
Chapter 185: City of Prune and Learning!


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"To start your studies, don't worry, you won't need to learn to read or write for now, but you will in the future, so get ready!" - Adriana said, slightly rolling her eyes before Ajacky raised her hand.

Ajacky was sitting on the floor, eyes full of curiosity and anticipation.

"At first we are going to help her adjust her mind through meditation! Focus only on the sound of my voice, then focus your sight only on me, nothing else exists around us but me, now close your eyes!" - Adriana said calmly and Ajacky obeyed.

"Continue to focus only on my voice, nothing else matters but my voice, don't ask questions, don't think pointlessly, just focus on my voice, everything else is useless, stop thinking, just focus!" - Adriana said, repeating herself again and again.

In case Ajacky got bored with her repetitions, Adriana always told her to stop thinking about useless things or let her feelings come out.

And finally Adriana was silent, allowing Ajacky to enter a type of trance induced by Adriana, since for her, only her voice mattered, as there was no longer her, Ajacky was waiting to hear her and the sound of leaves, birds and branches no longer mattered.

It stayed that way for a while, until Ajacky felt something different from what he had felt in the past, her body, the way she breathed, it was so strange, but also so magnificent!

An energy seemed to be fueling her, making her stronger, curious Ajacky focused her attention on it, officially entering a meditative training state.

Adriana, seeing this, was astonished, the objective was only the first part of the Meditation, then she would start teaching her how to feel the Mana.

But looking at how the Mana around her was vibrating and the amount she "breathed" more than tripled, it was obvious that she felt the Mana!

That is, Ajacky skipped several steps, which made Adriana remember Version 1.0, the time it took until she could actually feel her Mana, several Meditation Levels were needed before reaching such a level.

It's even enviable such talent, but Adriana stopped bothering, since she started feeling Mana in Version 2.0 and 3.0 that it is now.

But soon Ajacky's concentration didn't last long, because she didn't know what to do with all this new energy, so she choked and started coughing intensely, getting out of her meditative state.

"Congratulations, you are more talented than I thought, you jumped from being a complete layman to being able to sense Mana on the first try, but of course, that was down to her instinct and having a great teacher!" - Adriana said, avoiding the fact that she practically has the Skill named [Hypnosis] in her list of new skills.

"That… was it Mana?" - Asked Ajacky shocked.

"Yes, now let me have a look at your back, see how your mana flow is going and see if I can help in any way." - Adriana said calmly.

"My back?" - Ajacky was confused.

"Am I going to put my hands on your back of course, or do you want me to touch your boobs? It will work just the same!" - Adriana said smiling and Ajacky blushed, cringing, but also not refusing.


3 days later!

Ajacky was still training to enter the meditative state by herself, she manages, but for a short time, longer than in the beginning, since Adriana managed to open some veins of Energy.

Normally this would not be necessary, as Mana is not as dependent on the Veins of the body as Chi and some other types of Physically oriented Energy.

Not to mention that this will naturally be opened up and reinforced if Ajacky awakens his Aura in the future, but it turns out that having it early is better, it helps progress faster.

But of course, due to part of her sealed knowledge, Adriana had to greatly restrict the beneficial effects she could bring to Ajacky's body for the time being, but that helped her recover a lot.

It seems that studying about Chi and Martial Arts helped her a lot, even though she lost most of it, her instincts were still there and little by little the System unlocked.

And after 3 days, they finally arrived in a city, it would have taken less than 2 days, but as Adriana wanted to teach Ajacky properly, it was necessary.

And in those 3 days, Adriana ended up reaching Level 20, where her 2 Attribute Points went to Agility.

Adriana decided that she will make herself have more balanced attributes, initially she wanted to focus on something but would fall far behind in other aspects, so she decided to have balanced attributes.

Since in the end when leveling up her strength constantly increases, she is no longer as dependent on Attributes as in previous versions, so even accumulating hundreds of Points, she would still get stronger.

