

In the kingdom of Buffalo's in Seoul, there lived a royal family called the Eminent family. The Eminent family had control over the entire empire, but in this land of power, there was a male child born named Solomon. Shortly after, another child was born - a mighty boy named Samson. These births caused an uproar in the kingdom, and the emperor became jealous. The emperor ordered that any child born with a buffalo's head symbol on their back should be killed immediately. The emperor knew from the past generations that mighty children were prone to rebellion. Once Majesty Beckham seized control of the kingdom in an illegal way, he made several unpopular decrees. He banned the trading and eating of liquor, rice and pork. The citizens were outraged by this and began to protest. In response, Majesty Beckham ordered his guards to kill any who spoke out against him. Meanwhile, the emperor's younger brother, Prince Henry, had secretly fathered a mighty child. When Majesty Beckham learned of this, he sent his guards to kill the child and his family. They narrowly escaped, fleeing to a secret cottage in the woods. "After many years they had grown up, the two brothers finally returned to their hometown. They had been away for so long that they could barely remember what had happened there before. They were also angry about the ban on their father's property. "As they entered the town, they noticed something strange. The people were acting strangely, whispering among themselves and looking worried. Some were even crying. The brothers looked at each other, these makes them got irritated and rebel against the act of the Emperor. In the midst of their plans to overthrow the king, a revelation was made to them: one of the brothers was the rightful heir to the throne. There could be only one king, so the brothers became suspicious and confused. They wondered which of them was the "mighty child" prophesied by their ancestors - the one who would usher in an era of peace and prosperity for the kingdom. The brothers, now grown men, returned to the palace to wage war and claim the throne. Samson, the mighty child, claimed he was the rightful successor, but Solomon, the elder brother, disagreed. As Samson held the sword to his brother's neck, a tense silence fell over the crowd. The air was thick with the weight of the moment, as everyone held their breath, waiting to see what would happen next. The only sound was the pounding of Solomon's heart, as he stared into his brother's eyes, his own eyes wide with fear. Then, the people wondered what would happen next. Would Samson follow through on his threat, or would he give in to his brother? please cheer me up, by voting for me readers discord username: oluwapelumi_73626 discord server: discord.gg/kCscHwGb facebook name: oluwapelumi akinsanmi

OLUWAPELUMI_20 · History
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"It was September, and the lord of sept was merciful, the air was sweet with the scent of roses, the birds sang and the horses neighed, filling the air with music. The sky was a clear blue, and a gentle breeze ruffled the grass and leaves of the trees. It was a scene of beauty and tranquillity, but beneath the surface, there were signs of changes in the castle..."

The majestic palace rose above the landscape like a crown in a pagoda style, each trying to outmatch the other, the beautiful monument, a good evidence of the new order from this array of building stood majestically, a testament to the new regime. The beautiful cobweb of a monument, perched atop the hill, was a cynosure of attraction, it was indeed an ancient castle in hot contest which seemed to stand in stark contrast to the sleek, in twenty-first architectural feat.

"The month waned to its middle, and the rain that had drenched the earth in the morning gave way to a sun that struggled to break through the clouds. The chill that had kept all creatures beneath cover began to fade as the sun's rays warmed the earth. The world seemed to stir from its slumber, as if waking from a long winter's nap."

Solomon rushed out to greet his father, the sun, now high in the sky, seemed to smile down upon the land, as if pleased by the reunion of father and son. Solomon's father, tall and strong, bent down to embrace his son. "It's so good to see you, Solomon," he said with a smile. "How have you been? I hope all is well" "papa! Papa! I missed you, so how was the journey papa!" "It good and not complicated" said with a amazement, "wow, you nine years old, you growing taller than I" "papa! Am almost losing my head in embarrassment".


As his father stares up. There comes his wife "Welcome home, dear," she said, he closed the gap and give a warm hug to her "How was your day?"

"Fine, dear," she replied. "But I've been missing you."

Just then, the boy spoke up. "Papa, I thought I asked you to get me a wooden sword and shield when you coming back home."

The mother's face turned red with anger. "How dare you interrupt us? And who do you think you are, calling your father 'Papa'? You've been giving me nothing but headaches since your father left the house, you lack manners, am whipping you" "forgive him dear, he won't repeat himself again" "thanks Dad" said his son

  "Am almost famished, is my food ready dear" "it is ready, ok let go in and have a taste on it, they rushed in, with an excitement expression.

After the wife had done preparing the table for serving, "papa! you know this food is delicious because I helped my mom in the kitchen" she replied "what!!, you this brat!, what have you called me, you lack table manner," "of course not mom, am trying telling the truth" said Solomon, "it okay, what did you mean Solomon, Papa am trying teasing my MAMA" "Oh" laughing heavenly, as saliva ran into his father lungs, "coughing!!" Take care dear, said his wife "let finish eating, you can't kill me, I have something to tell urgently" said the father, "can't wait papa!".

Silence filled the dining hall as Solomon's father glanced at his wife. He leaned over and whispered, "Has Samson eaten yet?"

His wife replied in a sharp tone, "Yes, dear."

Solomon's gaze darted between his parents, and he spoke up. "But why, Mama? Don't you know the dungeon is meant for prisoners?"

