
Chapter 27 - Worlds Collide

My eyes slowly opened... What just happened...? It feels like something's pounding inside my head... It hurts... And everything is still blurry... But as I look around, I see a shadow hovering above me... I can't see it clearly... I blinked many times... Okay... Everything's clearing up... I can see... A hooded figure... with bright green eyes... It's holding a lamp... on a long stick... The other hand's covering my face... And I can see pale white skin...




"What did you say?! The Grim Reaper?!! I'm (SLAP!) not (SLAP!) the (SLAP!) Grim (SLAP!) Reaper!! (SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!!!) Khooooooohk!!!"

"Ouch... Khoohk?!"

My face hurts...

She raised her hand.

"You awake now, sleepyhead? Khoohk!!"

"Yes, yes. No more slapping, please! Khoohk?!"

I sat up. I realized that it was a girl, not the Grim Casket... Still, she's scary. She wears a long blue jacket with a hood, holds a weird thing on her hand (that I thought was a lamp on a stick but not. What's that thing anyway?), and two metal tanks-on-wheels with long plastic tubes beside her. There's also something that covers her nose and mouth. I guess it's a mask of some sort, a clear mask... She's looks so weird... and she really looks like the Grim Casket...

"Can I ask you something? Khoohk?!"

"What is it? Khoohk."

"You're not the Grim Casket, are you? Khoohk?!"

She raised her hand.

"I guess you're still not awake. Khoohk!!!"

"Okay! Okay! You're not the Grim Casket! I'm awake now! Khoohk?! Fully awake! Promise! Khoohk?!!"

She removed the hood on her head.

"There, convinced now? Khooohk."

She has short, black, fly-away hair. Again, she has bright, green eyes. She has an innocent, childish face, pale-white skin, and a very thin body. She looks very sickly to me...

"Who are you...? Khoohk?!!"

"My name is Elisa. Khoohk. You can call me Elis. Khoohk. And you are? Khoohk."

"Lionel... My name is Lionel. Khoohk?! By the way, Khoohk?! What's this thing in my face? Khoohk?! I sound weird. Khoohk?!! And I breathe weird! Khoohk?! And there's smoke in it! Khooohk?!!" I said with some struggle as I started to remove it.

"That's an oxygen mask and don't you even dare remove it! Khoohk."

Oxygen mask...? What is that?!

"I bet this is the first time you used one. Khoohk. You'll get used to it. Khoohk. It's not smoke. Khoohk. It's oxygen. That mask makes you breathe clean air, so don't remove it no matter what, you get that? Khooohk!!"

"Okay, okay... Khoohk! But why...? Khoohk!"

"It's the Tryffyds. Khoohk. They have returned. Khoohk!!"

"The what?! Khoohk!!!"

"The Tryffyds. Khoohk. They're back with a vengeance. Khoohk!!"

"Ha?!! What on earth are you saying?! Khoohk!!"

"You don't know the Tryffyds?! Khoohk!"

"I do not understand anything you just said and I have no single clue on what you're talking about! Khoohk!!"

She stood up.

"Sigh... Khoohk. What can I expect? Khoohk. I'll explain everything as we go down from this skyscraper. Khoohk. I'm really hungry. Khoohk. Let's find something to eat. Khoohk!"

I stood up.

"Wait... Khoohk! I don't get it! I don't understand! Khoohk! What's happening?! What on earth is going on?!"

"Calm down, Lionel. I'll answer all your questions. Khoohk. But first, we really need to get down here. Khoohk!! This building is so high, Khoohk, it's quite scary. Khoohk!"

"Okay... Khoohk. I'll go get Kaoru... Khoohk."

She gently placed her hand on my shoulder.

"There's no one here but you and me. Khoohk."



It took a long time before those words sink in.

"What the heck are you saying...?!! Khoohk?! She's just here! Didn't you see her? Khoohk! She's a cute, friendly girl with Khoohk! Long, thick, black hair, Khoohk! And a kind smiling face. Khoohk! She's quite thin but Khoohk! She's lively and full of energy! Khoohk! She wears a simple long white dress Khoohk! With long sleeves. Khoohk! Maybe she's collecting star crystals somewhere Khoohk! Let's go and look for her! Khoohk!!"

She stopped me again.

"Lionel... Khoohk."

"What?! Khoohk! She's waiting for us! Come On! Khoohk!"

"Kaoru doesn't exist... Khoohk."


"No... No! No! No! No! NO!!! Khoohk! You're lying! That's impossible! She's real! I held her hand!!! I don't believe you! Khoohk! Look! Khoohk! Here's the proof! Khoohk!!"

He picked something out of his sackcloth and showed it to me.

