
Dreadful night

Roohi thinks this is the same voice I heard last night, maybe this voice came from the hallway.

Ruhi leaves her room and heads towards the hall following the accelerating voice... She was totally frightened. Sweat fell off her brow. She turns again towards the room from which the sounds were coming.

When Ruhi approaches the room, the door itself begins to shudder and those voices become even stronger" Padmini enters, Padmini, I'm here"

Ruhi speaks out loud, who is inside, who are you and who is that Padmini?

Ruhi thinks in her mind, "If I want to know, first I must open this room, but where the key to this room will be kept".

Then suddenly her eyes are on the wall near the sofa... where the keys to each room of the mansion were hung.

From my game, one of these keys will be from this room... she takes that key off and starts trying the lock in this room.

"God I have tried many keys, till now this room has not been opened by anyone, I think some poor person is definitely under closed, only then he calls every day and is looking for some Padmini, today I am looking for it. I'm going to stay out, this is the last key, please, my God, this has to open this room".

and she puts this key in the lock and walks around with her eyes closed As soon as the key spins, there is the sound of the door opening. And she dares to open that door.

[...] as the door opens, a strong wind blows on his face.

It's very dark in that room, "Is there anyone here why nobody talks, Look what you want, I came here to help you. Where do you come from in front of me I can't see anything because of the darkness... common here"?

She pulls out her phone and lights the flashlight. "Who's here feels like someone's room". There's a great image on the wall in this room. This image is from another king, something is written underneath this image, but due to the dust nothing is visible then she cleans this image with her hands," Mahendra Pratap". As soon as she makes the announcement.

The sound of footsteps comes, the light of Ruhi turns towards this voice, "which is there from this side". But no one lives that way, and then the voice heard from the other side.

But no one seems to be on this side, only then does the sound of somebody's voice on the other side. Ruhi is anxious to hear all this.

"In this room….. Padmini. After all, you came to me After all, my love brought you here".

Ruhi said, "Who are you and why do you call me Padmini over and over... Who is Padmini and who are you"?

This man said, Look at those days when I loved you so much. I struck many deals for you. But what have I obtained? , Punishment to stay away from you... What was your shape"!

"Lovely eyes, shining face.

It wasn't just me who had a crush on you. Your dad also did a once-in-a-lifetime ceremony, but he...

Ruhi stops him and says, "for a minute you've become scum, then show me your face".

That's how he laughs: You are my love, I am Raja Mahendra Pratap. ".

Ruhi is like,". I'm aware you're Siddharth. Look, that's enough, why you're creeping me out".

"No, I am King Mahendra Pratap rather than Siddhartha".

"What absurdity do you make, you may have been wrong I am ruhi not Padmini".

And "enough, get away from the tragedy, let me go, I thought you were stuck here".

She's right out of there. Raja Mahendra Pratap, noticing Ruhi coming out of the bedroom, rushes to her and starts pulling Ruhi by grasping her hair to stop her.

Ruhi.... shouts loudly, "Leave me, I suffer".

"You will be mine or anyone living in this manor will die".

King Mahendra Pratap says "I love to do the soul in control, not the body, I ride in the dark, not in the light".

Ruhi begins sneezing pain, he drags her into the bedroom... Shivani mumbling after hearing Ruhi's loud voice," how did your health suddenly worsen, "Something happened? sid... Ruhi sinks quickly.

Siddharth comes running, 'what happened to Shivani, what has happened to Ruhi".

Ruhi yells again:

ruhi said louder she was screaming, 'Leave me, it hurts, save sid, save me".

Siddharth says "yes I came, what happened Ruhi, open your eyes," and he holds his hands in his hands. 'Open your eyes ruhi I'm here to see your heart'

At that moment, this awful soul releases Ruhi's hair [...] and, unaware, Ruhi opens her eyes and she is very scared and was completely soaked in sweat. Raj sitting nearby on the bed gives her a bottle of water. And he says perhaps she had a nightmare."

Ruhi says," no Siddharth... I haven't seen any dreams... I saw a very strange man in my dream..who was calling me love from his previous life and When I made up my mind to leave, he started pulling me forcibly towards him".

"Trust me, Sid, there's a spirit in this mansion... I'm very afraid. What I just witnessed was not a dream, my body was here but not my soul... I have been able to prove to you that since I arrived here, I have seen something strange".

Siddarth gets angry and says, "Ruhi, why did you tell me nothing. Don't you trust me".

Ruhi said," I have full faith in you Siddharth, which is why believe me... there is the spirit"

Siddharth said, 'It is fine so tomorrow we will depart from here and back to Delhi".

Is Ruhi another person's love for her last life?

Will everyone be able to get back from the palace or will they all die?

Don't forget to like and comment to read the story... The shadow of a dead