
The Shattered ones

"Codenamed: Glitch Adult Male of Age 32, Natural Purplish white hair and Pale skin that seems like it hasn't seen the light of the sun in days, And eyes of a purple amethyst Aspect of Space Manipulation True Name: Keeper of the Endless Signature move: Spatial Shift About to die after betraying his comrades who had joined him on attacking the Sudden Dungeon." Yeah fuck that "My name is Glitch and before I die? I'm going to bring as many of you bastards down to hell"

TreeBriarWood · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

The beginning of the Breach

Year 2199 of the Gregorian Calendar.

It was the reaching the start of the new century and the world was experiencing a technological boom at the end of the century.

Technology had progressed to the point of Artificial Intelligence on the level of humans had become a thing.

It was a sign that many took would mean that the future would be an incredibly interesting one.

Well they were right, just not in the way that they would expect.

On the year of 2200

The Akashic Records descended on January the 1st and all hell broke loose.

Monsters that only remained in Folklore and myth until now appeared in our world.

If there was any comfort to the absolute hell the world had become due to the introduction of a new variable called the Akashic records in the game called life.

It was that the Akashic records were fair in that it gave people a fighting chance against the myriad of monsters of legend.

Just as quickly as the world fell into chaos due to the rise of monsters that appeared everywhere without warning.

The World fell into order just as quickly upon the rise of humanities humans that gained powers that belonged to the halls of fiction and story.

Well sort of.

Just as humanity desperately put away their differences to fight for their collective survival against the tides of mythological and legendary monsters.

Upon seeing that humanities inevitable demise was averted through the collective efforts of humans.

The desires of humans that had been put away in the fight for survival suddenly resurged and thus the official arrival of villains arrived.

If the dissonants that appeared in the beginning months of the world falling into chaos were small time criminals that were letting their desires loose.

Than these villains were people who desired for the complete domination of the world so that their desires could shape the world anyway they pleased.

Thus started the official beginning of the Age of Chaos, it was a three way battle of the world.

Between the heroes of humanity that still stood by their morals, the Villains that let their desires loose and the remnant Monsters of Story that had nothing but destruction on their mind.

A century has passed since the beginning of the Ages of Chaos also dubbed as the Age of New Genesis by few and it was 2300.

The heroes of humanity had endured the initial trials of the world and succeeded even if it took a decade to complete.

The civilization that rose from the ashes was a new one that aimed for a new future where they could reach the same levels before the descent of the Akashic records.

However, even as a century had already passed since the Age of Chaos and the world was looking better than ever the scars inflicted on the world hadn't disappeared.


'These guys experimenting on human lives were the leftover scars left behind by those villain's of the first generation.'

Their idea was to artificially evolve people so that they could become qualified to interact with the Akashic records and become awakened beings.

It wasn't a bad ideal if looked at normally as it would allow normal people to walk on the path of power and would thus raise the general level of humanity.

The problem was that the one who thought up of that idea was not normal in the slightest and instead had...

A horrendous hunger for power like the villains of the past.

So horrendous in fact that the creator of this thought turned to the taboo almost immediately and kidnapped literally every single Character they could and experimented on them however they could.

One thing led to another and now things have come to this where the mad Scientist was now experimenting on children.

Although the experiment was risky, Future Glitch was the living proof that the scientist succeeded.

Surfacing from his unconsciousness to consciousness, the first thing that Glitch noticed was that he wasn't in the dull grey room where the experimental room was.

Blinking his eyes, the second thing he noticed was that instead of the dull metal room he was instead surrounded by a series of wooden bookshelves.

And the third thing he noticed which should've been the second was that it was night time and only the stars in the sky were shining down on him.

Of course this made Glitch very confused for a moment before he realized.

"Oh! This is the Soul record, Mine to be exact"

Turning around, Glitches bare feet stepped on the cool grass and started to walk to one of the many bookshelves present in the place.

'So... let's see whether anything is different'

Holding one of the books on the rather empty soul record with his one hand, Glitch opened it and started to read it's many words.

In reality there was no need to do so as the books were literally a part of his soul and just touching it once was fine, but Glitch enjoyed the strange sensation he got from opening the books and flipping through the pages.

'I guess it's because it's a rather archaic but popular system that is being kept by modern society'

Flipping through the pages, the words printed on the pages reached Glitch's eyes.


{Character Sheet}

{Chosen Name: Glitch}

{True Name: Keeper of the Endless]

{Titles: Spatial Anomaly, Product 076, Blood Born}

{Faults: Hoarding tendencies, Slave Marked, Blood Deprived, Mute}

{Achievements: Opener of the Titan's Hourglass}

{Abilities: Space Manipulation}

{Records: ---}

{Characters: ---}


'I see that everything has been basically been reset, it makes sense though that everything was back to this point of time... but...'

Glitch furrowed his eyes as his purple eyes turned to the achievements.

'I don't think I had any achievements at this point of time, but I have a vague idea of what it is'

Focusing on the Achievements, the book in his hand flew away with his will and returned to the book shelves before another book arrived and opened it's pages.

Opening it's pages, it showed the descriptions of the achievements he was wondering about.

{Opener of the Titan's Hourglass – The Vengeful Keeper of the Endless decided to open the Titan's hourglass after witnessing his Guild masters other face and hearing about his comrades betrayal at the end, he returned back in time 30 years into the past, returning with all his knowledge, ready to exact vengeance}

'... sounds about right even if it's slightly wrong'

Turning his sight away from the book of records, Glitch naturally let the book fly from his hands and set itself on the sparse bookshelves.

'Let's see if anything else has changed'

Walking through the series of bookshelves that carried an incredibly sparse amounts of books, a good majority of the shelves carrying nothing.

Glitch instantly noticed something different.

'It's small and empty...'

It was something he already knew when he saw that his status had been reset to the age of 7, but his soul record was small enough that one only needed to take ten odd steps to cross the distance between end to end.

The current Soul record itself was also less grand than his previous soul record, the wooden shelves that should've been filled with books to the limit to the point of overflow were now gone.

'Although I guess when I stagnated in quality records to further my own record I turned to quantity'

Awkwardly scratching his face, Glitch recalled how he stumbled over a few records while looking for the specific records.

Turning his thoughts away from the past/ future he looked at the other thing he had previously overlooked since arriving here.

'The Kill record'

Glancing at the floating scroll displaying all of the accumulated records he had gathered so far at the end of the Soul Record and seeing the pitiful number of them...

Which was none, Glitch awkwardly turned away to see what else was there to see.

And upon seeing nothing else of important note besides everything he already covered.

'... I guess if this all there is to do then...'

Glitch closed his eyes in the Soul record full of book shelves with empty shelves and reopened them to see the same dull grey tone of metal all around him.

'...To return and face the music'

Blinking upon the blinding light that appeared to pierce his retina's the dreaded crackling sound of an old antique form of speaker's came from the corner of the room.

*Crackle* Hello-there-successful-product-076 *Crackle* Welcome-to-the-real-world! *Crackle* Now-if-you-please-leave-the-equipment-and-move-to-the-door-so-we-can-have-some-more-tests. *crackle*

The Sound of a portion of the metal wall sliding away smoothly unlike the poor state of the speakers alerted me to it's existence.

Turning to see the revealed room that was adjacent to this one, I let out a quiet sigh and slumped out of the chair.

'God I wish that this guy was busted earlier, than I can leave this place'

Walking to the new room, unknown to Glitch at the time.

His wish would be fulfilled sooner than he would expect.

Much sooner.

