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'TO UNRAVELING SECRETS AND MADNESS.' When a history professor with a fascination for ancient artifacts and legend stumbles upon a mysterious key in the De Bronse castle in Egypt, she uncovers a legend that makes her question the reality. With the curiosity to delve deeper into the strange world the key has brought her, Princess uncovers a series of secrets and supernaturals with powers that go beyond her knowledge. When Nikolia De Bronse, takes interest in Rose, a student of Princess and becomes a mystery they can't solve, they realize they might have really been sent to a death As she continues on her journey to the strange land, solving mysteries and saving love lives, will she be able to return to her normal life as a history professor or will Princess and her students find themselves stuck and in danger amidst the supernatural?

auroraWinter · Teen
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3 Chs

chapter 1

The De Bronse history has always been kept away. Locked in their ancient library and preserved only

for members of the De Bronse family. Over the centuries, many journalists have submitted appeals to

the family so their family history could be told to people. Petitions have been signed and words have

been exchanged but every member of the family remained stiff with their family tradition.

What makes their family history so important that people begged to have it be open to the world?

In 1764, when war shook the people of Egypt and they had nowhere to hide, the De Bronse family had

a meeting with the soldiers of the opposing side. The one who loses gets to die and the one who wins

takes over the country, Frahi. The soldiers agreed but the war was set at night. As the De Bronse family

were part of the ruling committee then, a nationwide information was sent across for all surviving

citizens to be in their houses as late as seven at night.

Two nights after, all the soldiers of Frahi, were all annihilated and Egypt took over Frahi with an

amazing victory. Nobody could explain how the family had single handedly annihilated all the soldiers.

The explanation given was that the De Bronse family had men who were agile at night and quick with

their swords.

But it still seemed suspicious to everyone.

That same year, two months after the war, a weird creature was seen running out of the De Bronse

Castle and into the market Square. Although the family explained the creature did not come from their

castle and there were no witnesses to testify to it as everyone in the market on that day, were found

lifeless with parts of their bodies missing.

The family was later ruled not guilty but it left a huge impression on everyone who heard the story.

What could be in the De Bronse Castle that needed so much guarding by their special security team?

And why was the De Bronse family history book protected so much from the eyes of the public?

"Thank you for the ride." Princess beamed at the chauffeur who gave her a taut look before driving


A group of workers came towards Princess and her students. Some helped with their luggage while the

remaining offered to show them to their rooms.

"Thank you but we will catch up with you later in the house." The lady smiled and turned around. Her

pace robotic in nature.

"Professor, should you think of her as a robot?" Rose asked, staring at the map on her phone. "I don't

think we are in the wrong place."

Jack stares at the house and peeped inside the huge French window that was opened. "A castle like this

in the middle of Egypt, I have a feeling this family is hiding something dark."

"I am afraid not." A booming voice resounds from his left causing Jack to stumble a foot away, almost

bumping into Rose.

Rose gave him a glare and they both hid behind Princess, their professor.

"You must be the historian?" He asked and extended his hand out to the woman.

Princess checked his expression before carefully taking his hand. "Professor Princess Browny. Lead

history professor at Franguit college."

"Nikolai De Bronse. Lord of the castle."

She clears her throat and glanced at her two students.

Rose stepped forward and waved at the handsome man. His sharp jaw, catching her attention. Maybe

he noticed because he smiled which drew her eyes to his plum lips. Blinking to control her thoughts,

she told the man. "Rose Durbry. History student. President of the history club."

"Jack Fancy. History student and president of the entire history department." He introduced giving

Rose a smirk.

Glaring at him she muttered under her breath as she gave him a pinch in his side. "I have fucking told

you to not rub it in my face."

Nikolai glanced at Princess after he gave Rose and Jack a bow in recognition. "They…"

"I understand that only I will be allowed in the ancient library. They are just here as assistants." She

hurriedly explains.

The only surviving member of the De Brosne family agreed to the petition signed last month for the

family history to be told to the public. According to the man, the history of the family is carefully

handwritten in a huge family book lying in the library and is never to leave the library. Only one person

can be allowed access to the book.

