
The Seven Red Flags of HAKON University [Omegaverse Reverse Harem]

Born in the hell hole of Space Port 69, Rue’s a human Omega desperate to leave the alien whore house she calls home. Defying all odds, she masquerades as an Alpha and obtains a scholarship to the Ivy League of all space institutions. HAKON University is an all-male school that trains the cream of the crop—future leaders of the galaxies. Rue's just here to graduate, pretend to have a dick and then flee into the workforce, that is until the legendary Seirios pack sets their eyes on her. They’re the future emperors—aliens with godlike abilities that make them rulers of their species. But with excessive power comes the price of testosterone-fuelled insanity that cannot be soothed. An esper will always need his guide. They’ve been searching for a final member to quell their raging soul— an eighth to complete their pack. Millions have tried for a taste of the peak, but none have succeeded, and thousands die from their power unable to withstand the bond. Seirios doesn’t chase their prey, they don’t have to, but this time the seven Alphas want Rue.

tinyeyecat · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
65 Chs

Beginning of Chapter 15

There was a tongue in her mouth before she could even speak.

It was sticky like caramel, sweet like sugar—hot, needy, and wanting. There was a hand on her ass. And it tugged her closer; pressed her tight against the dirty swell of a hard, dripping cock. There were limbs as well—legs slotted between hers, arms around her waist.

Fake love.

Then there was the fire, hot and burning across his skin. It radiated around her. Hot enough for her skin to drip with sweat, but not hot enough to hurt. It was a good heat, the sort of heat that came from the tumble of bodies, and the dip of cock into flesh. And she was sweltering only from cheek-flushed sex and approaching orgasms.

And with it came the shadows, whispery thin and hungry as they danced all over her flesh. They twisted, curled around the dip of her collarbone, fingered down her arms, tightened around her neck, and felt at her pulse.

It quickened.

For before her was a God, with eyes the colour of blue flames on burning coal and dancing ash.

Levi laid under her, thighs strained, parted wider. His nude body dewy with sweat; his lips bitten a rosy red. Nipples pink, abs flexing, and an Adonis belt running deep down his hip bones to his groin, where the pretty girthy cock stood tall over a bed of soft, scratchy pubes. And he was pressed up against her belly, and each kiss meant a ride of her clothes up her skin, the velvety mushroom head prodding against her skin.

It sent a roar through her system, heat in her lower belly.

Words tickled on the tip of her tongue. "Levi—mmph—" He shut her up with another deep, endless kiss.

She was above him, mildly straddling, legs parted, pussy dangerously warm against his balls, clit grinding deliciously. There were only two things protecting her identity—her uniform and her panties. And he had her there, trapped helpless to his demands, unable to leave even though she knew she had to. And God, he was grinning on her mouth when he took from her what he wanted.

The kisses, with a rough thumb on her chin, stealing breath and words. She tried again. "Levi—"

And he was like a madman, ravishing and defiling her mouth—long steady suckles upon tingling hot lips. He stole from her what she wasn't willing to give, her hands on his chest, pushing. And air was lost between them through raspy exhales of humid oxygen. Saliva pooled, sticky as they parted and in those moments of lucidity, she saw the cracks of him in the fragments of their lust.

The long fingers, pianist-like and calloused. The slender dip of wrists, paler than most, milkier than usual. The eyes that were fire and yet dark like the night. The thin pink lips, the curve of a too sharp stoney jaw. The dust of his fringe over handsome brows. The cat like dip of gorgeous eyes. The faint chuckles that burned in her throat, and twisted to her cunt, the pulse of pleasure on her clit drumming to a beat of dangerous need.

She heard his voice in her head, crisp and raspy. They echoed to the memory of Kieran's fat ass slapping against his groin, cock so deep it had him wailing. You want him, Levi's voice had purred, rough, ragged, raw. You want him guiding you. You want to fuck him so hard; he breaks. Her breath caught in her throat, eyes wider as his lips left hers again and a dangerous groan erupted from his throat. You are mine.

"Motherfucker—" she snapped.

"Shut up," he hissed on her tongue; nose pressed against hers. She stuttered, eyes wide at the sudden focus and he took it as a sign that the conversation was over, leaned forward then, took again and again; conquered her mouth like he needed her so much he hurt.

