
Chapter 12 - To make a great game, you need a great story.

Just to recap (for we have come very far in our journey), The Server of Iris is a Romantic Fantasy Adventure AVR-MMORPG (Augmented Virtual Reality - Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). I specifically chose AVR because I want the beauty of nature - The tall trees that gives cool shade to the adventurer, the clear blue sky, the cotton white clouds, the plants kissed with the morning dew, the colorful flowers, the Bermuda grass, the fruit-bearing shrubberies, the crystal sapphire rivers, the chirping birds, the humming insects, and all other living things! - to be the background of my game.

Nature, for me, makes the fantasy more... Realistic!

Just take a look at the "Lady of the Bracelets". They filmed the whole live action movie in New Zealand! Man! The sights and sceneries are breathtaking! I want my RPG to be just like that! I want the players to appreciate the wonderful beauty of nature. And this is the best part - The color green of nature is relaxing to our eyes. By using the "Clear Lens Mode*" (*The Glass Phone will emit no LED light and will just become a see-through glass or an ordinary eye googles when worn.) of our smartphones, the gamers will have less eye strain and save more battery life.

Using AVR is definitely a Win-Win situation for me and to all the players.

In my fantasy adventure game, there will be no specific or cliché "Job Class" (For example: Knight, Wizard, Archer, Assassin, etc.). The Player's "Dream" (For example: Dancer, Singer, Action Star, Astronaut, Model, Cook, Hero, Adventurer, etc.) will be his or her "Title", and the A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Algorithm System will help them to achieve their dream. There will be no more need for "Grinding". There's no need to kill hundreds of thousands of monsters just to "Level Up", "Increase Stats", and become "Stronger". No. That's just tiresome! You can't do the same thing over and over again! That's so monotonous! Throw "Farming" out of the window! All the players in the Server of Iris will be strong (because of personal training, self-improvement lessons, and physical exercise).

There will be no "Weak", "Noob", "Troll", or "Cancer" Gamer because the Server of Iris will be user-friendly and very easy to play. All the players needs to do is to move (to generate energy wearing his/her Game Gear and earn money), walk, act, and turn their dreams into reality. And if they're feeling a little bit adventurous, they can go and do a quest, swing that sword, beat the monsters (only if the quest requires the player to do it), read the story, make new friends, enjoy, and have lots of fun! And while doing all of this stuff, the player earns real money! What could possibly be better than that? You're getting paid by doing the very thing you love! This will be the best game ever!


A game would never be "the best game ever" if it doesn't have an epic tale to back it up...

And so... We're finally here... The moment we've all been waiting for...

This is it... The Grand Story!


(Game Master's Point of View)

The name of our chosen hero is Lionel...

Well... It can be any name, or anyone, or everyone! It doesn't matter if you're an orphan, or street children, or a delinquent, or an out-of-school youth, or uneducated, or a country bumpkin, or jobless, or a nobody, or a loser.

Here in the Server of Iris, everyone is welcome.

Everyone has a unique story.

Everyone is a dreamer.

Everyone CAN achieve their dreams here.

And everyone, is a HERO.

But for now, I can only tell you one story. Obviously, I cannot tell a million stories all at once! So, let us choose Lionel, a young teenage boy, and make him a representative for all...


"Lionel, breakfast!"

"Yes Mom... Whoa... Bacon and eggs?! Ah... Mom, do we even have the money for these?"

"Why yes dear. Are you surprised?"

"Yes, Mom... But, how...?"

"Well, I have good news for you. Your father* has a new job! He's a blacksmith in Iris City! Isn't that great?"

"Wow! That's... Really great! Why didn't I know about this?"

"I wanted to tell you last night but you needed to rest. You have a big adventure today."

"Big adventure...?"

"Oh yes dear. Have you forgotten?"

"N-no... Not at all... I guess I'm not fully awake yet..."

"Now, eat your breakfast and get ready."

"Yes Mom... Thanks."

"You're welcome. Now here's your bag of supplies and don't forget your claymore* okay?"


That was a weird breakfast, but it's okay. In fact, it's alright! Full of surprises! I guess that's just the way things are now. I'm not quite used to it but anyway, at least I'm happy for my day had a great start. And that's good enough for me.

As I waved goodbye to my mom and started on my "adventure," I turned back and had a good look at our small house*. The roof is made of red stone tiles; the small chimney is made of white brick, the walls are made of white stone, the door is of thick orange wood, and on its sides are two tall windows. A big apple tree stood beside our house giving ample shade from the sun.

It really looked... Nice...

I continued walking on the worn path. I really don't know where I should be going, but I think this is better than no progress at all. I'll figure it out soon enough.

While trying to remember what my "big adventure" is all about, I can't help but notice the scenery around me. Everything looks bright and lively. The trees are ever so green, the leaves sparkled under the rays of sun and their trunks are ever so brown. The bushes are dark green and its flowers have so many colors. Nothing is the same. Everything is unique, colorful, and different. The sun is literally smiling and its warm, bright radiance is not prickly hot at all. The wind is cool and the sky, oh the sky! It's blue! It's ever so blue! With white, cottony clouds in so many different shapes and sizes.

Why do I feel like this is the first time I've seen this beautiful scenery? Am I that ignorant not to see it this way before?

What a feeling! I feel so light and so happy!

This is such a beautiful day! It's like... It beckons a start of something new!

(*Parents can also join in the Server of Iris to watch over their young children who wants to play the game.)

(*Claymore is a game gear equipment that looks exactly like a claymore sword. It's not sharp and it doesn't have any edges so the player wouldn't hurt himself or other players while using it. As a player swings this sword, it generates electrical energy that is then transferred wirelessly to the Server of Iris.)

(*There are houses for rent too in S.O.I. and families can live there. They are made of recycled container vans and they are painted in such a way by local artists so that it would look like an old-style house in a fantasy novel.)