
Negotiations With The Kamizuru Clan

Three days had passed since the Elders council, everybody was waiting for a response from the Kamizuru clan.

Finally, a messenger bird delivered the message to Tetsuo.

It stated that the Kamizuru clan was prepared to agree on a truce, if the Fujimoto clan agreed on a couple of conditions. The negotiations would take place in the north of the land, controlled by the neutral feudal lord Ozushi.

The whole clan had been notified about the message.

Kentaro had put his battle robe on, with his straw hat. He armed himself with his precious katana and consealed eight shuriken on him.

Things could go south and a battle could ensue, taking precautions was never a bad thing.

Kentaro and his father waited for Wanda in front of the entrance and there he was coming.

He was short for a member of the Fujimoto clan, around 1m75. He had short dark brown spiky hair and a ring for each finger. As for weapons he had none.

"Wanda, get your ass here faster! We don't have time to waste."

Wanda accelerated his steps to reach Tetsuo and Kentaro faster.

"Yo, clan leader. Yo, Kentaro." Wanda wanted to hug Tetsuo and Kentaro, but was pushed by them.

'What the fuck is wrong with this guy?!'

"Anyways kids, it's time to go."

Tetsuo began running and Kentaro and Wanda followed him.

The north of the land of earth was not so far from the clan's territory.

It took them three hours to reach the territory of the feudal lord Ozushi.

There was a village in his territory, guarded heavily by mercenaries because that's were he lived.

This village was Ozushi village, named after himself. That's were they would negotiate with the Kamizuru clan.

Far in the horizon, Ozushi village could be seen. There was a large tower, so towering that it entered the clouds.

"Father, what is this tower?"

"This tower? It's one of the big unexplored sage regions. You know, there is Mount Myoboku, Ryuchi Cave, Suiren caves and what lays ahead of the clouds is really unexplored as the name implies."

Kentaro knew about Mount Myoboku and Ryuchi cave, but he had never heard about the Suiren caves or about a sage region above the clouds.

He preferred to not ask further, it would be suspicious if he showed his ignorance about the subject.

They soon arrived in Ozushi village and were led to the tower, it was even more impressive seeing it from so close.

"Welcome, please hand over your weapons to the guards before entering the tower."

Wanda didn't have any weapons, so he entered and waited for Tetsuo and Kentaro inside.

Tetsuo handed over his katana and entered, Kentaro did the same.

He had always eight shuriken consealed on him.

They were led to the thirtieth floor of the tower, there were no doors to the room, one could enter like this.

It was large and spacious, the ground was made out of marble and only one large table was in the center of the room.

One old man who was obviously feudal lord Ozushi was sitting at the end of the table, behind him were two shinobi guarding him.

On his left were sitting three people, the clan leader of the Kamizuru clan and two bodyguards.

Kentaro recognized the two bodyguards immediately. On the left was the one who killed his grandfather, Ishikawa Kamizuru, future first Tsuchikage. On the right, Mū the invisible man, future second Tsuchikage.

In the center of the two was an old man with a long white beard, he was the clan leader of the Kamizuru.

Mū was very young here. he was a teenager, only fifteen but already a bodyguard. The thing was that he wasn't a member of the Kamizuru, so what was he doing here?

"Greetings, feudal lord Ozoshi. We thank you for having us."

Tetsuo greeted feudal Ozoshi respectfully and sat down. Kentaro sat down on the left of Tetsuo, on the other side of the table was Ishikawa.

Kentaro placed his straw hat on the table and gazed at Ishikawa.

"Let us begin the meeting, gentlemen. I ask lord Kamizuru to state his conditions for the truce to be accepted."

Lord Kamizuru nodded his head and looked at Tetsuo.

"We want one thousand katanas and one million Ryos to be delivered to us every trimester."

Kentaro was unfamiliar with the currency, but this sounded a lot for every trimester.

Lord Kamizuru was not done.

"My clan also wants fourty percent of the Fujimoto's clan territory."

Tetsuo was retaining himself to not snap this man's neck.

"Listen lord Kamizuru, we have not come here to play games! You have to propose reasonable conditions, or we will leave this instance!"

The air got tense in a matter of seconds, everybody in the room could feel it.

"Please gentlemen, I ask all of you to calm down. We are here to have negotiations and to fight." Feudal lord Ososhi did his best to calm things down.

"Very well lord Kamizuru, Let's try a second time. WHAT CONDITIONS DO YOU PROPOSE?"

This was not feeling good to Kentaro. His father used an aggressive tone and lord Kamizuru obviously didn't like it.

Lord Kamizuru looked at feudal lord Ozushi and sighed.

"You see, feudal lord Ozushi. Those savages do not understand words. Look how lord Fujimoto lost his temperament. Those Fujimoto only understand things when blood is spilled. If so, then so be it!"

Lord Kamizuru throwed the table aside and punched Tetsuo in the face.

Wanda jumped on Mū and kicked him in the head, sending him flying to the other side of the room.

The only Kamizuru left was Ishikawa, who was just in front of Kentaro.

"Come at me, kid."

Kentaro did not waste any more time and began charging at Ishikawa.

The thirtieth floor of the tower had transformed into a little battlefield.

Feudal lord Ozushi was lost, he didn't know what to do. The six shinobi present were the strongest in their respective clans.

The negotiations had truly gone south, just as Kentaro predicted.