And she hated that the taste of him was thick and sweet from something more than just the remains of a sugary drink. It was laced in his saliva, velvety, smooth and erotic; thick and potent like a drug. And for some fucked up reason, Rue wanted more of it, wanted to drown in it, drink him down, turn that warmth in her chest into fire.

He was like nicotine, and she was drawing on him, feeding on him. And he was moaning, almost whimpering, a husky whine through the buck of his hips against hers. There was growing hunger in each kiss, hunger that kept her there. Hunger that she wanted to see explode, but they had to stop.

"Enough!" she snapped, fingers around the back of his neck, pulled back, nails digging into hair.

And he was wrenched free, lips swollen, and hanging from her like a lost bedraggled kitten with messy hair and a pout. And God, he had to have his thighs squeezed together, like a submissive little baby with an angry red cock. Eyes wide, and mouth hanging open. It was a look she didn't quite expect to see, but he squirmed.

"Did you really have to do that?" she snarled, hand to her mouth and wiping away the traces of him. "Did you really have to kiss—" His cock jerked, throbbing against her skin, a messy, harried rush of thrusts. And then he was gone, back arched, spine curved, eyes rolling to their whites. He melted, a thick whine on his tongue, a feral sob. And he came.

"F-FUCK!" He snarled, hips jerking.

Cum shot up skin, ropey and web-like as he squirted over his abs, squirming against her through the waves of it. And he chased that all with a strangled almost squeal escaping his throat, teeth snagging on his bottom lip. He continued pouring, gushing, and spraying liquid heat all over her thighs in thick gooey strings, muffling pathetic whimpers with his hands. His muscles clenching and relaxing violently.

His eyes met hers and his cheeks bloomed into crimson, scrambled as if trying to find his footing in the spasms. But he couldn't seem to stop. And she watched him, blushing just as red across her cheeks to the sight—sticky, ragged and submissive.

She stared at the vivid pulse of fire twisting down his veins and to his cock, again and again. A shudder and he was finally done, leaning back with a soft strangely, whimpered sob. And the scent of mint in her nose was ebbing away. The burn of something dizzying entering her nostrils.

For once she felt him. His Alpha. His Alpha that tasted like chocolate and cream, the kind that oozed and scorched bitter with liquor. She leaned back with a snarl. "For fuck's sake, you got cum all over me." The answering smirk on his face was maddening. Their skin parted, squelched as she left, and the warmth was gone.

A hot blush and she was blinking, stared at a bed that no longer held the darkness of shadowy, fire spilling mist. What remained was a very naked Alpha on a very sweaty bed, and the room was now bright enough for her to notice everything. The paleness of his skin, the pink of the head of his cock.

"Don't go," Levi's lips pursed, a shudder twitching up his skin. "Your aftercare is just as good."

"You're disgusting," she hissed, eyed the semen dripping down her thighs. "You basically just pissed on me like a dog."

"Couldn't be piss when it makes you smell like the most delicious meal," he purred, twitching through afterglow, and there was delight in his eyes, genuine blood-hot, feverish delight as if he'd won the goddamn lottery. "Fucking hell, Rue. You're better than I thought you'd be."

"Well, you got jizz all over my clothes," she spat back, cheeks pink. Mind spinning through his words, surely he couldn't smell her. "Did you really have to? Do any of you have an ounce of self-control, dipshit?"

"No," he shrugged.

There was red in his cheeks, blood in his lips, dilation in his eyes as if drugged. And he swayed, fingers dipped across the pearly liquid across his chest, smeared on his chin. The praises continued, whimpering and growling, the timbre of it spilling free, strangled with his begging pleasure.

"You're just so motherfucking exceptional," he hissed, voice raw. And he stared up at her, with his eyes filled with stars. "Where have you been all my miserable life, gorgeous?" She was drowning in him, drowning in the gorgeous smile on his face, smirking and ruthless, sweat stained hair sticking to the pale dewy flesh of his face.

"You kissed me," her thumb was across her still tingling lips and then a scowl blossomed over her features. Her arms were crossed. "That was not part of my job. I'm not on guide duty. I'm not trained for that shit—"