all, since we met you now smiling so..brightly" Isabella spoke up

"Also we did heard that Young master Yomura Heazung is..very rude of who ever got the attention of the crown prince" Gillian added

I was still speechless everything that they said was all true!....except of what Isabella said Yomura only acted this now was because I'm possessing him..

"I-I see..." I said for some reasons my voice tremble

Gillian and Isabella looked at me.

"I-I'm sorry If we upset you " Gillian said and bowed slightly

"Ah its alright I don't mind" I said while smiling weakly

"Hey if you're done, its time for us to leave" Keira said, walking towards the door

"Ah I guess it time for us to leave" I looked at them "Thank you and I supposed we will meet again next time" I smiled

The two figures were slightly shocked and smiled and bowed.

"Yes, young master and thank you as well " Isabella said

I open the door and met Keira who has her arm cross.

"Come on lets go" she said while walking

I sighed and just followed her....



We were now in the center of the capital a plaza I supposed? And It seems like theres a event since of how some people have gathered here, some dancing and some has come to sightseeing the events.

I looked at Keira "Hey..whats happenig here? Is this a tradition or theres some big occasion going on?"

Keira looked at me like I was the stupidest person between us.

"Did you bump your head on something?"


We looked at each other while Keira who seems to want to punch me

She sighed and said "Did you just forget what was the meaning of the banquet for tomorrow?"

I looked at her confused "oh its the year of our glorious win in the war..?"


Keira looked at me with a poker face while I turned away we were right outside the tavern until we heard a man shouted.

"Hey you little brat come back here!" A man who's in his thirties and also look likes a nobleman shouted while running after a child

The boy who's in a black hooded cloak is running towards our direction.

We made eye contact for a moment until the boys eyes widen slightly his eyes were gold and somehow familiar?

He went by passed us and I saw him bleeding on the side of his head. I pulled Keira's hooded cloak "hey should we help him? Hes bleeding"

Keira looked at me "why should we? Do you know him?" She asked

I looked at her still holding her light green hooded cloak "No but he looks familiar I supposed.."

"What kind of answer is that?" She looked at me and pulled her hooded cloak away.

"Look I know you're a caring person" she roll her eyes and continues "but its better to not intervene in someones business" she glared at me.

Ah..shes not wrong though for some reasons I wanted to help that kid was it out of pity?

"Hey come on lets go, we still have time to explore"Keira said. I nodded and we walked through the plaza.



It was crowded...very crowded, and here I am ...lost...I lost Keira 'It feels like I'm going to get scolded by Keira and Rossalyn..' I thought to myself

I just kept walking to see if I can find Keira if not then I'm going back to the carriage.

I went passed by an alleyway and saw a boy bleeding. It was the child from earlier

I stood far away from him he has a black hair and by judging from his hooded cloak it has a crest on it, he belongs to a noble family..did he ran away or something?

I ripped some piece of my hooded cloak and walked towards him.

I knelt down to his height, before I touch his head. A hand suddenly grab my wrist

"What do you think you're doing?" He open his eyes and looked at me his eye widen slightly but turned into a poker face.

"What do you think?…I'm helping you" I pulled away from his grip and start to wiping the blood that was on the side of his forhead

He slapped my hand away "I don't need help" I looked at him with a smile that says 'do you think I care?'

I just kept wiping it and I start to wrap the wounds on his head with the hooded cloak. I feel a little proud since for once I did it right because I couldn't get this simple thing wrapping a wound from a bandage and also this child didn't pushed me away now.

I saw him touching the bandage "you're bad at this"

I was dumbfounded when he said that "hey at least I tried my best to help you here and I think you need see a doc- I mean a healer to see that wound of yours" I said while standing up

"Say whats your name?" I said while helping him stand up which result, him shoving me away.

He looked at me. "I thought you already know?"

I looked at him confused "I'm sorry did you just forgot that we just met?" His eyes widen slightly.


He stayed quiet for a while still shocked I supposed, I looked up to the sky to see the sun down and the moon went up along the stars that shine in the night.

"Hey where do you live? I can take you there-" I was cut off when he said,

"Christian...Christian Lee"

"Oh you're from the Lee family" I said while holding out a hand to him "Come on lets go we don't want you to get more in trouble now right?" I smiled

He went passed by me "I can go home on my own" he said with a poker face

"Bastard" I whisper so he won't heard it but it failed his eyes widen surprised and chuckle slightly.

"Heh thats surprising for you to say that" he said while smirking. For some reason I feel like I'm talking to an 18 year old who's the same age as the original Yomura and…somehow like we've know for each other for a long time.

I stayed quiet for a while and shook my head, I went passed him while grabbing his wrist but of course that backfired he pulled away his wrist but I'm still holding it.

"Let go or I'll kill you" he glared at me like he was really going to kill me. I flinched at his words and I tilted my head to the side.