"We were taught in school that a dungeon is where prisoners are kept," the boy continued. "Please, forgive him. He is alone all night, and he won't do it again."

The parents looked at each other, unsure of what to do.

The father looked at Solomon in surprise. His mind raced as he considered the boy's rapid growth. "You're really coming into your own these days," he said.

"Don't worry, Solomon," he added. "It's for our own safety."

"But how, Dad?" the boy asked.

"You'll understand in time," the father replied.

"But when, Papa?" the boy demanded impatiently.

The mother, growing impatient with her son's questioning, interjected, "Enough! You've eaten enough.

The boy thought to himself, "I'm sorry, Papa and Mama, for asking too many questions". Solomon thought hard, trying to figure out how to save his brother. Thirty minutes had passed since they had finished eating.

Solomon reminds his dad about what he wanted to discuss, eventually it leads to a result as his father said, "I hope you all didn't forget tomorrow his Samson 7th birthday, oh it through dad, that what I wanted to remind you earlier in the morning", "oh!, just keep mute, did you know when Samson celebrated his first birthday, are you matured then, mama! Are you doubting me, I know everything perfectly", said Solomon, "Now I would like you to tell me when he celebrated his last birthday and the food that was served that day". Said his dad, "But I won't tell you freely. Let's make a deal. If I am able to correctly identify it, you must release him. But if I'm wrong, I won't ask about him again."

The prince's parents looked at each other, weighing the boy's offer. Finally, they nodded in agreement. They were intrigued by the boy's confidence and curiosity. They would accept the challenge and see if he could prove himself.

  "Okay! I go on, on that very day, your dad named him Samson, because he has black Buffalo head symbol at his back, so I crawled back to the yard where the waiter are working and I head somebody saying, 200 sealed glass liquor with rice and pork serve everyone in the ceremony". As tense of silence flow in the room, which give a sign of wonder to the parent, stirring at Solomon as he demonstrated and illuminate what had happen, they found themselves in bewilderment, Solomon spoke, "father! Mother! Am done speaking", they couldn't voice out a single word stirring at him and at the same time, asking their self what wisdom as this little child possesses,






"Papa, you're not answering me," the young boy said, frustration rising in his voice. "Please tell me if I'm wrong."

The prince's father took a deep breath and looked at his son. "Yes, you are right," he said, "and I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner. I was just so surprised by what you said."

"Okay, okay," the boy said, still excited. "Now, listen to this. He celebrated it when he was 2 years of age. Can you please bring out my dear brother from that wrench place, and you said what! Nothing ma!.

The father told his wife, "Please bring our son here." A few moments later, the boy arrived. He couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sight of his brother's head full of excitement. The parents wondered if the two of them had planned the whole thing.

"You should say thank you, brother," said Solomon. He felt embarrassed to say it while standing still, so he ran around the house.

"Thank you as anticipated," Samson replied, as they chased each other around the house.

  their parent were not in good position to talk as they watch their sons in confusion especially her husband, he walk so harshly towards his room and his wife can't stand the point of his view, than to follow him, "what wrong dear, what happen to you", he scolded "just shut up!!, let me be, because i couldn't digest any word properly now, 

His wife spoke up. "You gave birth to them, so we have to deal with this. It's like watching an action movie."

"I'm not the one who gave birth to them," the father replied. "I only knew about Samson's powers, but I don't know anything about Solomon."

"When the boys are together, I can't read their minds," the father continued. "Their minds are so thick, like a dense fog."

"I know what to do," the father said, coming up with a plan. "We need to see the shaman first thing tomorrow morning.

In the dawn, a chorus of birdsong filled the air. The palace guards were all asleep, exhausted from their night watch. In the stillness of the early morning, Solomon's parents slipped quietly out of the palace. The children slept soundly in their beds, unaware of the parents' departure.

Outside the main gate, Solomon's father led his wife to a magnificent white horse. The horse whinnied softly as the father approached, and he stroked its mane gently. Then, the parents climbed onto the horse and rode off.

The couple approached the cottage warily, feeling a sense of foreboding as they neared the door. As they looked up at the building, they saw that it was decorated with a macabre collection of animal skulls and skeletons. The door creaked open and an old woman emerged, dressed in a tattered robe made of tiger skin. Her wrinkled face was covered in dirt and grime, and her eyes were bloodshot and wild. The couple gulped, wondering if they had made a terrible mistake in coming here.

The old woman turned and walked back into the cottage, beckoning the couple to follow. As they stepped through the doorway, they were struck by the smell of incense and herbs. The inside of the cottage was dim and shadowy, lit only by a few candles and a fire in the hearth. The old woman gestured for them to sit on the floor, and they did so, feeling a little uneasy.

  Motioning to the floor. She grasped their hands and closed her eyes, as if she were concentrating. After a moment, she opened her eyes and said, "I can see that your firstborn child is exceptionally with wisdom, and your second child is destined to wield great power" "But I haven't seen him demonstrate any powers yet," the prince said.

"It's only a matter of time," the old woman replied. "And you must remember, a mighty child does not hold back. If he does, it will cause disaster for his generation. So, dear prince, remember this, no matter how mighty you are, you can't kill thousands of soldier be prepared for what is to come…"


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