
The Shadows of Wealth

[Note: This story is not like those harem, OP system like novel. This is a novel based purely on a boy and how he lives and earns in this society. #### What to expect? 1. Romance (single lover), 2. Genius MC, 3. No dumb villains, #### Hope you enjoy] ====================================================================================== Born into dire poverty, Corvus Inkwell was determined to rise above his circumstances. With his exceptional intellect and unwavering determination, he started investing at a young age, building his wealth from mere pennies. He braved failures and betrayals, his resolve hardening with each hurdle. By the age of 16, Corvus had secured his family's future and achieved financial stability. But his journey wasn't solely about wealth. His success opened doors to new experiences, allowing him to find solace and joy in genuine connection and the thrill of romance. He discovered that true happiness transcends material possessions, finding fulfillment in the bonds he forged along the way. Corvus's story continues to unfold, a testament to the human spirit's ability to overcome adversity and build a life filled with meaning and purpose. ============================================== Auto correct and grammerly are used

JynXx · Urban
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5 Chs

The start of a legend.

The icy wind snatched at Sarah's raven hair, mirroring the grief that gnawed at her soul. As the final echoes of the solemn ceremony faded away, she clutched her newborn son, Corvus, closer to her chest, the warmth of his tiny body a beacon against the bitter cold. His cries, though faint, resonated with a defiant strength, a testament to the life that bloomed amidst sorrow.

Years, like leaves swirling in an autumn wind, danced by. Sarah, now a solitary warrior in the face of adversity, walked hand-in-hand with her precocious four-and-a-half-year-old son. Corvus, with eyes that sparkled with the same mischievous glint as his late father, skipped alongside her, his laughter a melody that chased away the shadows of grief that lingered in Sarah's heart.

They arrived at the bustling nursery, a hive of energy and young dreams. With a bittersweet smile and a gentle kiss on his forehead, Sarah entrusted Corvus to the caretakers. His tiny hand, reluctantly leaving hers, mirrored the bittersweet tug-of-war between her maternal instincts and the harsh realities she needed to face.

As she ventured forth into the city, the judgmental whispers of society stung her heart. Their questioning stares and harsh words, like poisoned arrows, pierced her resolve. "Why hasn't she remarried? How does she survive on her own?" Their callous tongues, fueled by ignorance and prejudice, sought to break her spirit.

Yet, Sarah, with her head held high and a fierce determination burning in her eyes, refused to be a victim. She knew that any outburst, any display of vulnerability, would only fuel the flames of their cruelty. Instead, she drew strength from her love for Corvus, her unwavering spirit a shield against the negativity that surrounded her.

The burden of providing for Corvus' education, their modest home, and the basic necessities was often overwhelming. Sleepless nights were punctuated by moments of despair, the weight of responsibility threatening to crush her spirit. Yet, in the depths of darkness, flickers of kindness illuminated her path.

Her colleagues, angels in disguise, offered words of encouragement and support. They became her confidantes, sharing the joys and burdens of motherhood. Even her boss, recognizing her exceptional skills and unwavering dedication, extended a helping hand, offering financial aid for Corvus' education. These acts of generosity, like wildflowers blooming in the desert, nourished Sarah's weary soul and renewed her hope.

Throughout these trials, Sarah's unwavering love for Corvus was her guiding star. She nurtured his inquisitive mind, fostering a love for learning that blossomed like a rare orchid in the concrete jungle. His brilliance shone brightly in the nursery, where he quickly surpassed his peers in academics, captivating his teachers with his intellect and insatiable curiosity.

Recognizing his potential, the nursery staff drafted a glowing recommendation letter, paving the way for Corvus to attend one of the city's most prestigious schools.

As Corvus embarked on this new chapter, Sarah stood tall, her heart swelling with pride and a cautious optimism for the future. The path ahead was still veiled in uncertainty, but hand-in-hand, mother and son, they faced it with unwavering determination and the unbreakable bond of their love, ready to conquer any challenge that dared to stand in their way. They were two souls intertwined, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of love.