"Where are you from?" - A guard stopped Adriana and Ajacky, looking at the two tall and muscular beauties.

Smiling, Adriana looked at the woman with a scar over her left eye, which blinded her and said. - "Hello, I'm Adriana and this is my friend Ajacky, we're from a village further south of the city, less than 2 days ago, it still doesn't have a name, but it's led by the Elfa Yasmim!"

The guard looked thoughtful and then said. - "That village with about 500 inhabitants?"

"Actually… there are about 420…" - Ajacky said shyly.

The guard nodded and asked. - "What is your objective in Prune City?"

"We wish to venture out and know more of this world, explore the unexplored lands, become more powerful and of course, rich!" - Adriana said smiling confidently.

The guard looked her up and down, shrugging and showing some pity, likely she has seen many young aspirants like this, in the end most return to their village and get married, or join the army.

But she doesn't care about things like that and just paved the way, you don't have to pay or anything, since they don't have items that can be considered tradable on a large scale, that is, they are not merchants!

Adriana and Ajacky entered the City of Prunes, a city that according to the information that Adriana got, must have around 8,000 inhabitants, it should have triple that, but obviously they died or are in military service, there is also the fact that they are scattered in several pioneer villages around.

But for now that doesn't matter, the important thing is that Adriana and Ajacky needed a place to spend the night, so they looked for a cheap and comfortable inn.

And since it's still afternoon, after getting information from the women around, they went to have a look at the stores, discovering that the city has that name for a reason, practically every store that sells some kind of food, sells products with plums.

Asking around, it was discovered that Prunes are one of the main sources of food for the army, with their City providing about 15% of the current Lord's army supplies.

They walked around the city for a while, Adriana took the opportunity to sell her Demonic Cores, they made good money, enough for her to live a while without worries.

The main currency is Silver, where 1 Gold Coin is worth 100 Silver Coins.

So Adriana thinking it was worth a lot, actually it wasn't that much.

Of course, Gold Coins are still valuable, but they are relatively easy to earn, so if she decides to forge some weapons and sell them, acquiring 30,000 will be a matter of a few weeks or months, depending on how much magical equipment they need.

But of course, Adriana does not want to be recognized as an excellent Ferreira, this will make her attract the eyes of Nobres and she still remembers the descriptions of the political danger of this world, she does not want to be a slave.


Adriana and Ajacky would share the same room, Ajacky was embarrassed, thinking it would be now, but…

"Stop thinking nonsense, it's time for some more theoretical classes!" - Adriana said, patting Ajacky's forehead.

Depending on the method used to convert or use Mana, each has its flaws, but in return, it has its advantages!

The method I use is a little special, you don't need to know how I got it, just know that it's one of the best, if not the best in the world!

Most methods are relatively primitive, simply breathing in a specific way, absorbing Mana to strengthen the body, mind and senses, in other cases, storing Mana using diversified methods, from forming a Magic Core within itself or through of Magic Circles.

The method I use combines both of the above, focusing on their strengths, while enhancing them with knowledge that many ignore, this I like to call Flow!

Many ignore the way Mana circulates through their bodies, leaving it to be something just instinctive and natural, thinking that it is the right method, I myself thought that for a long time, but it is not the case, our body has many flaws and obstructions, that we need to fix.

If we manage to do this, the Mana will flow through our bodies more smoothly, we will be able to store more and more Mana and of course, make it stronger at the same time as our bodies get stronger!

Using the method and teachings that I will give you now, you will be able to walk the path of a Knight of Aura, as well as a Mage, without any problems!

Of course, I won't teach you my family's secrets, as my method of using Mana is very special, but you can find your own way, I trust you!

Adriana explained what her long years of experience allowed her to achieve!

She uses the concepts of Chi in Mana, which is very beneficial, it can be said that she is replacing Chi, a controllable and constantly evolving energy, with Mana, which is more volatile and fast growing.

