
First encounter with the wrong.

I'm glad that they let me sleep in their house. I insisted I sleep on the couch, it isn't my home to take their only bed from them. Lilian's food was spectacular, the first food I ever had in the game of Yggdrasil or this world. It's safe to say that this isn't Yggdrasil anymore, I seem to have done the impossible. I was in a new world that wasn't earth or Yggdrasil. I'm in one I know nothing about.

The sun was just rising through the window's of the place to help my eye's adjust. Early morning is slightly cold, but my wing's are helping heat up my cold armor and body. When I was asleep, I experienced my first dream in this place. Flying as free as a bird isn't a dream for me anymore, but my mind still think's about.

I hear the voice's of the wonderful people who took me in for the night. "Should we prepare food for his journey this afternoon? It will certainly help him considering how hungry he was yesterday. He almost ate the whole pot." Lilian say's to her husband.

~~~(POV of Aaron)~~~

I hear my wife ask me a question after we get dressed. "I think that is a wonderful idea, I will have to hunt again tomorrow to restock after we supply him. It shouldn't be to hard though." I confirm for my wife. I don't know how I got so lucky with her and this amazing life we have.

I approach the door to the living room and hear some movement from Vita. He told us we can call him Vita, but it's disrespectful to not say someone's full name out loud. Even more so if the person is an angel, he is to humble and kind for his own good. Hopefully he isn't like that in a fight. That armor looked pretty powerful to, it looks like it can take hit's from the strongest magic we have to offer. That should be expected from something crafted in heaven.

I open the door and enter the living room. I see Vita is sitting on the couch and stretching his wing's, those are mighty big when open. We have a big house, but those are going from one side of the room to the next. They look strong and durable, a normal weapon probably won't work on those thing's.

I will say it is a huge honor to shelter an angel. I didn't grow up going to the churches, so I don't know much about the history of his heavenly race. He explained it pretty well yesterday, so I have a vague idea of how strong he is. Nothing mortal can harm him on our world.

I walk into the kitchen to help my wife with packing his supplies for his trip. I believe he has his mind made up on where he is going first, but I won't pry. I have no business interfering with his journey. He should be leaving in a couple of hour's, a little after twelve, he doesn't have to leave so early because he can get around pretty easily. So he decided to rest until the time come's.

~~~(POV of Lenny the wretch)~~~

We should reach that little house and bastard in a little bit more than two hour's. Should be right before twelve when we get there. It would have been sooner, but August held us up at multiple point's from fear of what might happen. I've never seen him like this before. I got to this point from listening to him, I should act with more caution when we get there. I won't let August's fear's stop this moment for me. To show that man I'm better than him.

"Listen everyone, when we get there stick to the plan. When we call them out of their house we will set it on fire so they can't run back in and grab magic item's like last time. We have charm's to deal with the one he carries." I order my men. I can see that they are eager for this to. Some of them are crazier than me when it come's to fighting so they will be the first one's to die. Underestimating that man was a mistake I won't make again.

~~~(POV Lyatt Folster)~~~

It's getting close to the time for me to head out for Loyts. Since it is the closest town it would be wise to head there first. I can get a map to, that would make my life so much easier. I should really thank Aaron and Lilian for sheltering me. I wouldn't die from the elements because I'm to strong, but hunger is another thing.

"I don't think I could have gotten an luckier finding you to help me Aaron." I say to Aaron. I look at Lilian. "And you kept me from starving so I owe you both favor's now." I finish talking to them.

"What kind of people would we be if we just say no to someone in need." Aaron say's to me. "It's because other's helped us that we find our live's the way it is now." He finishes saying with a happy smile on his face. Hopefully everyone I meet will be remotely close to this kind.

"I plan to head to Loyts and stay there for a couple of month's to find out what my next move is." I tell them. They are also giving me food for the roughly 2 day flight there. Aaron said I just have to show up at the local church and they will take care of me. I should expect some trouble, I can't fully hide my divine presence and hide my wing's. It won't be anything I can't handle, the greedy noble's and royalty I can handle. The fanatic's that might follow me around will be an annoyance though.

As I'm talking with them about who I can talk to and trust in Loyts we all hear footstep's from outside. Then we hear an agitated voice call out to Aaron.

"AARON GET OUT HERE YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! YOU DIDN'T THINK I FORGOT ABOUT YOU RIGHT?!?" A voice yell's as he interrupts the conversation we were having. I turn to Aaron with a questioning look.

"You got enemies all the way out here? How did you manage that." I say to Aaron. He clearly has a dire look on his face. It's seem's as though I may have an opportune moment here to repay the debt I owe them.

Aaron turn's to me and tell's me what is going on. "They are bandit's, they harass people like us because we are to far from the city. I took care of them last time, it look's like they finally regrouped and decided to come back." He finishes saying to me with a concerned voice.

I can see the worry he has. He by all mean's, look's like a capable fighter, but taking on a bunch of bandit's are hard for a regular person. I look to him and ask a question that will save his life. "Do you want me to take care of them for you?" I say in a calm and gentle tone so he really considers it. You never force your help on a man, it hurt's their pride, but if you offer it, they won't be blinded by the very same pride. At least most of the time, sometime's people can be stubborn.

He look's at me with a surprised look. "Why? You don't owe us anything." He say's in a humble voice. That is where you are wrong Aaron, so very wrong.

"You both just stay in here, I'll handle it." I say to them. Aaron drops his weapon on the table and his wife releases a held sigh of worry. "I'll make sure it's fast for them. I'll try not to leave a mess for you guy's to." I say to them. They have a surprised look, as if it's taboo I say such thing's.

"I WON'T WAIT ANY LONGER, IF YOU DON'T COME OUT I'LL BURN ALL OF THIS TO THE GROUND!!!" The man yells. It seem's he is running out of patients. So I shouldn't keep them waiting.

