
The Shape Shifter System

I am Alexander Graham and I am going to chang the world into a better place! The humans are in war against the many races invading earth and in this generation, the coming of mana and other strange types of energy leading to humans having abilities. All the great abilities are hoarded up by the rich and strong, while poor and weak cannot get their hands on any abilty and our MC is one of such poor humans. Activating the shape shifter system, will he be able to change his fate ? Join us to find out.

Usfal_Aizen · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Total Mayhem.

"Hahahaha, we've got you now and you will pay for upsetting the balance in the school, we, the second year students, will always be feared, you shall only obey us. Here is a military school, where the strong leads and the weak give way, a law of the jungle"

Right now a beating up Luke is held by the hair and many second year students have some glowing weapon by their sides and some of them, their body is glowing and taking a beast shape.

This is the difference between the second year students and the first year, inner weapon!

"Today we should organised a show for the first year students, to use this rebel as a scape goat to sight example and deterred everyone that had any intention of disobeying our orders"

Melo ordered with a stern voice and Luke is dragged away by his lackeys.


"Why are the second year calling us?"


A student yawn due to feeling sleepy.

"Isn't it late?"

"Even though it's late, we should not disobey the second year students"

"True, we should just patiently go"

Many students are feeling upset due to sleepiness, they hate it that someone had to interrupt their rest.

They were soon gathered in a huge building and their is a stage hidden by a red curtain, it seems they are making a surprise for the first year students.

"We have all call you here for a little show, a show of strength"

Surprised and at the same time fear can be seen on the face of the first year students.

But their is a particular girl who is finding it amusing.

'What childish nature, if they are going to show their strength, then I will gladly oblique to beat them up'

Yifang is now finding their little show a bit boring and she Is getting annoyed by the second, she then take a nap.

"Calm down, we will just be teaching one first year student that dares to disobey us"

"I present you, The REBEL!"

The large red curtain opens up to show a tired student tied up on a pole.

"Little students, let's play a little game, we will select you one by one and you will come up to the stage and do this!"

The second year student hold a ball on his hand.

"You will slowly inject your energy inside this ball and then you throw it at that guy over there"

He throws the ball at the tied up boy and it hits but the boy did not even flinch.


They point at a tall black hair boy and he came up the stage.

He look reluctant but when he remember that if he disobey the second year students, he will be the one tied up there.

He charge the ball and threw it.


It hits and the boy is permeated to go back to his sit.

"You over there!"

They randomly pointed at a boy that is shaking in fear.

As the boy shakily come up the stage, he look at the tied up boy that he is supposed to shoot.

His shaking hands hold the ball and he threw it...


"You foolish boy!"

Two second year students drag him behind the curtain, the students did not know what is happening but they hear screams later on.

Yifang is awoken by the scream and she saw the tied up boy is Luke, she raise her hand to be picked.


The door is kicked open and a first year student with black hair that is touching his upper back.

"You black hair boy and the blonde girl! Come up the stage"

Alex and Yifang walk up to the stage and carried the ball.

"So I will charge this ball like this?"

The second year student nod his head.

"Then I will throw it"

The second year student nod his head again.

"Like THIS!"



Alex and Yifang throw the ball at the second year student.

He is lifted off the ground and he is sent flying by the force, after all Alex throw alone, the strength behind it is nothing to scoff at and coupled with Yifang's throw, that second year student must spend weeks in the hospital.

"Are we always going to live a life of fear?! What is the meaning of life if others are to dictate how we live?! We are not animals?!"

Alex is truly enraged right now, what is the meaning of life without freedom?

"Did you know you are going against the second yea-


Alex cut him shot with an explosive punch that sent the guy flying and crash onto the other second year.

Alex walk over where the tied up Luke is and untie him.

"So you come?"

"Of course, I will never leave even if I will die"

"This is dangerous"

Even though Luke said that, he is visibly happy and flex his wrist in anticipation for what they are about to do.

"Forget about it, let's kick their ass together" Alex grinned.


The sound of thunder is heard as Luke's body is covered in lightening.

The first year are also angry and motivated by what Alex had said.


Luna shot an arrow at a second year student.

The past straw holding back the first year students is broken and many colourful rain of abilities rain down on the second year students.


As Alex and Luke are wantonly causing destruction, a certain and hated guy drop down before them and block their path.


The both angrily said.

Melo's body emitted a light blue glow.

"An enhancement type of inner weapon" Luke said.

The friend duo get into a fighting stance.


- Defeat the second year known as Melo.

- Rewards.


'Even if the system did not give a quest, I will severely injured this guy'

Alex's eyes turn very cold to the point that if gaze can kill, Melo will have died a million times.

Melo's transformation seems to be over as the lights turn into something that look like a horse.


A punch that barely missed Alex is sent my the now enhance Melo.


Luke shoot a bolt of lightening at Melo.


Luke is shocked, this damn Melo is no push over.


Alex parried away the kick from Melo...


Alex quickly crossed his arms because that is the only thing he could do, he grit his teeth and endured.


"What the!

Alex felt like he had been trampled by a beast, specifically a horse.

"Oh, I forgot that he really is a horse"

"Luke, stalled him for a while"

Luke nodded his head.

'I will soon get my revenge'

After a while of fighting...

'An opening'

Alex charge in and used flash step to quickly arrived close to Melo.


A muffled explosion occured which made the students think that the punch is not effective, Luke is also feeling perplexed but the same can not be said for the guy receiving it.

Melo's face is contorted in pain.

"What... did... you... do..."

Melo can not even speak properly as he is feeling his inner organs seems to be malfunctioning.

To every one's surprised, Melo falls face first on the ground, his body limp.