
The Shinobi Insidious Plot

Some lights only get to shine in the deepest darkness of chaos. Regardless of hurt or betrayal, he'll do anything necessary to achieve his goal even if that meant playing the villain... Morally gray Reincarnated OC Insert

Swiffith · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Hell spats me back out

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Naruto Shippuden. All rights belong to its author Masashi Kishimoto.


- So here we are. This is my first OC insert fanfic. I've been wanting to try this for some time now but I only got some inspiration recently.

- A.N.B. means after Naruto's birth; it will serve as a way to count the years of the timeline starting from year 0. I'll try to point out the timeline the best I can with the info I found.

- Filler characters, concepts, and events will be included in some way or form.

- If you have any doubts, ask in the comment section at the end of the chapter. I'll answer the best I can whether it is in the next chapter or your inbox.

- Comments are always welcome whether it is praise or constructive criticism. It incentivizes me a lot, boys and girls.

- Enough said, let's start.

Year ??? A.D. ~ Modern World 

Born from alcoholic parents out of wedlock and from a shunned woman, Evan was sent to live, by his father, to another family as a baby less than one year old. 

In his new home, Evan was raised as the sole child of a single mother who had tragically lost her child just eleven days before Evan's birth. Oddly enough, Evan and this distant sibling shared the same birthday, a bittersweet coincidence that he often pondered.

Yet, as one might expect, changing his living situation did little to improve Evan's circumstances. The person who was meant to nurture him, to care for him, instead continually chastised him, never letting him forget that he wasn't her biological child.

Evan often wondered if this treatment was because of the untimely death of the woman's son. Scattered throughout the house were trophies and awards, likely earned by her late child. Evan couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have a brother. Would he be protective, look out for him, or at least treat him kindly?

However, as the years passed, the situation remained unchanged. Evan began to lose hope that anything would ever be different in this house.

Things took a turn for the worse. The woman started to experience difficulties at her job, and emotional abuse soon became the least of Evan's worries.

Her frustration and anger seemed to manifest as physical abuse directed at Evan as if she blamed him for the distressing state of her life. It was a feeling that gnawed at Evan's very core, leaving him to wonder why she placed such high and impossible expectations on him.

After all, he wasn't her son, a fact she had reminded him of countless times throughout the years. So why did she persist in expecting the impossible from him, as if he could fill a void that was never meant for him to fill?

But the challenges in Evan's life didn't stop at his troubled home. When he ventured into the school world, his peers kept their distance from him. They were afraid, terrified that he might be associated with the Sacred Snakes, a notorious group known for recruiting children as their agents. It appeared that Evan's caretaker had been in a relationship with one of their members before being cast aside.

Evan's upbringing had unfolded in a perilous corner of the city, where drug dealers and criminal factions were an everyday presence. Kidnappings of children and women occurred regularly, whether to press them into service as agents, hold them as hostages, or for even more sinister purposes.

He looked upon these ignorant, fearful classmates with indifference. At his young age, he was astonishingly observant, keenly aware that in this marginalized part of the town, these children were likely in similar dire straits.

Whenever his caretaker was out or engrossed in front of the TV, Evan kept a vigilant watch in secret.

Every day, the news seemed to offer a bleak diet of stories about deaths, environmental disasters, and political propaganda. He despised politicians for their tendency to veer off-topic, endlessly discussing social inequality and the need for a more equal world.

Here he was, trapped in a toxic environment with no safety nets or social programs to shield or aid him. The egalitarian world they all spoke of was a mere illusion, a perilous falsehood. He understood the game they were playing here.

They kept the people in a state of misery, only to later extend a hand when they were at their lowest, ensuring eternal gratitude. They swelled the state, stripped individuals of their independence, diminished job opportunities, and sowed discord among the populace to keep them distracted, and squabbling amongst themselves.

Yet, it wasn't the politicians who disgusted Evan the most. It was the people who, time and again, seemed afflicted with collective amnesia. When election season arrived, they conveniently forgot that many of those they had elected were the very causes of their current plight.