I flick his head "You can't do that you'll go to jail if you do" before I continue I looked at him still glaring at me, I let go of his wrist.

"How about this I won't hold your hand anymore or do something but let me just see that you got home safely" I said while lightly ruffling his hair.

This time he didn't shove me or pulled my hand away instead he pulled out a knife and pointed at me.

My eyes widen and I froze at the spot, Christian looked at me " You don't need to, see? I can protect myself" he said while spinning the knife back to his pocket.

"And-" he stops and looked at me up and down, "…unlike you, It seems that you don't have anyone or something to protect you at all" he said with a smug expression.

I looked at him dumbfounded "I got beaten by a kid" I mumble. I shook my head and walked out of the alleyway.

"Where are you going?"

"Back to my carriage, I supposed I can trust you now, going back to your home?" I said with a smirk and left, I hear a faint voice calling out to me. I looked back and saw Christian gone.



I went back where the carriage was and saw Keira walking back and forward.

"…what are you doing?"

She looked at me like a woman from a horror movie, and then she ran up to me and grip both of my shoulders. She looked at me like she was going to kill me…

"…he-hey…" I want to say something but I end up stuttering, before I continue, Keira open her mouth and shouted

"You little mutt! what will you do if you get kidnapped huh?! And also don't forget you have that little pretty face of yours and you still haven't started training swordsmanships!" She said while shaking me, violently..

"Okay, okay, you can stop now, and besides nothing happen to me alright" I said while pushing her lightly. going to the carriage. She quickly follow me, and scold me while returning to the estate.


We got back to the estate and James came toward us.

"Young master! Lady Keira welcome back" he said while bowing, I nodded in respond. He took out a letter that looks like the letter from earlier that we read...the stamp...Its from the Maire Empire family!

"Young master I think you should read this" He gave it to me while Keira is looking at the letter.



I was at my bedroom holding the letter and…for some reasons Keira is still here and not going back home…

"Hey shouldn't you be home by now? And its 7:00 o'clock Keira" I looked at her. She lazily lean on the couch while looking at me.

"I know that, I'll return home in a bit and read that first will you? I'm quite curious about it" she smirk

I open the letter and read it out loud so Keira can hear it.

"Dear Grand Duke Heazung the banquet of our glorious win in the war will be move on January 12…- " I was cut off by Keira who almost choke while drinking her tea

"Hey…5 days?! " she looked at me with shock eyes. She then stands up and walks up to me and sat down.

"Hurry and continue to read it!" She said while sitting right besides me and shaking me. I slapped her hand away earning a hiss from her

"Hiss. Whats wrong with you smacking and slapping my hand away?" She glared at me

I looked at her weirdly "why did you…?- what are you a cat?"

"Just continue to read that damn letter yomura!" She shouted at me.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll continue " I cleared my throat "there has been some difficulties on planning the banquet and…" I stopped for a moment before continuing it "…I know the Grand duke and his wife are on a trip of business along their two youngest children so the one who is reading this, is the oldest son of Grand duke heazung. Yomura Heazung… Yomura."

Me and Keira stayed quiet for a while

"So, you think the crown prince wrote this letter? " Keira said while looking at me with a smirk

"No..I think so, it must be one of his servant who wrote this…"

"Don't play dumb now, and besides if some servant did write this they'll add 'young master' but in the letter its only Yomura, so~ Its the crown prince himself who wrote this, thats the first time" she said in a playful tone while standing up

"Can I punch you and burn this letter? " I said with a grin on my face while gripping the paper, wanting to crumble it.

"Bastard, you can't do that you'll go to jail" she said with a dead panned tone

I sighed and put the letter down on the table "just go home already Keira"

"Yeah, yeah " she walks toward the door and open it. She looked at me and wave her hand "Sweet dreams, you jerk"

I sighed "Good night to you as well Keira" she smirk and closed the door.

"..." I didn't read the last part of the letter to Keira since I know she'll bother me or either annoy me of course.

'You and your family will go to the Empire Maire palace on January 9 the king wants to talk to Grand duke Heazung'

Alright…1 more day and say bye bye to the 7 days of my peaceful life now. I walked towards my bed and laid down.



I keep turning around to the sides of the bed 'I can't sleep'

"…Ugh WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING!" I shouted not too loud

Heh I mean what did I expect? Of course it will turn out like this. The person who got transmitted into a novel and will thought they will get a peaceful life, no drama and will stay out of the original story…NOT. Fate isn't always like that.

I keep complaining until I fell asleep.




A young man who's in his bedroom sitting on the chair while reading some paper's


'He probably already read the letter that I sent…should I go to the capital again tomorrow?'

Somethings wrong with him, he doesn't act like that in front of me…and…how did he not even recognize that form?