The two energies are excellent in their own ways, but Chi is something more centered on more open concepts, where without the opportunities and due teachings, it will not be possible to advance much.

But Mana is a broader path, with countless opportunities and few crossroads, which is very dependent on one's own talent and luck!

Now using the knowledge about Chi na Mana, it is obvious that it will result in an improvement of the same, better increases in physical and mental capacity, the reserves of Mana being bigger and more efficient.

That's why her Skill [Astral Strength] was already at Level 27, showing that in the last few days, Adriana wasn't just sucking her finger.

And after reaching Level 25, [Astral Strength] made all of her Attributes increase by 2!


Ajacky didn't quite understand what Adriana was saying, but little by little she understood better about her own body, about its organs and functions and she also started to learn to read and write.

And while Ajacky was studying and practicing, Adriana was looking for valuable information, knowing more about the world, enemy nations, monsters to hunt and the like.

Adriana saw that only the forest next to Ajacky's village was known for the existence of many Demonic Beasts, but only in the village area, there aren't that many creatures.

If you really want to kill a lot of creatures, there is another village further east, which has around 1,000 inhabitants and is actually a small fortress, there are many adventurers there, who profit a lot by hunting the Demonic Beasts in the forest, because there the amount of beasts is very abundant.

Adriana already knew where to go, she wants to reach Level 50 very quickly, because from there, her range of influence will increase a lot!


In the blink of an eye, 1 week has passed!

Ajacky kept learning all sorts of things, where her talent soon started to show itself more and more!

Even though she didn't understand much of what Adriana said, as time was short, she managed to exceed many of Adriana's expectations, where she learned the "Flow" of her Mana.

Along with that, with her help of course, Ajacky went through a lot of pain, while unblocking several veins, which in fact allowed a better circulation of Mana.

Adriana still hasn't taught him how to control her, just feel and manipulate her internally.

But all of that was enough to raise your Level 12 to 15!

It was a good growth for someone who was just studying and understanding how the body itself works.

But besides teaching it, Adriana looked for empty places, where she would open a Dungeon Dimension, to level up.

With that she was already at Level 28, but far from her goals.

She also took the opportunity to forge a new axe, not for herself, but for Ajacky, which is still in storage for now.

Soon another week passed, Adriana was at Level 35, while Ajacky reached Level 18.

In these past 2 weeks, it was just Ajacky learning the basics in a detailed and precise way, which many Warriors and Mages would kill to learn.

And finally Ajacky learned to trust herself and her instincts more, instincts that always guided her to the right and ideal path.

Adriana saw how just helping her adjust her breathing with vague teachings and focusing on her getting her body right resulted in something special.

She naturally perfected simple breathing, creating a technique in its own right, even though it's not the most efficient, it's still impressive that with almost no foundation, she reached such a plateau.

Adriana wonders if she teaches her something more complex, what will she do? What will this amazing talent do?

So Adriana decided to teach her about the [Magic Force], which Ajacky finally started having problems with like a normal person.

Today Adriana was in a bar, having a beer, which has a more delicate flavor, she doesn't think it's bad, but compared to several beers she's had in bars and taverns in the past, this one is very weak!

Well, at least it doesn't taste like piss!

She comes here constantly, flirting a bit with the bartender as she gathers more and more information, discovering lots of interesting things.

Recently, a new sentient species was discovered, which is causing problems for the nation, they are the Centauras!

There are even drawings, women with black or brown skin, where from the waist to where the legs should be, we have a horse's body.

They use longbows or huge spears as weapons, not to mention they have a horse stick too.

They are very strong, thousands of troops have already been annihilated after the first encounters, it seems like it's been about 2 years since the discovery and the beginning of the conflicts with this new race, but only now the news arrived here.

This is naturally due to the humiliation suffered by the Commanders of the army, as the Centaurs are considered a primitive race, something very tribal, but they were defeated several times and had disastrous losses.

