
Running away

it's not about this he said to me let's focus on going for now

we have to run we have to get away from this place before they realise you are missing he said in panic

wanted to resist he dragged me along

we have to escape he said and so, we took to our heels

it's late and the rain is falling heavily this is a day to be remembered forever is it a to be marked in history

we ran and ran and ran until I was tired wanted to rest but he said no resting

strike strike strike strike

the the thunder was striking so fiercely

I can feel it as if the heavens are trying to communicate through the striking and the pouring of the rain

we ran so deep into the forest and by then I have run out of my breath

Please I can't continue running I said breathlessly

please hang on, we are already close to another village he tried to persuade

I don't think I can continue

I feel weak... I said breathlessly before I fell

He stopped. I am sorry!

We should wait a little then.

soon we heard the footsteps of people coming.

They are here! he panicked

We have to hide here okay. he said

and I nodded obediently

We hid behind a tree

Soon we could see them from were we are hiding.

What! what kind of creatures are they?

Humans with three heads.

Goosebumps rose all over my body.

Once upon a time I heard a tail of a strange land were evil spirits and all forms of evil creatures live. could it be here

His hands were shaking but he made a sign that says shut up and don't say anything.

After doing strange walk rounding themselves they walked away.

piewwww we both heaved.

He looked at me and say,

We are in the land of evil.

Just a few words and I can feel the ground quaking.

I was beyond shocked.

Osekereuwa! I looked up in the sky and muttered please save us.

The rain is falling heavily

This night is truly strange.

I feel something powerful

I can't believe we are in the dark land. The land that never sees light.