
The shadow of dark moon

A nameless child is sold to an enemy nation for human experimentation. Found to be useless in their experiments, he is given to a squad in their army as a child solider. A squad notorious for giving their child soldiers difficult and dangerous tasks which result in high mortality rates. This follows the story of a nameless boy, who with the help of a mysterious black shadow, will do anything to survive. Even kill.

sophie10smail · War
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117 Chs

Chapter 10.3

A long time passed before we heard about Luke again. But when he contacted the house, it wasn't for either of us. Mid way through Sean's lesson about the how the ancient civilisation thought nature was controlled by different gods, Elliana knocked on the door and entered with the communication device in her hand.

"Who is it?" Sean asked.

"It's Luke, he has some news about that thing you were discussing with him."

"It's Luke? Can I talk to him?" I asked without thinking, surprising even myself.

"I'm sorry, he really needs to talk to Sean right now. It's important and it can't wait."

I nodded, but a little disheartened I answered, "I understand."

"I'll ask him to give you a call later." She

I catch only a snippet of the conversation between him and Elliana before the door swings completely shut, cutting off the sound "Things aren't looking good, they're angry that-"

Now alone in the study, I wonder if Luke and Sean had gotten themselves in trouble. It did sound urgent, so I really shouldn't have been disheartened that it wasn't for us, but it felt like it had been too long, and I fought with the idea that he'd abandoned us or forgotten about us.

They both returned ten minuets later, "sorry Ezra, I'm going to have to pick up our lesson tomorrow, I have to go into work for an emergency."

"Where do you work?"

"The Foreign Defence Department." He answers, then turning to Elliana he adds, "I'll probably be late so have dinner without me." before rushing out the house.

What had Luke got to say to someone to the Foreign Defence Department to get them to rush out to work like that?

"Come on, that enough disruption, lets get back to work. I'll teach you some more maths in the meantime." Then I spend the most agonisingly long math session and then family dinner minus Sean, waiting until he came home again. Elliana left his portion in the oven, and I heard him return home much later, just before I was about to go to sleep. Elliana sat with him at the kitchen table while he ate his reheated dinner and discussed what happened at the meeting. When I heard the soft mumbling of their conversation, I crept to the bottom of the stairs and listened in.

"They want to take him back." He whispered grimly.

"We cant let that happen, you know what they'll do if we let them have him back."

"I know. We have to fight this."

"What did Luke say?" she asked.

"He's got a judge on our side, if we adopt him before they can make a decision there nothing they can do."

"Then that's what we'll do." I heard movement towards the hall so I scurry upstairs before I could get caught.