And from the many reports, it is said that due to the cover-up of information, several officers will be executed, while others are being sent to prison or turned into slaves.

Adriana found it interesting, so she tried to focus her attention on this subject, but the information is superficial, there aren't that many details and much of it is exaggerated.

Due to the [Information Gathering] Skill, she is able to naturally know something is overkill or not, filtering out what is useful and discarding what is useless.

And now, Adriana was thinking about getting involved in this conflict, not that she cares about the Lord's army in that territory, much less with the Centaurs, but she wants to see if it is possible to dialogue with the Centaurs.

If she succeeds, she may end up using this to her advantage, since in more Tribal civilizations, what matters is strength!

If you can conquer Centaur Tribes, you will have a good army, so creating a city or Kingdom will be easy for her and her System.

This will give you a good foundation for many future opportunities.

But then Adriana thought of an important fact in the meantime, she's too lazy for stuff like that!

She couldn't bear to sit on a throne for hours, listening to her people complain, then listening to nobles speak in a pompous manner.

Adriana then thought of something else, something that could benefit her enormously, but without bringing her too many responsibilities, at most something she can solve in her fist!

As such the answer is simple, join some noble!

She doesn't need to become her servant, Adriana just needs to have unquestionable military power, demonstrate her lack of interest in a government position and lean on some Lorde.

But thinking about it, Adriana soon thought that at first, it would be best to become a Mercenary, it would make it easier to approach the nobility, then select a capable one to support.

Perhaps getting involved with royalty is a good thing, she usually avoids it, but as she has thoughts of permanently living in this timeline and wants a lot of resources, such as creating a gigantic Empire that will further explore space, she needs all the strength she can get!

Thinking about so many things made Adriana firm her future plans even more, thinking better about which path to follow and seeing that becoming a Mercenary would be the best choice.

But for that, she needs capable women, she already has Ajacky, who is better than many soldiers out there, where it is likely that after finishing basic training, she will be at Level 25 and when she starts combat training, she must reach Level 30.


In the 3rd week of training!

Adriana took Ajacky out of town, her goal to go to the Hunters' Village, which is 3 days away but likely to last 5-6 days.

And that was for a very good reason, it was time to help Ajacky by training her combat skills!

"Hmm… I think this is a good place…" - Adriana said calmly and Ajacky was already nervous.

"Take it!" - Adriana said throwing an ax to Ajacky, who caught it in fright and complained.

"Don't throw weapons like that!" - Ajacky pouted, but looked at the axe, feeling that he is special.

"Forged this for you, ignored part of resistance and sharpening for better mana flow, it will help you in combat training." - Adriana said calmly.

Ajacky looked at the axe, her eyes shining, focusing on the fact that Adriana had forged the axe.

"Now try to utilize your Mana externally, let it flow into the axe, then use [Magic Strength]!" - Adriana said calmly.

Nodding, Ajacky complied, in fact feeling an intimate connection with the axe, it absorbed his Mana without any problems, it was different from his ax that accompanied him for so many years, which was unable to hold even a little Mana.

But that ax held no problem, as it was for that.

Then it was the turn of [Magic Strength], something she still can't use as much as she wants to, but has some enviable slight achievements.

Soon a bluish glow with some shades of green covered the axe.

"Very good, can you move?" - Asked Adriana.

"Yes..." - Ajacky said with difficulty while taking a step, for her it is difficult to maintain [Magic Strength] while moving.

"Very well, now you can deactivate it, you will not be using it!" - Adriana said smiling.

"What?!" Ajacky opened her mouth.

"You are far from being able to utilize Magic Force for combat, maybe in a few bursts of power, but that doesn't matter much, so I want you to attack me while letting your Mana flow into the axe, not all at once, but in small amounts every 10 breaths.

In case you lose focus, delay or anticipate, I will…" - Adriana bent down picking up a piece of thick and long branch.

