
The Seven Elder Demons

This story is about Elitiah who used to be human but turned into a angel/demon and the angels and demons are at war because of Lucifer who killed many humans, in the process killing angels.

IMrHanzo · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Family Discussion

Hanji- "Hey, Kenji wanna hangout today."

Kevin- "Yeah sure, it's not like I got anything better to do anyway."

We went to the arcade then decided to go for food since we were in the arcade for a few hours. Then, we heard the radio talking about a hero being killed.

Kevin-" You don't think it was one of the seven elder demons right?."

Hanji-"No I doubt they would do something like that either way I gotta go home."

Kevin-"Alright then have a good day."

Then I proceeded home and took the short-cut I always take when I'm late because my parents don't like it when I'm late. I crawled through the little gap that lead into my room which I learned to hide, now that I'm older it gets harder to fit through the gap.

*Someone knocks on door*

Hanji-" Who is it?."

???-" It's me your mother, can I come in?"

Hanji-" you can come in."

*opens door*

Mother-" We are having a family discussion so go to the living room when you're ready."

Hanji-" Very well I'll get ready as fast as I can."

I head to the living room and everyone in my family is here, I was confused since everyone had a sad face or a pissed off face.

Hanji-" Is their something wrong father?"

Dad-" yes their is a problem that involves you."

Hanji-" what, did I do something wrong if I did I'll fix it."

Dad-" I'm afraid you can't fix it but you have to go we don't want a son that doesn't have any sort of power."

Hanji-" Why would it matter if I had power?, I'm your son."

Father-" We don't need you besides your sister and brother have powers you're just a waste of a life" he said in a emotionless expression.

I was shocked that my mother or father didn't want me just because I didn't have any powers.

Mother-" We still love you it's just that we don't-."

Hanji-" you don't want a son a that doesn't have any powers because the other families will think that you guys are actually weak or you just don't want to be seen with me."

Mother-" of course not it's none of those things i promise, just take some time away."

Father-" you're right we don't want a son that's weak, yes we don't want to be seen with you so how about you get the hell out of here before i kick you out myself" He said with a angry expression.

I ran out of the house and it was raining so it could hide my tears. I went to Kevin's house to see if he could let me stay at his place for a while.

* Hanji knocks on door and Kevin opens it*

Kevin-" Why are you here?, Shouldn't you be at home considering that it's raining as well."

Hanji- "can I come inside?, I'll tell you why I'm here."

Kevin-" just tell me why you're here and maybe I'll let you in."

Hanji-" okay fine, It's because my mom and dad kicked me out."

Kevin-" why would they kick you out."

Hanji-" Because i didn't have any powers besides if you were there you would see how much they truly hated me and wanted me to get out.

Kevin"- you know i always hated your family, I'm glad that you got kicked out" he said with a smile on his face.

Hanji-" what are you tal-."

*Kevin beats up to the brink of death, Hanji then took him to an alley*

Kevin-" you know the only reason i was even your friend was because your family is the one of strongest families with powers, consider yourself lucky i didn't kill you but just so you know people will treat you differently now that you aren't apart of there family."

I honestly thought he was my friend but in the end it turned out he wasn't, if only i had powers, i would've been able to stop him or maybe would've been able to change things regret, At least that's what I told myself but at that point i decided to live alone and maybe no one will know who I am, one thing is that i definitely won't be able to go to school considering people know who I am and i might be treated a lot more different now that people will know.

To be continued