These experiences cultivated in Evan a level of apathy toward the suffering of others, and he developed a somewhat egocentric persona. Deep down, he cared most about himself.

So, he made a decision. He would forge his path, seek part-time jobs, and earn some money. He took whatever opportunities came his way, from cutting grass to performing laborious tasks.

With the money he slowly accumulated, he was no longer plagued by hunger, and he could even afford a few small indulgences to entertain himself.

Evan had a particular fondness for reading, among other pastimes. It was his escape, a way to distance himself from the troubles of his immediate surroundings. Books, magazines, and similar materials were his refuge.

One day, he overheard his classmates at school enthusiastically discussing a series called Naruto. Intrigued, he decided to give it a try and purchased the first volume.

The opening chapter tells the tale of the demon fox and the Fourth Hokage sealing it into a human baby as a sacrifice. That's when the real story began, introducing the protagonist, Naruto Uzumaki.

Evan's initial impression of Naruto was rather unflattering. He saw Naruto as a bit of an idiot, constantly seeking attention from a village that, in Evan's opinion, didn't deserve him. Naruto's unwavering determination to rise above the village's disdain puzzled Evan, who believed Naruto should be more indifferent to their behavior and focus on his own goals.

As Evan continued reading, he followed Naruto's journey through the academy exams, and that's when he felt the boy had squandered a golden opportunity. Naruto had been lured into stealing the Scroll of Seals by one of the academy instructors, and Evan couldn't help but think it was a colossal waste. Naruto had access to a valuable resource that could have changed his life, yet he only learned one of the many useful techniques it contained.

He mused about how things could have been different if Naruto had seized the moment, learned everything in that scroll, and not been easily manipulated.

The story progressed as Naruto became a genin and joined a team led by the copy ninja including two of his former academy peers.

Sakura, to Evan, appeared to be the typical fangirl, and her character was somewhat grating to him at the start of the series. He only grew to admire her after a significant time skip, but then she seemed to revert somewhat to her earlier self.

Sasuke, on the other hand, was the embodiment of edginess. He had been manipulated by his psychopathic brother, and it perplexed Evan how anyone could believe that subjecting Sasuke to mental torture would be beneficial, especially after he had vowed to protect Sasuke from the corpses of their family members.

As for Kakashi, he came across as a man stuck in the past, distracted by inconsequential matters, and wasting valuable time that could have been spent preparing his students to become skilled shinobi.

Evan's musings went further, contemplating how some events in the series could have been avoided with a few changes. The Uchiha clan massacre and Sasuke leaving the village were events that might have been prevented.

However, it was all just part of Evan's overall perspective on how things could have unfolded differently. The Hidden Leaf Village was, in his view, a cursed place. It had been the target of wars, devastating kaiju attacks like the Nine-Tails assault, child experimentation, a council capable of ordering the extermination of entire clans, and divine beings raining judgment from above.

While Evan acknowledged that other villages had their dark histories and sins, Konoha always seemed to stand out as the stage for the worst possible scenarios for a village supposedly founded on the principles of peace.

Kumo was obsessed with acquiring Kekkei Genkai, to the point of kidnapping children to extract their eyes or using them as breeding machines to create an army of Byakugan users.

Iwa appeared to be a breeding ground for terrorists, ready to strike at any moment with their earth-style jutsu or aerial bombardments. They seemed to relish sending their forces on suicide missions, such as the infamous Yellow Flash incident.

Suna, it seemed, was willing to sacrifice its finest shinobi and kunoichi to avoid the slightest possibility of conflict with neighboring countries, leaving a trail of tragedy in their wake. Pakura, a fine shinobi, perished in that exact circumstances.

As for Kiri, also known as the Bloody Mist, it had experienced a prolonged civil war that had seen the senseless waste of their valuable Kekkei Genkai. No one even remembered why the conflict had started; they simply followed through on the idea of exterminating anyone with bloodline abilities.

Evan hoped that these villages would never have to face a real war, as they had already killed countless potential soldiers with Kekkei Genkai for trivial reasons. Such losses would undoubtedly be felt if they ever encountered a genuine wartime scenario.