"I'm going to spank you in a way that's going to hurt, and a lot!" - Adriana said smiling like the devil!

Ajacky shuddered and then obeyed.


Ajacky screamed fiercely as she attacked Adriana, who easily dodged her attacks, which are very slow in her eyes.

But Ajacky kept attacking, until...


Something hit his breasts, making his pretty face contort as it fell to cover his breasts.

"You injected Mana into the ax only on the 12th breath!" - Adriana said what her mistake was.


"Where are you looking? I'm right here!" - Adriana said after hitting her on the ass.


"Move your legs more, it's too still, is it a turtle by any chance?"


"Are you complaining about why I dodge? Even if I let you hit me, I'll stay intact, you're too weak!"

Adriana continued correcting Ajacky, by the 8th hit, Ajacky was better managing her breaths and how Mana was injected into the axe.

Obviously this incredible instinct of hers helping her to adapt at an incredible speed!

So, seeing that there wasn't much to complain about, Adriana decided to adjust her postures, minimizing her movements when attacking, being as efficient as possible, expending less energy and so on.

She was also gradually closing the distance, threatening to attack, if Ajacky showed fear, she would strike, if she counterattacked or dodged, Adriana would hit her with less force.

In this way, Ajacky has been improving on how to manage his Mana in the middle of combat, which will help him immensely in using [Magic Force].

Adriana naturally didn't need to go through such training, she had the System, so for her it was all very natural.

But she admits it's fun torturing- I mean, training Ajacky.

Ajacky didn't complain much either, naturally she didn't like the fact that she was constantly spanked as it hurt a lot, she naturally complains and expresses her grievances.

But it's not like Adriana cares, as she has a reason for it and Ajacky understands that reason, as she herself has gradually adapted and felt satisfied, even when she was beaten up.

Not because she woke up some new fetish, just that Adriana has an excellent control over her strength, so she could feel the difference in each blow, when it was a strong blow and in sensitive parts, it means that there are mistakes, but when it was a more weak, it means it is going the right way, but there is some problem.

In this way, she discovered better how to move, even if she had pain all over her body.

And finally, after more than half an hour of torture- I mean training, she was finally able to rest!

"Now that we are going to start combat training, you will spend a lot of time circulating your Mana and accelerating your recovery rate, do this and the pain will ease, also rub this ointment on your wounds, it will reduce the swelling." - Adriana said smiling as she handed her a small pot.

Ajacky pouted and Adriana said as she prepared something for them to eat.

"You have progressed very quickly, it is very impressive, others would take months, you reached this level in just 3 weeks, so be proud!" - Adriana said smiling.

"… you… how long did it take?" - Asked Ajacky curious and with burning flames in her eyes figuratively.

"Hmmm… like 5 days?" - Adriana said questioning herself, even with the help of the System, she needed some time to adapt to [Magic Force].

But her words were enough for Ajacky to gasp.

"Close your mouth, a fly will come in!" - Adriana said laughing and continued. - "Don't use me as a comparison, I had years of studies and training, unlike you who started just now, if we were in similar environments, maybe we were tied or not, in fact, it doesn't matter!" - Adriana said, shrugging.

"I see..." - Said Ajacky clenching her fists determinedly.

Adriana smiled, feeling satisfied what it was like to teach someone, to see her pupil grow so strong at such impressive speed.

The days progressed, with Adriana spending more time teaching her what she expected, so 8 days passed!

And Ajacky reached Level 21, showing obvious progress!

Adriana was so proud, but she still has a long way to go.

And finally after 8 days, they arrived at the Village of Hunters, where there were wooden walls, it looked more like a fortress from the outside!

There are several groups coming in and out, many of your targets being the forest that surrounds you.

This is where Adriana will reach Level 50, she will find capable women to join her future Mercenary group, and of course, this will be where she will train Ajacky to Level 30 or above!