
The village Hidden In The Stones

Kentaro flew high in the air, he looked down on their one year of work. Kentaro had relieved himself from all the stress, the village had been fully constructed.

Every bridge had another battle carved into it, Kentaro was amazed by such beauty. He flew back down and joined Kenchikuka.

"Kenchikuka, you little devil. One year ago, you were our greatest nightmare. Today, you can be considered a founder of the village. Your name shall never be forgotten, we shall recount your story to the generations to come."

Kenchikuka was very honored by Kentaro, he had not expected to be considered a founder of the village after having punched his nuts for a few times.

"Attention everybody! You all have been living in your homes for six months, now that everything has really been constructed, all of you can freely roam the village as you like!"

When the homes had been constructed, the bridges were not. Many places had been restricted due to the constructions, but now it wasn't anymore.

Many of the people became emotional, they had worked hard for one whole year and finally, their work had payed off.

The hundreds of shinobi had one question in their minds, they wanted to know who the Tsuchikage was going to be.

"Lord Kentaro, we should proceed with the elections for the position of Tsuchikage. How should we do it?" Lord Ichika asked.

Kentaro knew that feudal lord Ozushi's presence wasn't required since he didn't have a say in those matters.

"Very well, I know how we shall proceed. The future generations will also proceed the same way. Every one of you has to vote, the common people and the shinobi. The one who has the most votes shall become Tsuchikage." Everyone liked that idea.

"But! The vote of a shinobi has more value than the vote of a common citizen. A shinobi's vote values the vote of two common citizens."

This made sense for everyone, a shinobi was more involved with the Tsuchikage than the common citizen after all.

"Alright, let's prepare everything for the votes." the people gathered in the announcement hall in the Tsuchikage's residence.

It was constructed underground and had just enough room for all of them. Thirty minutes later, papers and ink were distributed to everyone.

One by one they wrote down who they wanted as Tsuchikage and left the announcement hall. This took a total of four hours, finally it was time to deliver the verdict.

Mū brought the box were the papers had been put, he was tasked to deliver the verdict. In front of the Tsuchikage's residence, the people and the shinobi sat down.

They looked at Mū taking the papers one by one and reading their contents. It was clear to know who the chosen one was.

"The four thousand three hundred sixty-six votes have been made known to each of you. I declare in the name of The Village Hidden In The Stones that Kentaro Fujimoto is elected as First Tsuchikage!"

The croud erupted into cheers, they had all voted for him. Even the clan leaders did, they were proud to have Kentaro as their Tsuchikage.

DING! "Mission completed: become the First Tsuchikage."

DING! "300 000 000p"

Kentaro stood up and waved at everyone, he was proud of himself. Two years in this world were needed for him to become the Tsuchikage.

"I am honored, but without all of you, this dream would have never come true! Today is a day we celebrate, for it is a new era for the land of stone! There will come times where we will have to face much adversity! But the stone shall prevail!" Kentaro held his hands high.

"The stone shall prevail!" the croud repeated the same thing while going crazy, . Daitan placed his arms over Kentaro and whispered in his ears.

"Kentaro, now that everything has been successfully done, it is time to prepare the wedding." Daitan had waited enough.

"Very well, tomorrow shall also be a day of celebration. Prepare everything and announce the news to the croud, I will go inside my new residence." Kentaro patted Daitan's back and entered the Tsuchikage's residence.

He slowly took the stairs up, Kentaro thought about everything. From the first day when he woke up naked on a grass field until know, where he's supported by thousands and known by many.

'I made a long way and it was not an easy one.' Kentaro opened the door. The office was very spacious, there was a brown desk made out of solid wood. The ground had been painted in white and the walls in red.

On a little shelf, his famous straw hat was laying quietly. Kentaro walked to his chair and sat down.

While Daitan was announcing the wedding, Kentaro was writing every jutsu that he had destroyed with his particle style when he had turned the clan's village to dust.

He filled the scroll, shut it down and placed it on his desk. He was going to find a suitable place for the scrolls who had jutsu and their secrets writen on it.

he then grabbed another empty scroll, Kentaro started writing his first order. The door opened, he was too focused to see who it was.

"What are you writing? Is is perhaps a rule or something like that? You have just being chosen and you already work, you should rest a little bit." Kentaro finished writing his last sentence and looked up.

Amaterasu was standing there and looking at Kentaro with passionate eyes.

"You must understand that from today onwards, I will always be busy. The people of the hidden stone believe in me, like I always told myself. I must be their pillar, their father, their Elder brother and their mentor."

Kentaro closed the scroll down and stood up, he walked to Amaterasu and gave her the scroll.

"Give this to your father, he will understand what he must do. I need to be alone now, please leave my office." Amaterasu took the scroll out of Kentaro's hand and reluctantly left.

Kentaro sat back down on his chair, he wanted to have some private time with himself.

"Father, how I wanted you to see what I've achieved. If only you were here to congratulate this son of yours." Kentaro took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Tomorrow, the wedding which Daitan and the Kamizuru have awaited for so long would take place.