Princess as the best history professor of her department was sent but with the rumors surrounding the

family, Princess was starting to think it was more of a death sentence than an honorary trip.

She knew she was always envied in the department for being the best. Who is to say she wasn't picked

to go on a journey of no return?

As Nikolai directed them into the house, offering to give a short tour of the castle, Princess glanced at

her two students who were starting to get excited. She could only hope she hadn't brought them with

her to die.

"If you have questions during the tour, please feel free to let me know." Nikolai says in a soft tone as he

watches her expression.

Rose quickly raised her hand and he averted his attention unto her. "Is it true that you are the last

surviving member? What happened to the rest of the family?"

Princess gave her a tiny glare. One that told her to be careful and not ask too many personal question.

I think you have it wrong." Nikoloa said maneuvering to the right. "Here is our ballroom." He

introduced before turning to Rose. "I never said I was the only surviving member."

The trio stared at each other before looking back at Nikolai.


"I said I was the only known surviving member." He corrected and proceeded to lead them to the

relaxation centers. "These castles have several relaxation centers. These aren't the major ones but going

to the west would probably tire you out. Feel free to use them while you are here."

"Why did you allow your family history to be shown to the public?"

He paused when he reached a huge oil painting of a woman. "It is my duty. It was assigned to me by my

grandmother. When we are all gone, history can be made known."


"I plan to retire to Romania." He tells Jack.

"You don't look old enough to retire." Rose comments blinking at Princess.

"Age doesn't matter. I have seen enough and so I wish to retire. Somewhere in Romania."

"What will happen to the family castle?"

"De Bronse?" He asked before chuckling and patting the wall. "Not to worry. She will take care of

herself." He began to ascend the stairs and stopped when he noticed they weren't following. "Come. I

will show you all to your rooms."

"Thank you for having us here Mr De Bronse." Princess told him with a sincere look in her eyes. "I was

a student when Grandmother De Bronse refused to let the family history be known. I have to say, it did

make my heart break at that time."

Nikolai stopped when he got to the door. "What makes the De Bronse family history so interesting to

you all?" His tone was flat. Definitely uninteresting. "What about our family history makes us so special

that you all want to know about it?"

Taken aback by his question and sudden change in tone, Princess had to collect herself for some

seconds before explaining. "Perhaps the rumors surrounding the family?"

"Or the fact that your family has been refusing to have their history published for centuries. Even when

other families who are known to be equal in status to you, clearly entertain the society with their

history." Rose adds writing something in her small notepad.

"Let's not forget the main course." Jack says with a playful smirk and Nikolia leaned on his left leg with

a brow raised. "The De Bronse 1764 incident."

Nikolia finally smiled and opened the door. "This is for you Princess." He says and watches her

expression.. "I am sorry, may I call you Princess? That is your name isn't it?"

"Yes. I am fine by whatever."

"Why are you moving to Romania when you are originally from Egypt?" Jack questioned the 6 '3 olive

skinned handsome man standing opposite him.

"My family originally came from Romania. I am simply going back to where I came from."

"Why then did they settle in Egypt? Could it be because this land has gold or gems in it?" Rose asks

starting to get excited as she stared out the window into the vast land that still covered the whole place.

"No. I think your professor will give you details when she starts work. As for the gold and gems, surely

there are gems and artifacts all around the house. Some might catch your attention and if you aren't

careful, it might catch you." It sounded like a joke but his expression was really serious.

No one asked any questions again as she showed Jack and Rose to their rooms which were both

adjacent Princess' room.

Night fell and they all had a quiet dinner with Nikolai at the huge dining hall.

As Princess retired to bed, she stared at the huge and tall ceiling and began to wonder what secrets

could be in the family book. As she drifted to sleep, several footsteps began to walk around the room,

making Princess jolt awake and turn on the lights.

What she saw made her grab her duvet tighter and dropped her jaw to the floor.

What in the heavens was in this castle?