He continued reading the manga series until the end, but he couldn't help but despise the ending. He wondered why there wasn't a chapter showing Naruto achieving his dream of becoming Hokage, considering it had been a central theme throughout the series. Instead, the final chapters focused on Naruto's marriage to a character he barely shared any screen time or glances with, leaving him dissatisfied. If he could, he'd change the ending to prevent Boruto from ever happening.

Nonetheless, Evan was captivated enough by the series to delve into the anime, including the fillers and movies, and even dabbled in the novels.

As time passed, Evan's caretaker fell seriously ill with cancer. It seemed she had never cared much about her health, and a year and a half later, she passed away. Like the other parental figures in his life, she disappeared in what felt like the blink of an eye. She had never been there for him, and her absence barely registered. He hadn't counted the countless times of mistreatment as her being truly present anyway.

But all he inherited was her misery; her bills, her debts...

It didn't take long for the landlord to arrive, demanding rent. Unfortunately, Evan was still too young to secure a proper job, and the country's laws forbade boys his age from working. The few jobs he managed to find paid him too little to cover both his monthly expenses, including food, and the rent for the large house.

He made a sincere effort to explain his dire circumstances to the landlord, but, like almost everyone else he had ever encountered, the landlord displayed no interest in hearing his story. According to him, Evan should simply act as he ought to, be grateful for inheriting the house, and do his best to maintain it. This was one of the many moments in Evan's life when he felt an overwhelming desire to harm someone. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that something restrained him—was it a moral sense or merely the fear of facing imprisonment?

Contrary to what many might have assumed, Evan wasn't merely complaining about the life he led or the hardships he endured; those were distinct matters. In actuality, he was deeply unsatisfied. Despite wanting many things in life, he struggled to attain even half of them, despite his unwavering efforts.

Eventually, Evan found himself homeless. Being homeless came with its own set of challenges, including an increased risk of infectious diseases due to poor nutrition, hygiene, and overcrowding at shelters. But he had little choice, and the best place he could find was a camp occupied by homeless individuals who worked tirelessly to earn a few coins for survival.

He spent days, or perhaps months, in that camp, searching through trash for food. It was far from ideal, but it was his reality now, and he had no complaints, for now...

He would rise to the top, no matter what...

Evan's life continued along this trajectory until one fateful day when everything changed. During one night in the camp, the homeless residents were violently assaulted by a group Evan immediately recognized as the Sacred Snakes. It appeared they were on the hunt for homeless children to recruit into their ranks.

Evan was taken to a base of operations in a neighboring country, where he was greeted by what appeared to be a high-ranking officer, a general of sorts, who immediately demanded discipline from all the children who had just arrived.

However, one boy in the group refused to comply and berated the general. In a brutal response, the general shattered the boy's jaw with a powerful kick, leaving the boy's face disfigured. The shock silenced the rest of the group, instilling a deep sense of fear.

It was that saying, the nail that sticks out farthest gets hammered the hardest.

The first activity after receiving a medical examination was marksmanship. We would have to use guns or knives and hit the targets that the commander had prepared for us.

It didn't take long to become apparent that he had a good aim. It looks like those months he worked as a mailman came in handy. 

As they underwent various activities, it became evident that this was not just a training camp for criminals but an actual terrorist facility. Evan was subjected to tests that required stealth, disarming, bomb-making, phone tapping, combat against older and larger boys, and even drug production.

Those who didn't perform well on the tests received reduced rations or no food at all. The commander justified this as a test of their resolve and motivation.

Luckily though, he was very applied to the activities he was given and soon earned a reputation within the ranks.

This success spurt just pissed off those around me more. They started sending me glares everywhere I went. 

But something within me had also changed within those months he spent there...

The tests started to get harsher and harsher and it required us to step on each other to get to the top.

A few years had passed and he had already earned his place amongst the few selected ones for a possible commander position.

One day, we had a surprise test.

Standing before me, was a guy that should be the same age as me. He kinda reminded him of himself and even looked a bit like himself. It was a strange coincidence.

The commander then injected us with something; he assumed those were strength-enhancing drugs, the same ones he helped to craft because he felt his muscles tense and adrenaline started surging, veins popping up in his arms. 

