
The Seven Weapons

The Sky is a place full of mysteries, constitued of several micro-world (Rooms) linked by golden doors capable of manipulating space and time. In this world, the conflict between Light and Darkness begun thousand of years ago, and is still ongoing to this day. The two parties are of equal strenght, and the only way to gain an advantage seems to be using the Seven Weapons, seven powerful artifacts with reality-bending power. The thing is, out of the Seven Weapons, only two were found despite the many adventurers still searching for them. Will Alice, a normal teenager from Earth, be able to end the War ? Or will she die before that ? --- WARNING ! This novel contains scenes of violence, depression, and heavy topics such as suicide and child abuse. I try to upload 1 chapter every 2 or 3 days. Enjoy !

Ilikethe_Moon · Fantasy
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49 Chs

11/White Box

When, Alice got out of the strange void to finally enter in the Room, the first thing she noticed was that there was a white wall in front of her.

A giant smooth white wall.

Alice turned around, and noticed that, not very far from the wall, and not very far from her actual location, there was a Golden Door similar to the one she previously took.

Alice wondered: should she go to that Door immediatly, just to avoid having to go inside the City of Flowers, or should she follow Nikoletta's advice and try to find the East Door ?

And... what proved to Alice that the Door not far from her wasn't that East Door ? There was one chance out of four, after all.

In the end, Alice didn't rush to that Door. Maybe it was a bad idea not to try to leave this place immediatly, but maybe the Room hidden behind the Door was way worse.

Alice also felt like she forgot something. However, she could not remember what that was. Probably some unimportant stuff.

Alice, looked around, trying to get familkar with her surroundings.

Interestingly, there seemed too be other white walls of similar propreties.

One on the opposite side very far from Alice, another white wall stood, and it was the same with the sides.

When Alice looked up, she saw that the ceiling, too, was white.

She, and the whole City of Flowers for that matter, were inside this... giant white box.

Alice quickly understood why.

The Forest of Glass was completly circled by a blue sky, and flew in the middle of nowhere, so she expected every Room to be some sort of flying island.

But it looked like it wasn't the case.

There were other way to demarcate a specific area.

"Nikoletta could have told us about this."

To be fank, she probably thought it was obvious or something.

For a moment, Alice had a strange idea.

If one somehow managed to travel through the endless sky of the Forest of Glass, or break the white box containing the City of Flowers, what would happen ?

Would they get to another Room ? Would they just die ?

What laid behind the white box ? The void ?

Alice forgot instantly about these questions when her gaze turned towards the City of Flowers (or at the very least, what she thought was the City of Flowers.)

Alice was standing on top of a hill on the edge of the City, so she had a good view on it.

The City... from afar, it looked like something straight out of a fantasy show. It was all so... medieval looking.

At the center of a city, a red tower was proudly standing. This red tower was as tall as some skyscappers, but not as wide.

The most unique things about the City... was the flora.

Alice was too far too see every details, but she still noticed that the number of trees in the City of Flowers was really high. She also saw that some roof were decorated with blue patal, and there was green everywhere.

The City of Flowers... Alice had to admit it, was beautiful.

But she was no fool.

Beautiful things were no less dangerous than ugly ones.

And there was also something that made the young girl extremly uncomfortable about the City of Flowers.

The silence.

Alice was far from the City, but still. At this distance, she would normally be able to at least hear some sounds from the City. Yet, she heard nothing, even when she focused and listened.

There were also not a single sign of life such as smoke coming out of chimneys or people walking in the narrow streets.

Alice wasn't spooked, it would take much more than that to scare her, but she still felt as if something was wrong.

And she still got that weird feeling: she was forgetting something. Something very important.

What was it ?

Alice had no idea.

She carefully walked down the hill, and approached the Golden Door she saw earlier. Not to open it, just to see.

As Alice approached the Door, it became apparent that something was very wrong with it.

There were... chains around the Door, biding the strange passege like it was a living being. It was unclear how the chains were wrapped around the Door, but Alice felt profound disgust just by being near them.

Someone, or something, had blocked that Door. This wasn't something a little key could open, Alice had absolutly no idea on how to break these chains, and she wasn't even sure if this was possible.

So, instead of trying to do anything about them (including touching them, Alice had a very bad feeling about this idea), the young girl just looked at the Door.

Just like the Door Alice saw in the Forest of Glass, the Door here was made of gold. There was also a text written in strange runes, but this time, there wasn't a traduction in english.

The final similarity with the only other Golden Door Alice had ever seen was that, on one side of the Door, there was a woman with long hairs holding a strange orb, and on the other, a menacing man with the horns of a demon.

Instead of Stranger, the creator of the Forest of Glass, the figure below the text was that of an old man holding a flower.

A little everywhere on the Door, there were also representations of nature: trees, animals, flowers, mushrooms...

This was truly a work of art.

Sadly, the Door was of no help to Alice, since it was locked by those demonic chains.

Alice turned around.

It was time to go inside the City of Flowers.

There was a road leading from the Door to the City's entrance, so Alice took that road.

As she walked, the feeling that she was forgetting something important intensified.

But what was that thing she forgot that was so important ? What was that thing ?

After a few moments of walking alone on the road, Alice found herself in front of the City's entrance.

Nobody greeted her, nobody was there.

She entered the City of Flower.

Again, she saw nobody.

She walked in the streets. Again, she met nobody.

Curious, Alice entered one of the house.

The house she got in was frankly a mess. There was cobwebs and dust everywhere, and the wooden furniture was in a sorry state.

It looked like nobody had lived there for quite a long time.

Alice entered other houses, and she noticed that more or less all of them were in a similar state.

What the hell happened here ?

She sat on a random bench, trying to sort out her thoughts. What was she going to do ?

What was that strange feeling that she forgot something important ?


Suddenly, like it was hearing her thoughts, a voice coming from nowhere answered.

Alice recognized this voice instantly. It was the same voice that she heard while attempting to kill herself, after the white haired Alice accident.

"You dumb girl, you forgot your best friend. Why isn't she with us ?"