
The Shinobi With The Straw Hat

Kentaro, a man with a past hidden deep inside his heart spends his time on anime and adult films. One day, while he 'takes care' of himself, Kentaro receives an e-mail. He gets the urge to open it, the survey goes about what world he would like to live in and in what period. Playing along with the survey, Kentaro chooses the Naruto verse in the warring states period. Unbeknownst to him, he gets transported into the body he created. See him mature and find his true self back in this cruel and merciless world, Kentaro will become stronger with the years while wearing his unique straw hat. Follow his story into becoming the greatest shinobi ever seen. ************** I will use my imagination to create clans and make battles up, as the era of the warring states period is not so detailed in the original work. I hope you guys enjoy it. Don't forget to give me some critical reviews.

LanceVance · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Konoha's Invitation

"One, two, three....twenty." in his office, Kentaro was counting the boxes which had been delivered to him.

Inside the boxes, three thousand three hundred Bingo Books were laying quietly and waiting to be distributed.

"I'm happy to be done with that, it was a real torture to write that whole list of names down." The door opened and a few shinobi entered.

They carried the boxes one by one, they were tasked to distribute the Bingo Books to the Jonins while Kentaro was going to distribute them personally to the Anbu Corps.

He had written a total of six hundred names, which fifty-eight were classified as S-Rank. The Assassination group would have much work to do.

"Leave this one box here." this precise box contained the Bingo Books for the Anbu Corps. The young boy bowed his head and hurriedly left the office.

Kentaro carried the box in his arms and went to the balcony, his body turned invisible. Kentaro flew towards the mountain range who was behind his residence.

The tallest mountain was the Anbu Corps' headquarters, they had a whole facility built inside of the mountain.

Kentaro stood in front of the tallest mountain, he formed a few hand seals and placed his right hand on the mountain.

The hand seals were a 'key' to enter the headquarters and only by placing the 'key' on the right spot would you be allowed inside.

Kentaro was slowly swallowed by the mountain, he was now inside of the headquarters or not yet.

"Lord Tsuchikage, it is good to have you here." Kentaro was in front of the reception.

In front of him was metal door with a little opening, the Anbu member was looking at Kentaro with a smile.

"What are you waiting for? Open the door, I don't have time to waste." the door opened, Kentaro was really inside of the headquarters now.

The facility was enormous, there were many doors. The doors would lead to training areas and changing rooms.

Where he stood was a sort of briefing hall with three hundred chairs.

"Notify the boys that I'm here." the Anbu nodded and ran towards one of the doors.

Slowly but surely, all the three hundred Anbu were notified and so were the three group leaders. They all sat on the chairs and looked at Kentaro.

Kentaro dropped the box on the ground, he took one book out of it and held his hand high for everyone to clearly see it.

"The Bingo Book, one of your greatest friends. Everyone will get one book, don't lose it because you won't receive another one, not until there is a new copy." Kentaro threw the Bingo Book to an Anbu

"Those of the Espionage group have gathered intel about individuals of the neighboring lands that could potentially be threats to us. I have examined them and ranked every individual based on the level of threat they pose for Iwa and its interests." Kentaro motioned one Anbu to approach.

"Distribute the Bingo Books." the Anbu carried the box and gave one to each member. They looked through the book, they were curious to see the contents.

"D-Rank, C-Rank, not great threats at all but if you encounter them take their lives. B-Rank, A-Rank, strong shinobi. Some of them possess Kekkei Genkei." Kentaro was bout to explain the last rank.

"Listen closely! Fifty-eight individuals in the Bingo Book are listed as S-Rank, you can find them on the last fifty-eight pages." Kentaro had his own Bingo Book, he went to the last fifty-eight pages and looked together with the Anbu.

Kentaro went on the forty-sixth individual, he read it out loud for everyone to hear.

"Gengetsu Hozuki, powerful shinobi of the Hozuki clan. He can pose great threats for Iwa's future, he is to be actively hunted and assassinated at sight." Kentaro was reading the basic information that he had written, there was more detail about abilities and others.

Kentaro wanted to show to the Anbu that the individuals listed as S-Rank were no jokes. He went directly to the two last pages.

"Madara Uchiha, head of the Uchiha clan. He is the greatest threat to Iwa at the moment, he is unstable and possesses the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. He is to be actively hunted, to proceed with his assassination, the Tsuchikage's green light is requested." Kentaro then turned to the last page of the Bingo Book.

"Hashirama Senju, the Hokage of Konoha. He is the second greatest threat to Iwa, he posseses the wood style Kekkei Genkai. He is to be actively hunted, to proceed with his assassination, the Tsuchikage's green light is requested."

The Anbu members did not show any worry when they looked at Hashirama and Madara's profile. They were ready to kill them and die in the process as they were the greatest threats to Iwa.

"During espionage missions, if an espionage squad encounters an individual under the A-Rank, they can kill him."

"As for the individuals of A-Rank and S-Rank, only the assassination squad is allowed to go after them." Kentaro wanted to make things clear one last time.

He answered to a couple of questions and left the headquarters of the Anbu Corps, Kentaro returned to his office. seconds later, an eagle stormed inside from the balcony.

The eagle landed on Kentaro's desk and stood quietly until Kentaro took the paper from the little wooden box that was on its back.

Kentaro opened the little paper and read the content.

"Dear Lord Tsuchikage,

the world has known a change and the five great shinobi villages have been created. I am a pursuer of peace, I would like you to come to Konoha in two days. With the other Kages, we shall discuss about the future.

Lord Hokage."

Kentaro placed the paper on his desk and scratched his hair. He didn't know if it was a good idea to go, he had much to do.

"If I'm not here, who's gonna make sure that everything goes well near the border with the land of wind?" the one thousand shinobi where still there, waiting for Kentaro's order.

"I don't have a choice I'll have to go." Kentaro's expression turned dark when he thought about Hashirama, Madara and Tobirama.

In two days, Kentaro would meet with the three of them again. Everything could go wrong.