That meant that the winner of this fight to the death would also be the one who crafted the best drug...

"The one who wins this match will be one step closer to earning the position of commander so I expect no less than your very best. Fight to the death. Begin"

The commander gave the order, and before I knew it, I was already smashing my fist against his stomach. 

The boy seemed to not have taken the effects of the drug he crafted too well. He seemed dizzy and wasn't keeping up with him in the fight.

Each punch broke one of his teeth then the nose, the jaw... 

Something was happening to me without my notice. The drug I crafted seemed to make me stronger as intended but, It also turned me into a heartless monster incapable of seeing reality.

The number of bones a boy of his age had was 206 so, in his current insanity, he felt like counting the amount he would break.

One bone...

Two bones...

Three bones...

Twenty-eight bones...

Sixty-seven bones...


At some point during the beating, he could no longer hear the cracking of the guy's bones. That was the only thing that made him stop bashing his skull otherwise, he wouldn't come back to this reality. The skull was left deformed and disfigured once he was dragged from atop the guy's body.

The commander had raised his hand and declared him the winner but he could care less. He was distraught by the bloody figure under his feet.

He started to pant heavily as I stared at the kid's mangled body. It was then that It started to sink in, he had done that? He asked himself, unbelieved.

But then, something horrifying to him came across his mind as he saw the boy's blood form a puddle...

He saw his own reflection in it and with it, a thought that changed his mind from that day on...

That evening, he spent minutes in his room, reflecting on the current situation. He had once considered using this place to one day become their boss and achieve his goal of changing his life but... 

'Those bastards... they've used us to test who had created the most effective drug. I could have died there without a warning!' He thought enraged.

He had understood that the more he spent time in that wretched place, the higher the chances of him suffering the same fate as that guy.

He had decided. He would use his advantage to manipulate anyone he had the chance and escape this place.

The next day, the Sacred Snakes' leader visited me, viewing me as the most prominent kid, he sometimes invited me to a feast and we conversed about all kinds of things. 

He also told me all about his business and how this training facility worked under the direct orders of some high-up in the government once I managed to make him drunk. I discovered how the facility control panels worked after searching his office a few times and got a backup plan once the time came.

He was invited many other times to his mansion which was making his life there much easier and tolerable.

When he noticed that life in a terrorist group seemed better than life in a family environment, it became clear that there was something wrong going on.

Still, the leader made no effort to hide his favoritism toward me. So there was no shortage of kids and boys in that place who thought badly of me and wanted me dead more than ever.

As he turned 18, Evan's chance to escape finally arrived. He had manipulated the other children into creating a riot by spreading a false rumor about an escape opportunity.

By using the influence he earned over the years, he convinced the instructor to give the pilot test that day.

Amid the chaos, Evan infiltrated the control room for the facility's electromagnetic field and managed to temporarily disable the anti-aircraft weapons.

However, destiny was not too kind to him as one of the boys who despised his success decreased the magnetic field output, making the anti-aerial weapons function again. The helicopter had been hit in the engine, disrupting the controls, and starting to show malfunction.

He cursed as the flying machine started to fall from the sky and drop into the ocean. He reached out for the cables to try manually operating the controls but...

Suddenly, his body surrendered, and a cold, wet sensation spread beneath his shirt. A sharp pain seared through his chest. It became painfully clear that the anti-aircraft weapons had taken their toll on him.

"Cursed luck," he thought, his thoughts mingling with the taste of blood that gushed from his mouth. As the helicopter descended into the unforgiving sea, he grappled with the bitter realization that his escape had been within his grasp, only to slip away at the last moment.

His body grew weaker with each passing second, and the cacophony of the riot on the island faded into a distant, unintelligible hum. The world blurred as consciousness slipped through his grasp, leaving him with nothing but the sound of his own labored breaths, growing ever fainter.

For so long, he had felt as if he were trapped in a never-ending prison, but on this day, he believed it would finally come to an end. His senses dulled, and he welcomed the impending void of death. Yet, just as he teetered on the precipice of darkness, he felt a force pulling him away from the abyss.