"Star crystals! Khoohk!"

"Lionel... Khoohk. Those are just Christmas lights... Khook."



"No... Khoohk! These are star crystals! Khoohk! If you don't believe me Khoohk! Look at my claymore! Khoohk!!"

He drew out his sword.

"It's... just a metal pipe, Lionel... Khoohk. It looks like a sword... Khoohk. To you, I guess... Khoohk."


No... I can't accept this...

"The red star crystals... Khoohk. Khoohk."

"Pardon, what did you say...? Khoohk."

"The red star crystal! Khoohk! I felt it! I touched it! Khoohk! Khoohk! That's got to be real! Khoohk!"

She looked to her right.

"Uhmm... That one...? Khoohk."

"Yes!!! Khoohk!!"

"Lionel... Khoohk. Those... Those are signal lights... Khoohk. For this skyscraper... Khoohk."


"Khoohk. I don't know what you're dreaming about Khoohk. But it's very dangerous. Khoohk. I thought you're gonna fall or Khoohk, get electrocuted if you broke that signal light Khoohk. So I stopped you... Khoohk."


He lowered his head and stared at the tiled floor for a very long time.

"Lionel... Khoohk. Let's get something to eat... Khoohk."

"Yeah... sure... whatever.... Khoohk."

We went back inside the penthouse and headed towards the elevator. I pressed the down button and the sliding doors opened. I quickly went inside and switched on the lights.

"Get in Lionel, Khoohk, before the door closes. Khoohk."

"What is that small room...? Khoohk."

"It's an elevator. Khoohk. It's a machine that takes you up and down this building. Khoohk. Come in. Khoohk."

(Lionel's thoughts: So that's how I floated up in here...)

I went inside and sat down... I just realized how tired I was... She pressed a button again and down we went...


(Elisa's thoughts: He just sat there and leaned his back on the elevator's wall. Not moving, not talking. Just staring into empty space... Shocked, I guess... I feel sorry for him...)

(Lionel's thoughts: I feel so numb... I can't think of anything... I'm so tired...)

"Uhmm... Khoohk. I know you have a lot of questions. Khoohk. You can ask me... Khoohk."

"I don't know where to start... Khoohk."

(Elisa's thoughts: He sounded really sad but he's hiding it.)

"Ask anything. Khoohk."


(Lionel's thoughts: This is getting so awkward...)

"The Tryffyds... Khoohk. What on earth are they...? Khoohk."

"Okay... Khoohk. The Tryffyds are experimental, cross-bred, Khoohk, genetically-modified and enhanced, Khoohk, plants created by the U.S.S.R. They're 7 to 8 feet tall, has three legs, big leaves, a flower head, and a long, whip-like stinger located inside their mouth. Khoohk. They are carnivorous, intelligent, has the ability to communicate, prolific, aggressive, and mobile plants. Khooohk!"

"Uhmm... Not to be rude but, Khoohk, I did not understand a single word you just said. Khoohk."

(Lionel's thoughts: She must be very smart to know and use those big words.)

"Sigh... Khoohk! Okay... Khoohk. In simpler terms, Tryffyds are monster plants that eat people or any meat stuff. Khoohk!"

I quickly stood up.

"Monster plants that eat people?!! Khoohk!! Are you freaking serious?! Khoohk?! Is that even real?! Khoohk!! I've never heard of anything like that in my life!!!"

"Yes. Khoohk. It defies all logic, but they're real. Khoohk. I'm not making this up, Lionel. Khoohk. I'm serious. Khoohk. They are real! Khoohk!"

"GAASH!! Khoohk!! That's scary! Where did you learn this?! Khoohk!"

"From a novel. Khoohk."


"From a novel...? Khoohk. You mean, like a story book? Khoohk."

"Yes. Khoohk. It's entitled, 'The Day of the Tryffyds'. Khoohk."

"Ha...? Khoohk."


(Lionel's thoughts: This time, I really don't know what's real and what's not.)

"Ahh... Elis, Khoohk. I know I'm a bumpkin and all but... about the Tryffyd thing, Khoohk. That's just plain ridiculous! It's just a story for crying out loud! Khoohk. Don't take it too seriously! Tryffyd is not a real thing! Khoohk."

"That's what you think. Khoohk. That's what everyone thinks. Khoohk. That's what THEY want you to think. Khoohk."

"Ha...?!! Khooohk!"

(Author's Note: Remember the time I introduced a unique girl in this story? In the Server of Iris, the stories of players are specifically designed to converge; to create connections, start friendships, and maybe, also start romance. Lionel has a fantasy story. Elise has a post-apocalyptic sci-fi story. And in this chapter, "Worlds Collide", their unique stories merge into one.)