
the seven meets the justice league (percy jackson/dc)

bookwormjohnny2 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 4: I have a heart to heart with a green dude

green lantern pov (a/n: this is john Stewart btw)

After Superman had told us what needed to be done everybody started to try and figure out a plan. while this was happening i noticed that Percy had a different look in his eyes, it took me a second to recognize this look and I was a bit shocked but if what that kid told us about him was true not at all surprised, in the veteran community we called it the million mile look witch is associated with PTSD and let me tell you something by the way he was looking he had it pretty bad, he started to breath heavily and suddenly the ground started to shake causing everybody to stop and the kids just looked at Percy as if he was the cause of the earthquake.

all of a sudden the blonde girl who was called Annabeth I believe ran to his side and tried to snap him out of his seizure and she finally did he looked around all confused and asked "what just happened?" it was Annabeth who said "I think you just caused an earthquake Percy, is every thing all right?" he looked a little out of it saying "I don't know, I'm sorry I think i need some fresh air." he said as he got up from his seat and walked out of the hall of justice to the front stairs. after the doors were closed the flash asked "what the hell was that? i thought he suppose to only have water powers like Aquaman over here, i mean the kid's father is the god of the sea right?" it was wonder woman who said "that's Poseidon's main title but his other ones includes earthshaker, horse maker, and storm bringer." ."

the flash whistled and said "ok that is way more powerful then Aquaman here." he shot his mouth up and Annabeth said "I don't know what happened to him nothing like this ever happened to him before he was fine." then I said "I think I know what happened to him, he had a seizure." the kid called Leo I believe asked "you mean like epilepsy?" I sighed "no I mean like PTSD, I've noticed the way he was acting since we brought up and I saw the same behaviour in some of my friends from the marine Corp after they got back from the war, I think the thought of having to fight Cronos all over again triggered a psychological seizure." Annabeth jaw dropped and she said "oh my gods I haven't thought about this at all , oh my I'm the worst girlfriend ever." she started to cry but the girl called piper came to her and said "no you're not you had no way of knowing non of us did." after she calmed down she said "I need to go talk to him." "it's ok" I said as I got up "I will talk to him." and I left the room.

Percy pov

I was outside the hall of justice seating on the stairs when i heard someone comes up behind me , by pure reflex I drew my sword and swung back only to stop myself before I decapitate green lantern, he threw his hands up and said "wow easy there soldier I'm just here to talk." I smiled sheepishly and said "sorry don't know what took over me." and he said "that's ok I understand completely, can I seat?" he asked gesturing towards the spot next to me" "sure" i said moving a little bit to the side, after he sat down he forward his hand for me to shake and started to say "hi I'm john-" "Stewart yes I know who you are" I said as I shook his hand as he raised his eyebrows at me "yeah I know all of your secret identities" I said to him grinning "ok prove it, what's batman's secret identity." my grin turn wider and i said "oh dude that's so easy Bruce Wayne." his eyes said it all he was convinced and I just laughed.

after I calmed down he said "listen I know that I can't relate to the things you went through but I want you to know I understand what you must feel right about now." I looked at him and asked "oh yeah? how can you ?" he calmly said "because you and I have one thing in common." "oh yeah? and what's that?" I asked him "we're both veterans of war in your case twe very Goering ones and for that you have my highest respects." he then saluted me and I saluted him back it was nice he didn't treated me like an underling or a lord, but an equal and I liked it very much. After a moment of silence I then said "this very different from last time I fought him or Gaia for that matter this time we won't have the campers to help us and I don't know if the gods of this earth will help us." I said as I chocked trying not to cry , remembering the look on Beckendorf's face just before he blew himself and the "princess andromeda" up.

I turned to john and said "last time we fought Cronos it cost us a lot of campers life and we barely won, and now we don't even have that, so yeah I'm a little freaked out because I've bean in that same road before and now it's even worse and I might loose everyone that I care about if it doesn't work." he sat there next to me and said "believe it or not i have some experience dealing with enemies who literally came back from the dead to kill me, and what I found to work best with the terrors is to talk to some one about this don't keep it boxet in otherwise it will all just explode in the worst time ever."

I looked at him and asked "do you suggest that I would go to a shrink? you know as soon as I would even mention anything I've bean thru they would poot me in a straight jacket or worst they turn out to be monsters and try to eat me." he raised an eye brow but didn't said anything about it and then he said "not necessarily so maybe if you just talk to your friends about it or that head counsellor at that camp of yours what's his name by the way?" "Chiron" I answered "right, any way maybe he could help you get thru it all you know what I mean?" he asked with a sympathetic voice, i wiped off a tear and said "thank you Mr Stewart it was very helpful." he put his hand on my shoulder and said smiling "please call me john." I smiled back at him and said "ok john" "and your welcome by the way." and then he got up and left back inside the hall of justice.

i was there about one minute when I heard a female voice saying "you know he's not wrong about talking to someone about your troubles, it's actually very helpful." I turned around to see wonder woman walking towards me "how long have you bean standing there?" I asked her "long enough, I was just worried about you Percy are you ok?" she asked sincerely "I'm better Diana thanks for asking." she sat next to me and then said "you know I've been meaning to ask you , your name is it Percy or short for something else." I looked at her and said "actually yeah it's short for Perseus, how did you know?" her eyes widen "I don't know I guess you could call it a hunch, but it's a great name you should be proud of it." "thanks" I said "my mom gave that name because Perseus was the only demigod who had a happily ever after but I prefer Percy." she smiled at me and said "fine perky it is."

suddenly my eyes widen with a sudden realization and I said "oh no I was supposed to call her tonight, oh my gods she is going to kill me, have hades raise me back from the dead only to kill me again." Diana suddenly laughed and said "she sound great." and I nodded saying "yeah she's the best mom ever." at that time my stomach decided to growl and when I looked at Diana with a red face she smiled at me and said "i guess it has bean a while since you ate ." I nodded and she said "come inside and we will feed you all."

(a/n)hi guys I know this came longer then the rest but tell me what do you think and leave a like and follow me if you liked the story so far