

Commander: ( shocked beyond words) drama no, manelesta avon

Meaning: If I pitied you before I wouldn't ever again, now I will show you the beast in me! he pointed at mama furiously

Mama: Hahaha where is that laughing face before? awww... suddenly you are becoming serious right? Hahaha bring it on that's what I wanted at the first place she mocked making a roaring sound with her eyes pure red

commander: Hash nada! ( he shouted gesturing with his hands)

meaning: 10 of you attack!

If I was easy on you before I wouldn't now!

Mama: Jumping: Hahaha I'm waiting for the attack, come on, bring it on.

So the fight began.... ... ....

... .... .... .... ..... .... ... ... ...

Rustle Rustle Rustle...

I could hear noise from where I am hiding. What could it be? and what's keeping mama for so long!

please be safe mama, I prayed as I shivered not wanting to think what my mind is bringing up


Back on the scene...

The battle has so much changed in as much as everyone's faces is filled with seriousness.

Ask me how come?

With the amount of legs, hands, noise, ear, or probably eyes littered on the floor and with blood and heat on everyone's body, you will know that this is a dangerous battle.

Klang! That's the sound of another cut on her back but she did not care one bit if it will take her life to keep her precious baby safe, she was going to do it

By this time some of the soldiers have reached near where I was

I tried to fight back but what's a woman strength to be compared to that of men?

so I was bound hands and feet and dragged where what I call war is taking place.

I see mama fighting furiously with bruises all over her. she has killed alot of people because they are many dead on the floor

what's happening?

Just then, one from the back wants to stab mama

Mama! I shouted with panic but it was too late.

Alas she was stabbed so deadly.

Wait! I wish this was a dream!

My heart started beating fast. My only family?

I don't know when tears made it's way to my face. It feels like my soul is being dragged out

This people could not care. Atlas they killed their foe but that person was my mama!


At the moment she heard her child's call turned back, only to see that she was bound. She wanted to go over and rescue her but alas she could not move because of the pain

When she finally fell, she could only watch her child being taken away

my child... my child as a drop of tears feel from her eyes

She remembered this was how her real child was taken away from her, she had only left to hunt and when she was back her husband and child were already taken away...

she cried for weeks, months.. only to later have a child she could cherish but once again she is taken!

Tears dropped as she blacked out

That night it began to rain