
The Seven Friendly Sins

It revolves around a character named Kazekabe who is experiencing depression and moves into a haunted house inhabited by seven demons, each representing one of the seven deadly sins: Pride, Lust, Wrath, Greed, Gluttony, Envy, and Sloth. Despite their malevolent origins, these demons take on female forms and each offers help aligned with their sin to assist Kazekabe in overcoming his depression and getting his life back on track. For instance, Pride helps boost his self-confidence, Lust encourages romantic and sexual endeavors, and so on. The story combines elements of slice-of-life and comedy, focusing on the humorous and sometimes chaotic interactions between Kazekabe and the well-intentioned demons as they attempt to help him navigate his personal struggles. _________ _________ It has 3 endings so pick which one you like. _________ _________

ANILAX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Normal Sunday but Today is Wednesday

"Ugh, I'm so bored!"

Wrath's gravelly complaint echoed through the cramped apartment. He swirled around the living room in an aggravated red haze. "Aren't we gonna do anything fun today?"

"Fun?" Greed's verdant smoke trailed off the couch, dollar sign shapes drifting lazily. "Like what, set a bunch of cash on fire? Now that's just wasteful."

Pride puffed up in the armchair, her navy blue essence nearly filling the room. "Yes, anything apart from quiet self-reflection and appreciating our own virtues would indeed be frivolous."

Sloth oozed underneath the coffee table, already looking half-asleep. "Why do...anything? Just lay back...and relax..."

"Forget relaxing!" Gluttony bounded in from the kitchen, her ample yellow girth jostling the salt and pepper shakers. "I made enough snacks to feed an army! Who wants seven-layer dip?"

A blob of brown goop sloshed onto the carpet, forcing Envy to pull her tangerine mist away with a disgusted look. "Of course you'd make a mess of things, Gluttony. I was simply oozing here, minding my own envy."

"Envy, schmeny," Lust drawled, drifting in with a sultry swish of her hips. Her lavender trail parted briefly to allow a buxom human form to emerge, wearing dangerously little. "Who's got time for petty jealousy when there's so much... delicious indulgence to be had?"

She ran a perfectly manicured hand along Kazekabe's shoulder where he sat on the couch, making him shiver involuntarily. Ever since convincing him to speak to that therapist, Lust had been ramping up the sensual overtures relentlessly.

Sloth groaned audibly. "Again with...the carnal advances? So unseemly..."

"Oh pipe down, Sleepyhead." Lust stuck out her tongue, then turned her smoldering gaze back towards Kazekabe. "I'm simply giving our dear boy the therapeutic healing only I can provide..."

Her voice dropped to a coy murmur. "Why don't you and I repair to the bedroom for a nice...full-body massage?"

Greed's head snapped up sharply. "Over my debt-ridden budget! That's an outrageous indulgence with zero return on investment!"

"Ugh, all these materialistic hang-ups!" Lust threw up her hands in exasperation. "Is that all you ever think about, making money?"

"No, sometimes I try to strategize ways to save money by cheating on our utility bills." A sly look crossed Greed's misty face. "Speaking of which, I've got a killer scheme to lower our electricity consumption by ripping out the landlord's meter and—"

"Hold it right there!" Wrath suddenly roared, swirling forth in a crimson furor. "There'll be no crooked scheming on my watch! Except by me, of course."

The chaotic room dissolved into bickering once again. Gluttony guzzled the seven-layer dip right from the bowl, spraying globs across the shag carpet. Sloth muttered a few exhausted protestations before drifting off into a hazy slumber.

Envy watched the pandemonium swirling around her with thinly-veiled disgust. "They're all so pathetic. Debasing themselves with their vices at every turn."

Her mocking stare settled on Kazekabe, still seated impassively despite Lust's attempts to entice him into debauchery.

"Although I don't understand why you continue subjecting yourself to these indignities. You're better than the rest of us by far."

Pride picked up on Envy's barb and puffed up in indignation. "The gall! I'll have you know—"

Whatever self-important rejoinder she was about to bellow was cut off as a stray meatball launched by Gluttony smacked Pride's essence dead center. Her booming outrage shook the rafters as the Sins scattered, fleeing for cover.

In the eye of the storm, Kazekabe pulled his hood up and settled deeper into the couch cushions, letting the madness swirl around him. The therapist had warned there would be good days, bad days, and everything in between on the road to recovery.

He supposed this...qualified as one of those in-between days. Just another eventful afternoon with his colorful, well-intentioned-but-chaotic roommates.

As a fresh wave of bickering and thrown food filled the apartment, Kazekabe couldn't help but crack a slight smile.

At least it was never boring around here.