~~~(POV of August)~~~

I am currently shaking in my literal boot's. The power coming from that house is out of this world. The other magic caster's here can sense it. It's as if these are our last moment's here. 'What in God's name is creating that kind of power?' I think to myself. As I finish my thought, the door open's and I am overcome with dread as are the other caster's. What we see is an angel, a VERY POWERFUL one. The regular's fighter's without magic can't sense it as clearly, but we can.

I don't spend a single second waiting for something to happen. Instead I just turn around and run. You can die on your own Lenny, this job isn't worth my life. I run and run until I am out of view from the cabin. The angel only seemed interested in defending the cabin. Not chasing after a single man. I won't let foolish pride get in the way of living to see tomorrow.

~~~(POV of Lenny the wretch)~~~

As soon as he came out of that door, August ran for his life. I can't lie, when he looked at me, my leg's almost buckled underneath me. I can see the massive wing's on is back. He is definitely an angel, especially with that oppressing aura. Winged human's aren't capable of this kind of power. The important question's are. Why is is here, is he sentient or a puppet. I can only ask him myself.

"What are you!?!" I yell to him. I feel like I'm talking to my doom right now. How did that bastard Aaron summon such a powerful being. This isn't looking good.

"I am the Seraphim Amare Vita. I am here to kill you people, you, who would harm innocence like the Bluefoot's. Take a prayer to whatever god you worship human, you will die this day." As he utter's those word's I feel light headed and nauseousness. This thing isn't something human's can fight against. I have no way out of this. If only I had listen to August. I'm sorry for not listening to you.

He hold's his hand out to the side and a magnificent looking sword just form's like it's nothing. When I laid my eye's on that sword, I felt that the world is changing with it's presence's here. I prepare for the fight and we lift our weapon's. I look at him and his wing's spread out. What an intimidating site. Then it seemed to only get worse, 4 more giant wing's show up behind him, six wing's in total, I have only read what this truly mean's from when I was a child. He is an extremely powerful entity of heaven. Then everyone magic or not, they could feel the force of this power. The mage's were throwing up and losing balance. It seem's he released some of his suppressed power. He then spread them out and flex's them, and a divine pillar of light explode's from him, this power can kill thousand's in an instant. We can all see it, as he prepare's his stance to attack I put up a Guard. 'If I am to die then I will make sure....Why is everything dark and cold. What happened to everyone.' Then there was silence.

~~~(POV Lyatt Folster)~~~

Well that take's care of the leader. I say as his head is flying from is body. I should make this fast, I don't know what affect my magic has on the world since I'm not a normal being. I could also feel the world change after I took out The Light of Longinus. It seem's world item's have an affect here.

I look to the rest of them, some are running away and other's are on the ground begging for their live's. It's to late for that, I take my sword and quickly dispatch of the one's running away. This is gruesome, there are blood and gut's everywhere. I would have thrown up if it weren't for the power and adrenaline running through my body. So this is what it was like to be my character in Yggdrasil, gotta say. This is addicting. Hopefully Aaron and Lilian don't mind the....Well I'd say mess, but it's more like carnage. One of them got away early in the fight, I don't think he will be coming back here. It's safe to say it's handled now and everyone is dead. I have paid my debt back. I start to head back to the house and apologize for the mess. The look's one Aaron and Lilian's face's were that of shock. Probably because of how a divine being could be so brutal.

Now everyone got to see some action. Everyday Lyatt master's his body more and more, along with his power. It has become second nature. The man Lyatt folster and the Seraphim Amare Vita are now one being. I hope you liked the action scene I tried to make it as detailed as possible and show the gap in power to. Thanks for reading everyone!!!

ShadowChaoscreators' thoughts