
The Sharp Soul

From out the shadows they come and go! They have many names: Assassin, Ninja, Hunting Dogs, Death Mercenaries, Shinobi etc... No matter the alias, they run in the business of death for their goals and the sworn masters ambitions. A spark caused a clash of ideals, Questioning the communities future path; whether to follow the traditional versus the New Wave ideals! The Originators faction fear the talk of change so they build schemes using century old connections!  Just like that, A New Revolutionary fire was cruelly snuffed out before it truly began burn hot! The suppression was a sucess, the originators faction rejoice and relax the guards, as the tradition will continue, the clans future positions safe. ...but the embers of a New Wave Revolt still burns in form of a new sacrifice to join the shinobi world!

ibreakorder · Anime & Comics
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Knifes Edge of Ideals, are as Sharp As The Thoughts Are Radical!

An ancient-looking town in hidden surrounded by trees within by the dark forest of trees.

The clean breeze gently moves numerous Exotic flowers at the edge of the clear river which flows down from atop the waterfalls cliff. Beneath the cliff in the valley, near the river, lay a century's old village whose borders are a tall thick bamboo forest.

Such scenery on any other day would be take in better and reservedly appreciated, but the picture-perfect scenery is spoiled this day.

A village famed for its beautiful scenery currently has flames engulfing it. In the valley only the wailing cries & sounds of battle echoes. The Nickname "Valley Beautiful" no longer applies. Now only a valley of death remains!

Hundreds of black cloth soldiers carrying weapons have invaded this beautiful village. Looting, pillaging, raping, killing, can be seen everywhere your eyes wander. Caught by surprise the residents fight back, some plea for leniency for the children at least. The assailants are deaf to their cries. No pause in the action, not for a second.


On top, the highest building in the hidden village three figures are engaged in a standoff.

At the one side of the standoff, a single man's dressed in a purple and black form fit armored clothes. Laying beneath his side a beauty of a woman wearing similar clothes. But sadly she no longer holds breath. After confirming the woman's status, The purple dressed man looks up to the two men dressed in black opposite him.

Unlike others invading this community, they don't cover the face. As there is no need to, as former rivals turned opponents, they are very familiar with each other.

Rising unsteadily to his feet from bended knee. The purple man is clearly injured. Still, he stands straight up! Despite his fatal wounds. You could feel his pride & regal demeanor from his stance. He collects his breath and simply asked:


"You brought this upon your self & your clan!

Being a traitor to traditional orthodox style" The younger of the two-man team in Black roars erratically, like a religious zealot. Clearly, no love lost to an acquaintance.

"HA HA HA HA!" The purple attired man sardonically laughs.

Then focusing his fierce gaze upon the duo. It's an intimidating gaze in spite of them having the edge in this battle they retreat one-step back.

They know whom they come to ambush today is not someone beatable in a one-on-one confrontation!

The purple dressed man calmly speaks with a sneering tone:

" Fearful, cowardly, hypocrites!"

"...For tradition?"

The purple dressed man Turns his eyes and overlooked his burning home town.

"This is why you ambush and raid my clan?!"

" Burn to death my people, kill my children!"

Looks down to lady below him:

"Murder my wife in my absence!...WHY?!!!"

In his voice, you can feel his rage!

He continues:

" For just voicing my opinion to you all! For advocating change In consideration of the shinobi world future!"

"For that, I am a traitor?"

"So, I'm a Traitor Because my ideas differ from that of the elders! My style, not the rudimentary Old Style! You want me to fall back in respect to the traditions and ignore progress!"

He scoffs:

"Asking the skilled to not use their skill; is akin to asking fish not to swim, or birds to fly! It's Ridiculous and impossible! It comes naturally to us!"

He then Looks at the younger of the two men and sneers:

"Well, at least it is natural to us 'talented' people". He smiles smugly

Staring back, the younger of the duo in black as grits his teeth in anger at his statement.

The Purple man continues:

"But,...YOU want ME to be hypocritical in denying my nature! Hiding in shadows, living a meager, humble & subservient life! FOR WHAT! TO WHOM!!!

Pulling out arrows from his body defiantly?  and Adjusting his broken cracked armorer he says:

"I wanted to bring Glory and honor to our world!

Pride for something other than being hunting dogs for the powerful & rich non-secular scum you all willingly call 'master'!"

"The Shinobi world has no need for that!" This time the elder of the duo dressed men in black speaks for the first time clearly riled up by the purple shinobi's words.

"I see. A slave mentality clearly can't be changed in a generation." Replies the purple shinobi.

"Who are you calling slave, traitor!" The younger of the two-man team shinobi bellows.

"Oh, you know your self well responding to slave." The purple man retorts.


Just as he is about to charge forward.

Discovers himself being Held back the by the elder of the duo shinobi.

"He is baiting you fool!"

Whispers the elder.

The younger of the duo sulkily falls back.

