
The Shape Shifter System

I am Alexander Graham and I am going to chang the world into a better place! The humans are in war against the many races invading earth and in this generation, the coming of mana and other strange types of energy leading to humans having abilities. All the great abilities are hoarded up by the rich and strong, while poor and weak cannot get their hands on any abilty and our MC is one of such poor humans. Activating the shape shifter system, will he be able to change his fate ? Join us to find out.

Usfal_Aizen · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Its All Because Of The lucky number!

"So basically, that's what happened" Vincent said in his cool guy way.

"Woah! A nice adventure but we wanted to know how you are sent here" Reginold impatiently enquired.

"Will you believe me if I tell you?"

"Just go on, we will believe you of course" Alex said.

"I want to hear more about your adventure how you end up here" Reginold added.

"Don't end up calling me a fool and a liar if I tell you I arrived at here"

"Just go ahead and spill it out"

"What makes you think that we won't believe you?"

Alex decided to ask and know the reason why Vincent is acting all weird because of how end up in here.

"Because it is simply absurd and ridiculous"

"Just said it!"

Reginold is normally impatient and now that he is very curious about something, he is more impatient to hear it.

"Alright, I am gonna tell you!" Vincent finally let go of his hesitation and decided to just tell this two fellows.

"It's all because of Lucky number!"

Vincent has finally spat out the secret he had been keeping in his mind.

Alex and Reginold are stunned speechless and their mind turn blank for a moment due to what Vincent said.

"Did you think we are two year olds?" Alex asked.

"You d*mn Liar!" Reginold fumed with rage as he glared daggers at Vincent.

"I can explain!" Vincent hurriedly said.

"You d-"

Reginold is about to continue his assault when Alex grabbed him and said, "Let's hear what he has to say"

"Phew, this Reginold kid is really too hot headed" Vincent wipe the sweat on his forehead.

"What did you say?! You liar!"

"Reginold calm down!"

"I once read about a swordsman, a powerful one at that"

Immediately when Alex stated that he read something about a powerful swordsman, Reginold has already calm down and is listening attentively to what Alex will say next.

"Come on, tell me about it" Reginold excited plead.

"The famous and powerful swordsman said, to embark on the path of sword and see it to the end, unlock our potential and become so powerful, not only did one needs to work hard but a true swordsman should have a calm hearth and an iron will" Alex calmly spoke, it seems he also admired this powerful Swordsman.

"Wow, so true, such profound words can only spoken by a true powerful swordsman, did you know his name?"

"Of course I do"

"Then please enlighten me"

Reginold impatient attitude had already took a ninety degree turn.

"He is the great Unstoppable Sword Fredrick Of the Blade Family!"

"So my father really spoke those words!" Reginold unconsciously blurted out.


The Blade family one of the big four family clans!

The strongest group currently is the big four and the military, the big four are the strongest family with their own ability that is only used by their members.

The Blade family, which are masters of the path of the sword.

The Scarlet Family, the family of fire users, they are very strong with the fire ability.

The Leonig family, this family had a very mysterious ability that allows them to control beasts!

The Derem family, capable of attacking their enemies through dream, it is rumoured that their main ability can stole another's ability and bestow it to someone.

Alex is stunned, it seems this Reginold's identity is not simple, to think he befriend a member of the Blade family. The strongest family of sword users in the whole world, they don't usually use abilities but their sword is already enough.

The most scariest thing is their mysterious ability that even if their sword did not touch you, you will be cut!

"Vincent how about we hear your so call explanation?" Reginold finally got rid of the awkward air.

"Aha its like this...

(Vincent's POV)

"Senior, also really want to serve in the military, it has been my dream since I was a kid and I am really excited that you will take me there"

"Eh?" The Man is shocked by Vincent's reply, he has all the right to be shocked.


Because many youths in the current generation hate put their life in danger and thus enrolling in the military is like a nightmare for them.

But Vincent is greatly different from those good for nothing, to meet his master, he has to go through the military because his master is a student in the military academy.

"I really admire your determination to serve your home planet and protect with all you have, this is what we need, youths with strong determination and the mindset to serve their home planet"

"Don't worry Senior, this junior will try his best to reach the highest level of strength and fight for his home planet, after all what is the use of us existing if we are going to run away from our duties and let damn monsters destroy our planet"

"I kept on having good impression of you, young lad, if you are able to hold onto this strong mindset of yours, you will truly reach a very high level"

As he said, he took out a completely black complex object and stuck it on the ground, the object suddenly expanded and grow into a door size shape with swirling colour.

'What in the world? I mist have meet a high level military personnel, that must be the portable teleporter that only high level personnel and the military possesed. This senior's identity is definitely not simple'

"Its been nice meeting you little

Vincent but I have let you arrive at your destination and start fulfilling your dreams"

"Little Vincent, this is your chance. When you enter this teleporter you will arrive in the military academy, I wish you good luck"

"Thank you, this junior will definitely succeed and protect my home planet"

Ad Vincent work towards the teleporter and he suddenly Stopped.

"Little Vincent, what's the matter?"

"Senior this junior is idiot and forgot his manners, I have forgot to ask for senior's name"

The man smiled and look at Vincent and said, "Aaron"

With that Vincent disappeared from the place through the use of the teleporter and make sure to brand Aaron to his mind.

Haha! AM BACK! Daily updates as usual! A 1045 words chapter as an apology

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