
A match made in heaven

Siddharth flies away to Ruhi's house as he could not wait until morning without seeing her.

Now his heart doesn't come to peace until he's seen Ruhi with his own.

Ruhi was also delighted to feel the agitation of Siddharth But where did she know that ignoring everything in isolation led to a unique new world for Ruhi? our Ruhi was just sensing being livable in her lovely world with Siddharth.

Unaware of all these things, Ruhi was waiting for Siddharth to come when the bell of her house rings.

Ruhi opens the door, and Siddhartha, seeing Ruhi ahead, embraces him and says with joy, "Thank God you are well, I had lost my life, and now peace has come.

"Ruhi says, "You're so frightened if anything happens to me".,

"Ruhi, I'm so worried about you and you're still talking about leaving, If you feel so bad for me, then I'm leaving you, but don't talk like a hoax"

Holding Siddharth's arm, Ruhi brings him in and says, "Oh no Baba, I was just saying, sit underneath."

settling with Siddharth, Ruhi tells him the straightforward things that happened to her before boarding the flight to New York and in the meantime,e she also talks about how much Ruhi had missed him.

Hearing this, Siddhartha interrupts her and says, "What? Why have you missed me and why?

There is a stir in Ruhi's heart, her hands start trembling as if her theft has been caught by Siddharth and she had the answer but she thought of putting on him as a birthday gift.

Then a voice comes from Ruhi's endurance, "Today you have not seen that if you had sat in that flight, you might not have been alive today and would never have been able to glimpse Siddharth again."

That's why don't wait for the birthday, confess to Siddharth today that you also love him very much.

Siddharth shakes Ruhi again and asks: "Hello madame, why have you missed me?"

Enquiring, Ruhi gets out of the air of his consciousness and turning his gaze down, begins to do penance with her fingers on the pillows held in her hands.

Siddharth was watching Ruhi very attentively and could not understand why Ruhi reacts this way and what she thinks so much by answering my questions.

Poor Siddhartha did not know that the time he had waited for many years was only today, his worry was going to be relieved today. The comfort of his feelings became the first and the last of his heart, and the wish was on the verge of being fulfilled today.

Ruhi first got up from her sofa walks two or four times here and there on asked Siddhartha, she would refuse to say anything to him with the gesture of her hands and again started doing the same rounds.

After thinking for about 15 minutes, her step ceases and she settles on her knees in front of Siddharth, closes her eyes and thrusts both her hands in front of him.

She says, "Of course, you also love me very much, but you want me to express it; This heart is filled with your emotion, then how can I refuse to express it"

Sid "I Sid "I love you" will make me your partner once and for all".

And when she says that, Ruhi won't say a word.

Siddharth does not recognize that his wish can ever be granted, he looks at Ruhi for two minutes up to an hour.

Ruhi goes on, "Siddharth, will you be mine"?

Siddharth asks Ruhi to get up and asks disdainfully, "Are you telling the truth, I can't believe it".

Ruhi hugs Siddharth and says, " yes Siddhartha, I also love you very much but was always afraid to say that I should not relinquish you like my mother and father, but after today's accident, I felt that if I did not say today, then who Knows that when life ends and then this remorse will remain with me even after death.

Siddhartha said while placing his hand on Ruhi's head, "I love you, I will never let you encounter any problem alone, I will always be with you Ruhi". I wish you'd told me sooner, brought a present for you, but now I have nothing.

"My mom taught me that when somebody gives something, you also have to give something to that person and you gave me a reason to live my life."

"It is necessary to give something, but what must I give?"

Ruhi said, "All right give it tomorrow because it's been a long night now."

At this phase, Siddharth starts thinking while stroking his hair and only then does he memorize the medallion named "R" which he wore around his neck.

As he leaves the locket, "Yes, there's one thing I can gift you, this locket." He takes this locket out of his throat.

Ruhi looking at that medallion says "Siddharth but why 'R' is written in that medallion"? You had a girlfriend or something?

Siddharth laughed and said, "No, I wore this locket when I saw you for the first time, this locket has always been close to my heart and today I want to give it to you".

And he begins to carry this locket around Ruhi's neck when suddenly the windows of his room begin to quiver loudly.

Siddharth stops and says "How did these windows suddenly start shaking so loudly"?

Ruhi says, "Nothing, Sidharth may have been shaken due to strong wind."

Don't worry, place it on the medallion soon."

Then Siddharth obliges Ruhi to wear a medallion as soon as the medallion is placed around Ruhi's neck. The panes are starting to crack.

They're both scared to death when windows are broken unnecessarily.

, Siddhartha said, "Ruhi, what's going on, you wait here, I see."

Siddharth will see but he sees no strong wind blowing or hurting anyone because of which the glasses crackle nor anyone outside the house.

Now is the time for your questions? Will the matching of Siddharth and Ruhi give birth to a new mystery? Will the two pair up or is this a warning?

Give your answer in the comment box and vote if you like the story. Till then take care.
