
The Seventh Apostle

Chosen as the Apostle by a God or Devil, Cedric has no idea what happened but somehow he returned to the past, at the point time when his parents had disappeared. Before his regression, he was unable to find anything about the disappearance of his parents. However, he vows to change things this time and vows to become stronger. [ You said it yourself, being powerless is a sin and you are pitiful] [ Accept my power and be my Apostle] The voice in his head spoke, tempting him to become the apostle. However, Cedric decided not to become a puppet of some God or Devil. Because he is given a new chance, he will change himself and he will find and bring his parents back, no matter where they are. ===== This is my first time writing stories with 2000 words in almost every chapter. I would like it if you can tell me, what is your feedback regarding my writing style. I am just a wannabee writer so I don't expect it to be that good but I assure you that I will keep the plot of the story good. Vote if you like the story and add it to your library if you want to continue reading. I will try to update six chapters every week. =====

AnSil · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Hidden Dungeon

Granamusta is a mountain filled with many natural resources and it is one of the places on earth with the highest level of security. However, I knew of a method to breach this security, I had infiltrated this place once and I would do it once again.

The mountain is guarded by people from four different guilds. Namely, they were The Primordial Guild, The Augustine Guild, The BraveHeart Guild, and the Red Lion Guild. Four out of the seven major guilds of this country were guarding this mountain.

The resources found on this mountain are very rare and something that is sought by the entire world which is why this is also known as the Holy Mountain. There are several places to visit on the borders of the mountain, as many cities are situated there. Many people come for sightseeing here, only to look at the mountain from afar.

Right now, I wore a mask to cover half of my face and wore a hoodie. Many people disguise themselves in this part of the city so no one here would find it suspicious.

I walked without a care on the streets until I finally reached the place where I was supposed to be visiting. The easy way to infiltrate the security is to enter the secret tunnel leading to the mountain. The entrance of that tunnel was here, inside a weapon shop, one that was very less crowded compared to any other shop. However, it was still the oldest among all the other shops that were present here.

People didn't fancy a place which is as shabby as this, even if they had some of the best quality items you can find in the city.

~ Clank

Opening the door I entered the spacious shop enough for many people to gather. I quickly noticed someone at the reception.

" Welcome, are you looking for some weapons to buy?" A man in his 30s with a bald head and dusty grey beard welcomed me. He was huge, I silently walked towards him.

" I want to enter the mountain."

" What do you mean by that?"

" To the Lord of tunnels, I request your service."

This was a passcode, that I had to say to make him believe that I wasn't here to harm him.

The man nodded his head and brought out a scroll, I quickly bit one of my fingertips enough to make it bleed. After dropping the blood on the contracted, it started to glow and the scroll closed itself.

" You didn't even read, do you even know what it is?" The man asked with a confused expression.

" It's a blood contract, right?" I answered and then added, " Don't worry, I already know what's written on this."

" Fine, show me your face."

I was surprised by his request, there was nothing like this in the past.

" I don't think that is necessary" I replied.

" I just want to know your age."

" Why does it matter?"

" Because I am not planning to send someone like you to their death." He answered.

I didn't know that this man will start to argue such things. Was there an age restriction on his service?

" If so then why you made me sign the contract?" I asked.

" Can I allow anyone to know about this except for myself? Now that you have signed the contract, my safety is assured. I don't usually get to meet people like you or rather this is the first time I met a child like you who wants to go to the mountain and even knows about me."

" Alright, If that is the case that I do not need you, I will just enter the mountain by myself." I stood up and prepared to leave.

" Are you joking?" The man shouted. " You will die."

" I am just looking for a way to enter the mountain and it is more important to me than my life."

After saying this, I left the shop, leaving the man confused by my actions.

' He is joking, right? even if he is a kid, he can't be that crazy.'


Since I wasn't able to get through the secret passage, I decided to take the straight route. Soon I reached the border of the mountain and surprisingly there was no guard there.

[ This is a trap, there is a barrier, and once you try to cross it, they will know that you are here.]

" Ugh!"

The voice spoke suddenly in my mind causing me a slight pain. However, what the voice said made sense.

" Why are you helping me?"

[ So that you don't die because of your stupidity.]

After he said this, the pain in my head disappeared which meant that he wasn't going to speak any longer. I was tempted to ask him if he had any idea about entering the forest without being noticed by others.

' There must be something, some way to enter the mountain.'

As I was thinking this, I felt more anxious.

' Let them come after me, I will see after they come.'

I readied myself and dashed toward the mountain, I quickly infused mana over my cloak and added a stealth trait. The barrier I wasn't able to notice from the outside was visible from the inside.

I could see the mana weirdly flowing from where I entered the mountain. They were notified about someone entering the mountain, now it is up to me how well I hide within this place.

By adding stealth over my cloak, I could always find a way to avoid being detected by others. it would be better to not get into any conflict and get it done as soon as possible.

The sky suddenly became red as soon as I entered, it was because the color of the barrier was now visible indicating that there was an intruder in the mountains.


— The Borders of the mountain have an intruder. All citizens, as of this moment must follow the curfew, any citizen found outside of their home will be considered an ally of the intruder and this will lead to severe punishment.

Every area in the city buzzed with sirens and these warnings, everyone quickly ran to take shelter in their homes or even in nearby shops. At the same time, in the same shop where Cedric had visited last time, the man stood there in disbelief.

' That kid was crazy, why would he do that?' The man thought as he grabbed his head. ' Whatever it is not my business if he does but_'

The guards were already dispatched to the city and the guild members of the four guilds were on the move. Everything was to protect the precious resources on the mountain.

Every herb and natural treasure found on this mountain was rare and a major source of income for them. They had never allowed anyone to steal from here and they will never let it happen this time as well.

" Commander Guren, We have a report, the intruder entered the mountain from the coordinates D343 However the guards who were dispatched there, were not able to find the intruder."

A man wearing a black and red uniform of the Augustine Guild was standing in front of other members. Over his uniform, there was a nametag that said, ' Guren Adamas'. He had long black hair and dark red eyes.

" The Red Lions are foolish, whoever this opponent is, can use stealth. There aren't many who can do that but a daring intruder would certainly have something like this."

After saying this Guren picked up his Katana that was placed over his table. Slowly he brushed his hands over the hilt of the sword. Once taking out the sword with a red blade he put it back inside.

It was a simple action, yet the people who were present there shook with immense fear at the thought of Guren using his sword.

" I want to see if this man can entertain my sword."

Guren licked his upper lips and brushed his hair upwards with his hands. After saying that he walked out of the room and before anyone could say anything, leaving a red hue behind, he had already disappeared and was heading toward the place where the intrusion was reported.

Late but

just read it (°=°)

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