
Charli's great plan

Charlie had many plans of what to do next but many had failed.Finally she thought of her greatest idea yet.She knew she had to go .But where?To the forest,her parents wouldn't look for her there they never go anywhere muddy at all.She went there and found a spot to crash the night,it was a big rock in the shape of a skull-ish.Under the rock she eventually fell asleep leaving her bag on the floor.

*giggles* She awoke to her bag gone.Panicking she looked around until seeing a few kids around 12 and 13 years old.There was 2 boys and 1 girl.

"Haha come on Damien"said one boy

" Oh shit she's awake come on"said Damien

"Oh hi I'm Anastasia those idiots are Damien and Lucas what's your name"said the girl

Confused Charli stayed silent

"HelloOoOo?"said Anastasia

"She's probably mute"chortled Lucas

"no" Charli said quietly

Not knowing what to do the kids took Charli to Anastasia's house since she was drenched in rain.They had to bike back and Charli hopped on the back of Anastasia's.Once they had arrived they ran upstairs whilst her parents weren't looking.

"Anastasia you're home come eat"said her mum.

"Sorry mum I had two baloney sandwiches for lunch"said Anastasia.

They ran up a ladder leading up to an attic.Luckily nobody went up there other than Anastasia and her friends.Charli was shocked as there was so many things she hadn't seen before there.There was band posters,games and even a computer.

⚠️Warning⚠️:Swear words

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