
The Seven: Shadow Slave Fanfic

“Live out your nightmare” That was the last thing Echo heard before he blacked out. Echo wakes only to realized he somehow ended up in one of his favorite web novel. Not only that but he has to survive the treacherous yet unfairly fair machinations of the nightmare spell.

Mimic_cry · Others
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18 Chs

A Blast From the Past

After eating breakfast the two separated for a bit, since Nephis said she wants to help some of the people in the outskirts her reason she didn't say but Echo does.

 'It's to appear more pleasant for everyone.' He thought before he went inside the castle and straight to the gambling den.

 Echo and Nephis agreed to return in afternoon so they can talk to Effie and hunt after.



Echo spent a good amount of time inside the gambling den, and asked where Aiko was but the clerk their said she was helping Stev with some orders Gunlaug's men requested. So he didn't get the chance to talk to her.

 It was already noon and lunch was about to be served in the castle, Echo decided he would eat there since there was no food left inside the house and the leftover from this morning can only feed one person, he decided to give it to Nephis instead.

 There isn't many people inside the cafeteria yet since the food hadn't been served so Echo just sat in one of the tables. His interest was piqued when people started to enter the cafeteria and noticed that Gemma was among them and some of his hunters and pathfinders.

 Echo and Gemma's eyes met for a brief moment before Gemma nodded and looked away in search for a table.

 Gemma don't usually go to the common dinning hall since he can just order some to his room but there seems to be something going on.

 His group ended up sitting near Echo was, he then heard them talking in hushed voices almost whispering to each other.

 "Is it true? Did Ardel really do it?" One of them said towards the one beside him who hurriedly hushed him.

 "Don't even say it fool, there are so many people here they might hear you."

 "Quiet. The more you talk the more annoyed I become, when will he get here?" Gemma spoke to his subordinate.

 "It shouldn't take long sir, they needed to get rid of it first before going here." The one beside him said and looked towards the door.

 'Ardel? What is it that Gemma has to be involved.' Echo thought and just a couple of second later, Ardel and a few others entered the dining hall too. They were sweating a bit some of them are breathing heavily. They got to Gemma's table and sat down.

 "What is it? Why do you have to call us here?" Gemma said dismissively to Ardel. 

"We went hunting yesterday right boss? You didn't come with us but we brought a long a kid from the outskirts with us but didn't return with him we were attacked by an abomination we cant fight, the kid was too slow and died in its hands." Ardel seems sweating as he looked down. 

"So? It's just one incident nobody will care." Gemma crossed his arms and leaned back.

 "That's the problem boss, someone did care enough, no rumors yet but I'm sure by the end of today the people of the outskirts will talk about it." Ardel seemed scared. 

"Who is it?" Gemma questioned. 

"Jubie." He said. 

The other hunters that they are with seemed shocked, and looked at Gemma. 

"Who is that, should I know him?" 

"Boss Jubie is an experienced hunter from the outskirts, he is stronger than most hunters here, boss please help me, he said he'll use the Right of Challenge." Ardel said desperately, sweating profusely. 

"Tsk" Gemma clicked his tongue, stood up and said. 

"It's just a person from the outskirts don't worry too much, I'll let Gunlaug know of this." Gemma said and glared at Ardel. He continued:

 "Lay low for awhile don't join any hunting, wait for further orders." Gemma stood up and left the dining hall. 

Ardels face became ecstatic hearing it and said to the rest of the hunters. 

"My treat today, get as many drinks as you want!" He said happily after wiping the sweats on his forehead. The rest of the hunters happily shouted along with him.

 Echo heard all of this, as he ate his meal, He was intensely listening to every bit of detail, until he concluded no more information will come out from those bastards. Echo stood up and went to exit the castle. He didn't even notice Sunny and Cassie in the corner his mind was occupied with what he heard.

 'I'll think of it later, for now its time to face Effie again.' Echo said and scratched the back of his head. 

'What a hassle.' He thought before going to his house on the outskirts to meet Nephis.



There isn't much to say when Nephis and Echo met, they waved hi to each other and went to see Effie together, Nephis seemed to understand why Echo didn't want to talk but doesn't know how to comfort him either. While Echo on the other hand choose not to talk about it until they reach Effie's house.

 'It's better to meet her right now than later when she agrees to join them, it would only break the party, might as well be truthful and let persuade her more.' Echo thought and looked up in the skies as he remembers the memory the past Echo was with Effie. He just closed his eyes and walked forward growing closer and closer towards Effie's house.

 When they were in front of Effie's door right when Nephis was about to knock, he stopped her and said. 

"I think you should know right now that Effie hates me very much." Echo said to Nephis, his face showing a little bit of sweat forming on it. 

"I know–." Before Nephis can even continue Echo's ears twitched and heard a whistling sound of the wind coming towards him, he pushed Nephis to the said and bent his head, and saw a spear embed itself on the door. 

"I knew I hated that voice, turns out its one of Gunlaug's pesky men." They heard a voice scowl at them its tone full of malice. 

There right across them, they saw a tall and attractive woman with hazel eyes, brown hair and olive skin. Her build is extremely athletic plagued with lean muscles. 

He face full of extreme hate as she glared at Echo.