The purple dressed shinobi sighs as his bait & divide tactics been seen through.

'If using that privileged fool as a hostage before escaping killing him then plotting future revenge he would have done it rather than his current plan.' The Purple shinobi says thought to himself.

The purple dressed shinobi bends down once more to cross his wife's hands while wiping her bloody-face. Removing his mask, he whispers into her ear then kissed her forehead. He then says:

"Different ideas can fool others but this is only half of the real reason for your arrival!

"You covet our new & old style that's always been the case...that as well as my ancestor's belongings!"

"Kuro Kabuto!" Says the purple shinobi.

The two men's bodies flinch & eyes narrowed at this statement.

From the reactions, he confirms his suspicion. A traitor or spy leaked news on his clan's deep affairs.

Sighing rising up from bended knee looking at the sky.

The purple shinobi says:

"The orthodox traditional, the old style will always succumb to the new! Time will March forward!"

"I may fall... but others will fulfill the ambition of a United shinobi world! It might just be you, hypocrites!"

"So when you stand at the foot of the mountain of a consolidated shinobi world, just as you're about to take joy in your accomplishments you'll hear a voice whisper: 

" I was right...you fucking hypocrites!"

Pulls out a black stick from his chest. With It In one hand with his other hand snaps his fingers liting the long fuse on it.

" Because adapting is what a true shinobi do!" Purple shinobi says.

Both are men smiling condescendingly. Dismissal of his efforts of a final move. Turns out to be clearly desperate for a Kamikaze attack. They expected more from the so-called 'legend in a generation' shinobi!"

They continue to keep the distance they have been, as more shinobi arrive and circle around the back surrounding the roof.

Clearly almost finished raiding. Elites wanting to make a name for themselves for striking down the purple shinobi.

The purple shinobi is not concerned about being cornered but rather asked a question while raising his lowered mask:

"Why do you think she fought while retreating here?"

"Hmm!?" The elder face changes he reflects about the desperate fight with the kunoichi!

The purple shinobi in a flash, while they ponder his question, stomped the floor in a certain spot!

All the tiles slide down roof they are standing on. Revealing that it's laced with explosives per square inch.

But not just that roof is packed with explosives! Every roof of the buildings that strangely seems to unable to be sparked in the turmoil of set fires by special technology or teaches.

The flames light reveal hundreds of thousands of explosives per rooftop to the similar explosives in purple shinobi's hand.

It's eerily quiet...

Looking at the scene with the horror of great reverence the elder two-man team says:

"Smart woman!" lamenting he fell for this husband-wife combo tactic. This will be a Pyrrhic victory at best!

Smiling behind the mask the Purple shinobi says proudly bragging:

"I know...that's why I married her"

The drops the light and lite fused stick on roof dashing in to kill stabbing the zealot of the duo in the heart in seconds with his Superior speed despite injury before the explosive touches the ground but in turn, he is stabbed in the back by the elder!

Instantly explosives ignite!

from the sky, an explosion creates a symbol caused by the placement & arrangements of the building explosives the symbol rises in flame before caving into itself.


As far as 5 mountains away the vibration is felt.

A masked elder man & a mid-thirties age woman watch symbol explode into its a self in flames with tears in their eyes turns around moving forward.


2 years later.

On top of a secluded Temple.

Two baskets are being held by a monk who is actually a shinobi in the disguise.

Why is he posing as a monk?

The death rate in the shinobi world is abysmal! So, the Increase of numbers by way adoption or orphan babies as well as abandoned ones is necessary.

A business that elders and less talented youths of shinobi tribes perform.

A young woman in teens runs away down the mountain from the temple in tears.

Moments ago, when she was praying to talk to her self out loud. She was saying her goodbyes to her children. While doing do She emotionally vaguely disclosed her circumstances and reasons for asking her children for forgiveness.

Not knowing her intimate conversation is heard by others.

She is being spied upon by Monk/shinobi who was indifferent from her plight, as it's an ongoing recurrence. He was just taking bullet points to report to the head monk about the overheard circumstances after she leaves.

A 3-year-old & 1 half-year-old whos first names sown into their pajamas.

Beside them, a note "Asking for forgiveness as well as a plea to not separate the brothers as they are all the family they have!"

The mother circumstances lead the monk to believe it's another tale of a naive girl who meets irresponsible silver-tongued young master!

Her tough financial situation & broken family probably lead her to pipe dreams of status and wealth. She never had a chance really, a real tale of two cities.

However, what's even worst is; sadly these two will never have a chance either!

They will See no peace, No mercy!

They will be trained to become machines for murder!

The Shinobi dressed as a wise old Monk shakes his bald head, bringing the two new sacrifices to the Gods of Shinobi World!

He looks at them over again as he reads the name tags.

The older one is called nagi, while the younger one called saki.

The Shinobi Monk says as he enters the monastery:

"Welcome to hell, young ones!"