
The shadow of a Villain

Do you know Luciel arctic Theseus? He is the second prince of all of Necrom one of the most strongest and richest kingdoms in the entire human continent called winter But even though he is a prince he is not what he once was just a shadow of his past self Who knows what led to this outcome? And what will happen so that this person will change or if he can change? ******* Since this is a novel made from me don’t expect much I try my best though And the cover is not mine if you are the artist behind it contact me and I’ll remove it And sorry for the bad grammar So have fun with this story

Koku499 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
126 Chs




A slim and well built man in a black kimono his hair was dark brown which looked more like black

His eyes were a deep black color that made you feel like you were looking into an abyss

It was Koichi Musashi next to him was his only and best friend Adam sotra

He still wore a black lab coat under a white shirt and brown pants, while his mask, which he never takes off, is red this time

He seemed to have changed them before for some reason, but his eyes were even more bright red than his mask while his black hair only accentuates this

The two sat in silence as they watched Luciel try to flee because of small insects that didn't even pose a threat

Koichi thought a little about whether he should really reveal whether Luciel is his student or not

While Adam just tried to keep his laughter

"Sigh…. I'll beat him up when he comes back." Koichi clenched his fingers while a devilish smile spread across his face

"Pfft…. Hahahahaha that's your student" Adam pointed to the screen where a boy with purple eyes and raven hair could be seen

The boy was just trying to get away from all the insects that were near him while his expression is full of disgust and fear

Koichi regretted having told Adam, but what can you do

"I still don't understand what you're seeing in him?" Adam chuckled a little while asking

However, Koichi's attitude changed

She didn't get serious or anything else no…. He was just ruffled with his big smile "…. Everything I see in him…. is a shadow of some kind of monster"


"HAHAHAHA look Clay Luciel is scared" said the character in the white mask while pointing at the screen

He laughed heartily at the sight but not because he found it pathetic, no

He just thought it was funny that he would laugh

Meanwhile, Clay, the man with the smiling mask standing behind him, put a bag full of snacks on the table and looked where he was pointing

"Huh William you know Jack's right there right?" he asked ignoring what was so amusing to William

But William just ignored him

-Knock Knock

"That must be him" Clay said and opened the door in this dark room

From the door came a tall man he looked quite old with his gray hair reaching to his shoulders he was wearing a black suit very elegantly designed his skin was a bit pale and wrinkled but he was somehow handsome

He was tall and skinny which made him look a little abnormal but it wasn't a bad thing

On his one eye was a monocle with gold trimmings while on his head he wore a top hat

He had a walking stick decorated with silver on the handle

It was the same man who is not only Luciel's teacher in his alchemy classes

"JACK WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" William jumped out of his chair excitedly and ran over to Jack

He wanted to grab him by the shoulders, but Jack dodged it elegantly and got straight to the point, "why did you summon me?" he asked

William didn't answer him though, he just stood there and looked Jack in the eye

He sat down again after a while and looked back at the TV

Jack just let out an annoyed sigh and sat down too


Right now, all of Class A was doing nothing but watching their strategist try to run away from a spider

While the others tried to calm him down, it was no use

Maybe it was also because he was more disgusted than upset but he started to freeze every insect in his vicinity

Cale felt it was a waste of mana, but Luciel wasn't willing to compromise

"Now that we have that out of the way, let's start planning, shall we?" Drake asked he was the general and therefore the leader

As I said, the reason for this is Rank 1, so that was understandable

Even in the whole system he was definitely rank 1 or sooner it will be after this test everyone gets a general rank for all classes

"If we're going to plan, I think Luciel Cale and I should find a place to plan, Drake, you better go to the other higher-ranking ones."

Nathan answered Drake

Drake, however, didn't seem to like his idea

He looked at him a little bitterly "why am I not there?" he asked

Nathan, however, had an immediate answer "because we don't need you for planning, just for improvement permission and in the fight the general is actually just something like an educator who keeps us under control and gives tips".

"Sigh…. yeah sure" drake seemed a little disappointed "so you think you can kick me out because my role isn't as important as you think?"

Nathan just nodded

Drake seemed listless to answer, but he opened his mouth anyway, but it wasn't him who answered

"I do think he has a more important role than you think" it was Luciel who replied

Nathan came closer to him confused as to why he would side with Drake "oh... and why?"

"Well like you said he's the leader that means he can take our positions whenever he wants." Luciel replied but instead of looking Nathan in the eyes he played around with his phone

"In addition, he is not only the strongest of us, he also grew up in the royal family of marcas with the best support as well as the world's best teacher who should have taught him many things such as tactics in war and more"

Nathan thought for a bit while holding his chin 'right that's how it should be I didn't think of it as Drake actually becomes useful after the second year exam is over' he glanced over at Drake who looked at Luciel in surprise 'yes this is now reality that means…. He should be more useful'

"Okay I'm sorry I didn't think about it enough." Nathan apologized and meant what he said

drake didn't seem too upset though "no it's fine it was for our own good"

"Are we going or not?" Cale asked he seemed impatient but he wasn't the only one

-tap tap tap tap

Luciel kept flipping his foot up and down as he waited and watched these two

"yeah let's go to the back room..." Drake looked again at the others who were all talking to each other and yelled "everyone go practice we'll discuss our strategy I'll see the other two senior ones after we're done"

So they all disappeared into the back room, leaving the others in those rosy rooms with nothing and all they could do was work out

Nevertheless, there were some who talked to each other rather than trained, which is actually a mistake because this is currently being streamed live everywhere, which means that everyone can see it

But many an idiot will probably not have understood it yet


[Drake's POV]

We were all together in a smaller room with just a table in the middle while a giant map was pinned to the wall

I was honestly surprised at how run down this place is but what can you do

We all sat down Cale Luciel and Nathan

I was confused seeing Luciel and Nathan but I'm sure the teachers know what they are doing

Well, I still don't like seeing Luciel

"So in terms of strategy, what are your plans?" I asked

I was hoping that some here had ideas because I don't want to be the only one doing the work

"I'd say we should have 20 of our men on patrol just to be safe." Cale suggested that idea

It was a good idea, yet it was a simple idea that anyone could have come up with

"A good idea, but what do we do against the other armies?"

When I asked my question none of them answered

'Well what did I expect' I wasn't surprised that nobody said anything but that changed when a certain purple eyed boy spoke to me

"We should sacrifice some of our people if possible"

I need help deciding what to call the chapter I think or in general for this novel my grammar sucks ass

Koku499creators' thoughts