
The sex god system in the Apocalypse.

Join Adrian on his journey to conquer as he awakens a system before an apocalypse. His ordinary life takes a wrong but great turn as he fights against the hordes of monsters, that threaten humanity's existence. While other beings turn up on his planet’s doorstep. 10 powerstones= bonus chap

Lolbingolol221 · Urban
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9 Chs



We're getting close to John's house, It's taken a bit longer than it should have since we've been taking detours when a street has been blocked by huge groups of zombies.

' Loyalty, it's something hard to come by even before the apocalypse, so I don't expect random strangers to come by and swear their loyalty to me and actually be by my side when it matters the most. John wasn't my only friend in these past few years, I've had quite a few but one by one I got betrayed, whether it was because of their selfishness, greed, lust or even for their own amusement'

' The truth of the matter is most people are not loyal to you, they are loyal to their need of you and once their needs change, so does their loyalty'

' So when you find that truly loyal person, don't abandon them so easily, keep them close'


We all jolted and looked in the direction of the shout.

We saw a 5 feet 6 skinny young man, with a large Templar helmet covering his head and face, dressed in a white T-shirt and shorts and some trainers. He wielded two machetes as he swung wildly like a caveman whilst the duffel bag in which he had weapons in shook wildly back and forth on his side.

"Stop" I shouted, Rose stopped the car.

"That's him my friend" I pointed towards the man fighting for his life in front of his house whilst surrounded by about 40 zombies.

"Lets leave we can't risk our lives for him" She said with an indifferent face.

Sighing I took my gun from my pants as I was about to open the door of the car.

My mom grabbed me by the arm " Dont leave" She said fearfully and worried.

" You will get hurt" She said trying to pull me back by my arm but I slowly pulled away and said to them " Stay here all of you" We parked the car a bit away from the zombies so it should be fine and Rose is here too.

" Max make sure to protect your mother" I said as I smiled at Mariana.

" Yes I will mister" He said with an expression of resolve, nodding his head.

As Mariana tucked her hair behind her ear as she smiled warmly at me.



Turning around I walked towards the zombies they were all surrounding John and his house.

Pulling the slide of my gun.


I've got 13 bullets left.

Arriving at a good distance i began blasting.





A zombie collapsed as a pool of blood flowed across the concrete ground.


The zombies alerted, split into two groups and one of the groups headed towards me, while the other focused on John.

John hearing the gunshots became alerted but when he saw me he smiled with joy.

"YOU'RE HERE,FINALLYY" John shouted as he called to me whilst waving his hand.


I fired at the zombies that came close





A few zombies fell as I shot them down.





' Damn it, I'm out of bullets'

I looked towards John who despite swinging wildly was killing them with a bit of ease. He must've got a good ability I mused to myself self.


A zombie swung at me with its claws, I leaned back slightly, successfully evading its attack as I punched it.


It fell to the floor as another one came and swung at me again, I dodged as I ducked under it and gave it an uppercut sending its head back as it sprawled onto the floor.

"Arrrgh" Unexpectedly I heard a growl come from behind swinging its claws at me, I sensed it at the last second, twisting my body with all the speed I could muster and barely moving out of the way.



"Ah" I let out a yelp, one of the zombies on the floor that I knocked down earlier pulled me by my ankle, causing me to tumble.

It's strong grip broke my ankle with ease.


"Ugh" I grimaced.

" Get the Fuck off me" I roared in anger and desperation as I kicked it in its face.




But it didn't budge one bit.

I looked up to see I was encircled by 5 zombies walking towards me as the bastard that had my ankle was moving its head to bite me.

Looking around and seeing no escape.

' This can't be the end right?' I thought with desperation and fear as sweat began to drip from my head.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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