As Evan's consciousness flickered back to life, he found himself suspended between the realms of the living and the ethereal. It was as though reality, with all its cruelty and complexity, was playing a capricious joke on him.


Year 0 A.N.B. (October 10) ~ Konoha ~ Night ~ Inside the Sealed Barrier

His body felt numb and he didn't feel the strength to open his eyes but he could listen to some mumbling. He couldn't comprehend it properly but it seemed it was about some woman castrating someone.

'What the...?' He thought with confusion.

He then listened to something that he understood as the people there being worried about a newborn baby's silence. It seems someone was giving birth. He also felt that someone was moving his body around.

Why would he be in the middle of a childbirth? He expected to be sleeping with the sharks right now. Did someone rescue him by any chance?

Then he listened to the cries of a baby. It seems the baby they were worried about had finally started to cry or at least, that's what he could understand from the lack of proper context.

Suddenly, he felt as if someone had a hold of him. He heard someone threatening some guy and the latter was worried.

Then, he was flying...

He had been sent to the air for some reason.

'What in blazes is going on?!' He thought, completely in shock.

He was then, caught again by someone. 

After that, his mind started to sway and he fell asleep...

'This just couldn't be what he was thinking, was it?' He thought with utter stupefaction as he lost his consciousness and slept.


When he eventually awoke, he found the strength to open his eyes, although his vision remained somewhat blurry. As his sight gradually cleared, he caught a glimpse of something colossal, black, and orange.

He didn't remember ordering sliced papaya for lunch. And most certainly he didn't need this much.

But then, he realized that papaya didn't come with fur, let alone a large, slitted eye.

"A giant fox!" he exclaimed inwardly as the immense creature loomed above him.

Towering about him was a red-orange fox colored with black fur around its red eyes that stretched up to its ears and nine long swiping tails. 

'I must have salted the holy supper to have to have to go through this...' He thought, tensed as he saw the massive beast turn to stare at him.

The Beast's sclera filled itself with veins as its hatred became almost palpable in the area. it raised its massive paw as it grew claws. It was ready to strike him to death right there and there.

It was then that I closed my eyes, ready to die once again. 

Suddenly, I felt something dripping in my face. I opened my eyes slightly and what I saw had me shocked. What was dripping was blood but not blood from just anyone. It was blood from two people that made his mind start to piece the puzzle together in a rapid fashion.

'Minato and Kushina...!' He thought with stupefaction. The couple above him was saying something but a sudden desperate cry got his attention and made him weakly turn his head to the side, making him further his shock. 

Right next to him was a blond baby with whiskers.

'Naruto!' He thought, not yet out of his stunner.

Now everything was clear to him. He was reincarnated into the world of Naruto, somehow. He just couldn't believe it before because everything seemed so realistic in his eyes here. Nothing looked cartoonish or should he say, anime-ish...? He didn't even recognize Kurama when he saw it.

A rush of anxiety and delight filled his heart so much so that if he could muster a laugh, he would. He opened his baby's mouth and attempted to speak.

"Look dear, our son is trying to speak his first words so early... I bet... he gonna say Daddy first..." Minato spoke weakly as blood dripped from his mouth and from the pain of being stuck with Kurama's claw.

Kushina laughed weakly as she paid attention to her eldest son. "No, he's gonna say, Mommy. I'm sure..."

'Hi, step parents' Menma intendedly spoke in his mind's voice albeit of his lack of capability to speak.

His parents laughed it off. "I guess... it's too early for him... haha..." Minato spoke.

"But I'm pretty sure... he said, mom..." Kushina spoke with the little sarcasm that was left to her.

After that, Minato sealed each half of Kurama into each one of his sons. 

The fox's chakra was powerful and he felt as if weighing on his conscience. He felt the need to close his eyes and fall into a deep slumber.

The roles would be reversed. He would no longer be the baby in the cradle being overseen by an adult. This time, he would be the adult watching over the babies on the cradle, his nursery.

'Don't worry step-parents, I will make sure to take goooood care of my twin brother...' 

It was the last thought he had before losing consciousness.

Chapter End