
I'm Sorry

"I'm sorry, come again?" she asked, trying to hide her embarrassment. She scanned the menu she was holding, distracting her embarrassing stature.

"After we eat, let's inquire about the vacancy as a service crew. What do you think?" Oddette exclaimed.

She lifted up her head and looked at her best friend, "Yes, so we better order now because I heard my stomach rumbling," she said, giggling.

"Alright," her friend answered.

Emmie turned her head to look for a waiter when the man wearing the Lacoste white t-shirt she saw earlier stood next to Oddette.

Now she could see the guy from a closer angle.

His appearance seemed so alluring with his round black eyes blinking and pinkish lips moving. Not to mention that his t-shirt perfectly fits his sturdy chest that shows his firm muscles. Some of his veins showed up from his hand as he held a piece of paper and pen.

"Emmie, Em.." Again she felt the hands of Oddette which brought her back to reality. She felt embarrassed in front of her best friend and the guy standing in front of them. She wished the earth would just open up and swallow her.

"I'm sorry," she apologized and bowed her head.

"It's okay. It isn't my first time experiencing a lady being mesmerized by my looks," the man confidently uttered.

Her face turned into a frown, raising one of her eyebrows. She was indeed captivated by his beauty and even apologized however, she found him full of himself.

She immediately gave her order of a solo margarita pizza and a glass of tea while Oddette ordered seafood pizza and soda.

The man stared at him for a few seconds before leaving, mentioning that the food will arrive in half an hour prior to cooking.

Emmie didn't think he was the waiter in the shop, taking orders and standing to greet the customers. He wasn't wearing any uniform at all plus where is that other man he was talking to earlier?

She roamed her eyes to look at the same table, it was now occupied by three women; no signs of the other man.

"So how did it go with the rent advertisement?" Oddette asked.

"I haven't posted it yet. Can you help me?"

"Sure, after this job hunting," her friend said, giggling.

Actually, even if her best friend doesn't find a job, it won't be a problem for her. Her parents own a small convenience store in front of their house while her older brother is a seaman. Her sibling is five years older than her friend, added that he sends her money monthly.

The only reason Oddette was looking for a job together with her is just so she can accompany her.

She saw the man going to the table where the three women were sitting. She can see their faces lit up, enjoying each other's company. The way they giggled and smiled at each other made her irritated for some reason. It seems like the guy enjoys being seduced by those women and it's making her stomach hurl up.

"Em... Emmie, are you okay?" She shifted her gaze back to her best friend. She saw that Oddette was looking at her hand so she looked at herself; she was completely unaware that she already crumpled the menu.

"Oh geez," she mumbled to herself, straightening the menu back in its place.

"It's okay, Miss. you can leave it there. We can just fix it after closing time." His baritone voice sounded like music in her ears. She blinked several times, inattentive.

"Excuse me, where's your washroom?" Rather, she asked as she rose up from the chair. It's her way to escape from embarrassment.

"Just go straight to the counter and turn left," the man answered. She immediately motioned towards the place he pointed as he put down their food on the table.

Heading towards the washroom, she passed by the three women along the way. She could hear their giggling voices and whispers.

"He's so hot."

"Yes, you're right."

"Hey don't be ambitious; you know that I brought you here because I met him first before you bitches. Bear in mind that he's mine. I will rip alive whoever takes him from me."

Upon hearing those words, she stopped on her tracks for a second. She turned her head to take a peek on the people only to flinch when she saw the woman staring at her.

Emmie quickly made her way inside the washroom and upon arriving in front of the mirror, she took a deep sigh.

It was probably less than a minute when she was taking time inside. She heard a knock coming from the door to which she suddenly motioned with fear in her eyes.

She was thinking that she was in trouble for turning around and eavesdropping with those three women's conversation. Her heart started pounding hard, her breathe becoming rapid. When she turned to open the door, her eyes widened for a second.